the symposium-第14部分
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t he be; who could endure so many toils and pains to hear his name proclaimed'78' victor in the 〃pankration。〃
'77' See 〃Mem。〃 II。 iii。 16; 〃Isocr。〃 189 C; {ph。 kai megalopsukhoi}。
'78' i。e。 〃by the public herald。〃
But what if the thought arose within him:'79' his it is not merely to add lustre to himself and to his father; but that he has ability; through help of manly virtue; to benefit his friends and to exalt his fatherland; by trophies which he will set up against our enemies in war;'80' whereby he will himself become the admired of all observers; nay; a name to be remembered among Hellenes and barbarians。'81' Would he not in that case; think you; make much of'82' one whom he regarded as his bravest fellow…worker; laying at his feet the greatest honours?
'79' Cf。 Theogn。 947:
{patrida kosmeso; liparen polin; out' epi demo trepsas out' adikois andrasi peithomenos}。
'80' Who in 421 B。C。 were of course the Lacedaemonians and the allies。 Autolycus was killed eventually by the Thirty to please the Lacedaemonian harmost。 See Plut。 〃Lysand。〃 15 (Clough; iii。 120); Paus。 i。 18。 3; ix。 32。 8。 Cf。 〃Hell。〃 II。 iii。 14。
'81' Cf。 〃Anab。〃 IV。 i。 20; 〃Mem。〃 III。 vi。 2。
'82' {periepein}。 Cf。 〃Cyrop。〃 IV。 iv。 12; 〃Mem。〃 II。 ix。 5。
If; then; you wish to be well…pleasing in his eyes; you had best inquire by what knowledge Themistocles'83' was able to set Hellas free。 You should ask yourself; what keen wit belonged to Pericles'83' that he was held to be the best adviser of his fatherland。 You should scan'84' the field of history to learn by what sage wisdom Solon'85' established for our city her consummate laws。 I would have you find the clue to that peculiar training by which the men of Lacedaemon have come to be regarded as the best of leaders。'86' Is it not at your house that their noblest citizens are lodged as representatives of a foreign state?'87'
'83' See 〃Mem。〃 II。 vi。 13; III。 vi。 2; IV。 ii。 2。
'84' For the diction; {skepteon; skepteon; aphreteon; ereuneteon; epistamenos; eidos; philosopheras}; Xenophon's rhetorical style imitates the {orthoepeia} of Prodicus。
'85' See 〃Econ。〃 xiv。 4。
'86' Or; 〃won for themselves at all hands the reputation of noblest generalship。〃 Cf。 〃Ages。〃 i。 3; 〃Pol。 Lac。〃 xiv。 3。
'87' Reading as vulg。 {proxenoi d' ei 。 。 。} or if with Schenkl; {proxenos d' ei 。 。 。} transl。 〃You are their consul…general; at your house their noblest citizens are lodged from time to time。〃 As to the office; cf。 Dem。 475。 10; 1237。 17; Thuc。 ii。 29; Boeckh; 〃P。 E。 A。〃 50。 Callias appears as the Lac。 {proxenos} (〃Hell。〃 V。 iv。 22) 378 B。C。; and at Sparta; 371 B。C。; as the peace commissioner (〃Hell。〃 VI。 iii。 3)。
Be sure that our state of Athens would speedily entrust herself to your direction were you willing。'88' Everything is in your favour。 You are of noble family; 〃eupatrid〃 by descent; a priest of the divinities;'89' and of Erechtheus' famous line;'90' which with Iacchus marched to encounter the barbarian。'91' And still; at the sacred festival to…day; it is agreed that no one among your ancestors has ever been more fitted to discharge the priestly office than yourself; yours a person the goodliest to behold in all our city; and a frame adapted to undergo great toils。
'88' Cf。 〃Mem。〃 III。 vii。
'89' i。e。 Demeter and Core。 Callias (see 〃Hell。〃 VI。 l。c。) was dadouchos (or torch…holder) in the mysteries。
'90' Or; 〃whose rites date back to Erechtheus。〃 Cf。 Plat。 〃Theag。〃 122。
'91' At Salamis。 The tale is told by Herod。 viii。 65; and Plut。 〃Themist。〃 15; cf。 Polyaen。 〃Strat。〃 iii。 11。 2。 Just as Themistocles had won the battle of Salamis by help of Iacchus on the 16th Boedromion; the first day of the mysteries; so Chabrias won the sea…fight of Naxos by help of the day itself; {to 'Alade mustai}; 376 B。C。
But if I seem to any of you to indulge a vein more serious than befits the wine…cup; marvel not。 It has long been my wont to share our city's passion for noble…natured souls; alert and emulous in pursuit of virtue。
He ended; and; while the others continued to discuss the theme of his discourse; Autolycus sat regarding Callias。 That other; glancing the while at the beloved one; turned to Socrates。
Call。 Then; Socrates; be pleased; as go…between;'92' to introduce me to the state; that I may employ myself in state affairs and never lapse from her good graces。'93'
'92' Lit。 〃as pander。〃
'93' So Critobulus in the conversation so often referred to。 〃Mem。〃 II。 vi。
Never fear (he answered); if only people see your loyalty to virtue is genuine;'94' not of mere repute。 A false renown indeed is quickly seen for what it is worth; being tested; but true courage'95' (save only what some god hinder) perpetually amidst the storm and stress of circumstance'96' pours forth a brighter glory。
'94' See 〃Mem。〃 I。 vii。 1; passim; II。 vi。 39; 〃Econ。〃 x。 9。
'95' Cf。 Thuc。 ii。 42; {andragathia}; 〃true courage in the public service covers a multitude of private shortcomings。〃
'96' {en tais praxesi}。 Cf。 Plat。 〃Phaedr。〃 271 D; 〃in actual life。〃
On such a note he ended his discourse。
At that; Autolycus; whose hour for walking exercise had now come; arose。 His father; Lycon; was about to leave the room along with him; but before so doing; turned to Socrates; remarking:
By Hera; Socrates; if ever any one deserved the appellation 〃beautiful and good;〃'1' you are that man!
'1' For {kalos ge kalathos} see 〃Econ。〃 vii。 2 and passim。
So the pair departed。 After they were gone; a sort of throne was first erected in the inner room abutting on the supper chamber。 Then the Syracusan entered; with a speech:
With your good pleasure; sirs; Ariadne is about to enter the bridal chamber set apart for her and Dionysus。 Anon Dionysus will appear; fresh from the table of the gods; wine…flushed; and enter to his bride。 In the last scene the two will play'2' with one another。
'2' {paixountai}。 The Syracusan naturally uses the Doric form。 See Cobet; 〃Pros。 Xen。〃 p。 16; note 23。 Rutherford; 〃N。 Phrynicus;〃 p。 91。
He had scarce concluded; when Ariadne entered; attired like a bride。 She crossed the stage and sate herself upon the throne。 Meanwhile; before the god himself appeared a sound of flutes was heard; the
cadence of the Bacchic air proclaimed his coming。
At this point the company broke forth in admiration of the ballet… master。 For no sooner did the sound of music strike upon the ear of Ariadne than something in her action revealed to all the pleasure which it caused her。 She did not step forward to meet her lover; she did not rise even from her seat; but the flutter of her unrest was plain to see。'3'
'3' Lit。 〃the difficulty she had to keep so still was evident。〃
When Dionysus presently caught sight of her he loved; lightly he danced towards her; and with show of tenderest passion gently reclined upon her knees; his arms entwined about her lovingly; and upon her lips he sealed a kiss;'4'she the while with most sweet bashfulness was fain to wind responsive arms about her lover; till the banqueters; the while they gazed all eyes; clapped hands and cried 〃Encore!〃 But when Dionysus rose upon his feet; and rising lifted Ariadne to her full height; the action of those lovers as they kissed and fondled one another was a thing to contemplate。'5' As to the spectators; they could see that Dionysus was indeed most beautiful; and Ariadne like some lovely blossom; nor were those mocking gestures; but real kisses sealed on loving lips; and so;'6' with hearts aflame; they gazed expectantly。 They could hear the question asked by Dionysus; did she love him? and her answer; as prettily she swore she did。 And withal so earnestly; not Dionysus only; but all present; had sworn an oath in common: the boy and girl were verily and indeed a pair of happy lovers。 So much less did they resemble actors; trained to certain gestures; than two beings bent on doing what for many a long day they had set their hearts on。
'4' Or; 〃and encircling his arms about her impressed upon her lips a kiss。〃
'5' Or; 〃then was it possible to see the more than mimic gestures。〃
'6' Or; 〃on the tiptoe of excitement。〃 Cf。 〃Hell。〃 III。 i。 14; iv。 2。
At last when these two lovers; caught in each other's arms; were seen to be retiring to the nuptial couch; the members of the supper party turned to withdraw themselves; and whilst those of them who were unmarried swore that they would wed; those who were wedded mounted their horses and galloped off to join their wives; in quest of married joys。
Only Socrates; and of the rest the few who still remained behind; anon set off with Callias; to see out Lycon and his son; and share the walk。
And so this supper party; assembled in honour of Autolycus; broke up。
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