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the bishop of borglum and his warriors

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the bishop of borglum and his warriors封面
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE BISHOP OF BORGLUM AND HIS WARRIORSby Hans Christian AndersenOUR scene is laid in Northern Jutland, in the so-called "wildmoor." We hear what is called the "Wester-wow-wow"- the peculiarroar of the North Sea as it breaks against the western coast ofJutland. It rolls and thunders with a sound that penetrates formiles into the land; and we are quite near the roaring. Before usrises a great mound of sand- a mountain we have long seen, and towardswhich we are wending our way, driving slowly along through the deepsand. On this mountain of sand is a lofty old building- the convent of...


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