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02-after the dance-第2部分

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pline of Emperor Nicolas I。

〃When we approached the door the colonel was
just refusing to dance; saying that he had quite for…
gotten how; but at that instant he smiled; swung
his arm gracefully around to the left; drew his
sword from its sheath; handed it to an obliging
young man who stood near; and smoothed his
suede glove on his right hand。

〃'Everything must be done according to rule;'
he said with a smile。  He took the hand of his
daughter; and stood one…quarter turned; waiting
for the music。

〃At the first sound of the mazurka; he stamped
one foot smartly; threw the other forward; and;
at first slowly and smoothly; then buoyantly and
impetuously; with stamping of feet and clicking of
boots; his tall; imposing figure moved the length
of the room。  Varinka swayed gracefully beside
him; rhythmically and easily; making her steps
short or long; with her little feet in their white satin

〃All the people in the room followed every
movement of the couple。  As for me I not only ad…
mired; I regarded them with enraptured sym…
pathy。  I was particularly impressed with the old
gentleman's boots。  They were not the modern
pointed affairs; but were made of cheap leather;
squared…toed; and evidently built by the regimental
cobbler。  In order that his daughter might dress
and go out in society; he did not buy fashionable
boots; but wore home…made ones; I thought; and
his square toes seemed to me most touching。  It
was obvious that in his time he had been a good
dancer; but now he was too heavy; and his legs had
not spring enough for all the beautiful steps he
tried to take。  Still; he contrived to go twice round
the room。  When at the end; standing with legs
apart; he suddenly clicked his feet together and fell
on one knee; a bit heavily; and she danced grace…
fully around him; smiling and adjusting her skirt;
the whole room applauded。

〃Rising with an effort; he tenderly took his
daughter's face between his hands。  He kissed her
on the forehead; and brought her to me; under the
impression that I was her partner for the mazurka。 
I said I was not。  'Well; never mind。 just go
around the room once with her;' he said; smil…
ing kindly; as he replaced his sword in the

〃As the contents of a bottle flow readily when
the first drop has been poured; so my love for
Varinka seemed to set free the whole force of lov…
ing within me。  In surrounding her it embraced the
world。  I loved the hostess with her diadem and
her shoulders like Elizabeth; and her husband and
her guests and her footmen; and even the engineer
Anisimov who felt peevish towards me。  As for
Varinka's father; with his home…made boots and
his kind smile; so like her own; I felt a sort of ten…
derness for him that was almost rapture。

〃After supper I danced the promised quadrille
with her; and though I had been infinitely happy
before; I grew still happier every moment。

〃We did not speak of love。  I neither asked
myself nor her whether she loved me。  It was
quite enough to know that I loved her。  And I had
only one fearthat something might come to in…
terfere with my great joy。

〃When I went home; and began to undress for
the night; I found it quite out of the question。
held the little feather out of her fan in my hand;
and one of her gloves which she gave me when I
helped her into the carriage after her mother。 
Looking at these things; and without closing my
eyes I could see her before me as she was for an
instant when she had to choose between two part…
ners。  She tried to guess what kind of person
was represented in me; and I could hear her
sweet voice as she said; 'Prideam I right?' and
merrily gave me her hand。  At supper she took the
first sip from my glass of champagne; looking at
me over the rim with her caressing glance。  But;
plainest of all; I could see her as she danced with
her father; gliding along beside him; and looking
at the admiring observers with pride and happi…

〃He and she were united in my mind in one
rush of pathetic tenderness。

〃I was living then with my brother; who has
since died。  He disliked going out; and never went
to dances; and besides; he was busy preparing for
his last university examinations; and was leading a
very regular life。  He was asleep。  I looked at
him; his head buried in the pillow and half covered
with the quilt; and I affectionately pitied him;
pitied him for his ignorance of the bliss I was ex…
periencing。  Our serf Petrusha had met me with a
candle; ready to undress me; but I sent him away。 
His sleepy face and tousled hair seemed to me so
touching。  Trying not to make a noise; I went to
my room on tiptoe and sat down on my bed。  No;
I was too happy; I could not sleep。  Besides; it
was too hot in the rooms。  Without taking off my
uniform; I went quietly into the hall; put on my
overcoat; opened the front door and stepped out
into the street。

〃It was after four when I had left the ball;
going home and stopping there a while had occu…
pied two hours; so by the time I went out it was
dawn。  It was regular carnival weatherfoggy;
and the road full of water…soaked snow just melt…
ing; and water dripping from the eaves。  Varin…
ka's family lived on the edge of town near a large
field; one end of which was a parade ground:  at
the other end was a boarding…school for young
ladies。  I passed through our empty little street
and came to the main thoroughfare; where I met
pedestrians and sledges laden with wood; the run…
ners grating the road。  The horses swung with
regular paces beneath their shining yokes; their
backs covered with straw mats and their heads wet
with rain; while the drivers; in enormous boots;
splashed through the mud beside the sledges。  All
this; the very horses themselves; seemed to me
stimulating and fascinating; full of suggestion。

〃When I approached the field near their house;
I saw at one end of it; in the direction of the pa…
rade ground; something very huge and black; and
I heard sounds of fife and drum proceeding from
it。 My heart had been full of song; and I had
heard in imagination the tune of the mazurka;
but this was very harsh music。  It was not pleas…

〃'What can that be?' I thought; and went
towards the sound by a slippery path through the
centre of the field。  Walking about a hundred
paces; I began to distinguish many black objects
through the mist。  They were evidently soldiers。
'It is probably a drill;' I thought。

〃So I went along in that direction in company
with a blacksmith; who wore a dirty coat and an
apron; and was carrying something。  He walked
ahead of me as we approached the place。  The
soldiers in black uniforms stood in two rows; fac…
ing each other motionless; their guns at rest。  Be…
hind them stood the fifes and drums; incessantly
repeating the same unpleasant tune。

〃'What are they doing?' I asked the black…
smith; who halted at my side。

〃'A Tartar is being beaten through the ranks
for his attempt to desert;' said the blacksmith in
an angry tone; as he looked intently at the far end
of the line。

〃I looked in the same direction; and saw be…
tween the files something horrid approaching me。 
The thing that approached was a man; stripped
to the waist; fastened with cords to the guns of two
soldiers who were leading him。  At his side an
officer in overcoat and cap was walking; whose
figure had a familiar look。  The victim advanced
under the blows that rained upon him from both
sides; his whole body plunging; his feet dragging
through the snow。  Now he threw himself back…
ward; and the subalterns who led him thrust him
forward。  Now he fell forward; and they pulled
him up short; while ever at his side marched the
tall officer; with firm and nervous pace。  It was
Varinka's father; with his rosy face and white

〃At each stroke the man; as if amazed; turned
his face; grimacing with pain; towards the side
whence the blow came; and showing his white teeth
repeated the same words over and over。  But I
could only hear what the words were when he came
quite near。  He did not speak them; he sobbed
them out;

〃'Brothers; have mercy on me! Brothers; have
mercy on me!' But the brothers had; no mercy;
and when the procession came close to me; I saw
how a soldier who stood opposite me took a firm
step forward and lifting his stick with a whirr;
brought it down upon the man's back。  The man
plunged forward; but the subalterns pulled him
back; and another blow came down from the other
side; then from this side and then from the other。 
The colonel marched beside him; and looking now
at his feet and now at the man; inhaled the air;
puffed out his cheeks; and breathed it out between
his protruded lips。  When they passed the place
where I stood; I caught a glimpse between the two
files of the back of the man that was being pun…
ished。  It was something so many…coloured; wet;
red; unnatural; that I could hardly believe it was a
human body。

〃'My God!' muttered the blacksmith。

The procession moved farther away。  The
blows continued to rain upon the writhing; falling
creature; the fifes shrilled and the drums beat; and
the tall imposing figure of the colonel moved alo
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