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la mere bauche

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la mere bauche封面
La Mere Baucheby Anthony TrollopeThe Pyreneean valley in which the baths of Vernet are situated is notmuch known to English, or indeed to any travellers. Tourists insearch of good hotels and picturesque beauty combined, do notgenerally extend their journeys to the Eastern Pyrenees. They rarelyget beyond Luchon; and in this they are right, as they thus end theirperegrinations at the most lovely spot among these mountains, and areas a rule so deceived, imposed on, and bewildered by guides,innkeepers, and horse-owners, at this otherwise delightful place, asto become undesirous of further travel. Nor do invalids from distantparts frequent Vernet. People of fashion go to the Eaux Bonnes and.


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