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there is no escape。  What relates to them is the first and last

word in the way of truth。  Whatever then were most primal and

enveloping and deeply true might at this rate be treated as

godlike; and a man's religion might thus be identified with his

attitude; whatever it might be; toward what he felt to be the

primal truth。

Such a definition as this would in a way be defensible。 Religion;

whatever it is; is a man's total reaction upon life; so why not

say that any total reaction upon life is a religion? Total

reactions are different from casual reactions; and total

attitudes are different from usual or professional attitudes。  To

get at them you must go behind the foreground of existence and

reach down to that curious sense of the whole residual cosmos as

an everlasting presence; intimate or alien; terrible or amusing;

lovable or odious; which in some degree everyone possesses。  This

sense of the world's presence; appealing as it does to our

peculiar individual temperament; makes us either strenuous or

careless; devout or blasphemous; gloomy or exultant; about life

at large; and our reaction; involuntary and inarticulate and

often half unconscious as it is; is the completest of all our

answers to the question; 〃What is the character of this universe

in which we dwell?〃  It expresses our individual sense of it in

the most definite way。  Why then not call these reactions our

religion; no matter what specific character they may have? 

Non…religious as some of these reactions may be; in one sense of

the word 〃religious;〃 they yet belong to THE GENERAL SPHERE OF

THE RELIGIOUS LIFE; and so should generically be classed as

religious reactions。  〃He believes in No…God; and he worships

him;〃 said a colleague of mine of a student who was manifesting a

fine atheistic ardor; and the more fervent opponents of Christian

doctrine have often enough shown a temper which; psychologically

considered; is indistinguishable from religious zeal。

But so very broad a use of the word 〃religion〃 would be

inconvenient; however defensible it might remain on logical

grounds。  There are trifling; sneering attitudes even toward the

whole of life; and in some men these attitudes are final and

systematic。  It would strain the ordinary use of language too

much to call such attitudes religious; even though; from the

point of view of an unbiased critical philosophy; they might

conceivably be perfectly reasonable ways of looking upon life。 

Voltaire; for example; writes thus to a friend; at the age of

seventy…three:  〃As for myself;〃 he says; 〃weak as I am; I carry

on the war to the last moment; I get a hundred pike…thrusts; I

return two hundred; and I laugh。  I see near my door Geneva on

fire with quarrels over nothing; and I laugh again; and; thank

God; I can look upon the world as a farce even when it becomes as

tragic as it sometimes does。 All comes out even at the end of the

day; and all comes out still more even when all the days are


Much as we may admire such a robust old gamecock spirit in a

valetudinarian; to call it a religious spirit would be odd。  Yet

it is for the moment Voltaire's reaction on the whole of life。 

Je me'n fiche is the vulgar French equivalent for our English

ejaculation 〃Who cares?〃   And the happy term je me'n fichisme

recently has been invented to designate the systematic

determination not to take anything in  life too solemnly。 

〃All is vanity〃 is the relieving word in all difficult crises for

this mode of thought; which that exquisite literary genius Renan

took pleasure; in his later days of sweet decay; in putting into

coquettishly sacrilegious forms which remain to us as excellent

expressions of the 〃all is vanity〃 state of mind。  Take the

following passage; for examplewe must hold to duty; even

against the evidence; Renan saysbut he then goes on:

〃There are many chances that the world may be nothing but a fairy

pantomime of which no God has care。  We must therefore arrange

ourselves so that on neither hypothesis we shall be completely

wrong。  We must listen to the superior voices; but in such a way

that if the second hypothesis were true we should not have been

too completely duped。  If in effect the world be not a serious

thing; it is the dogmatic people who will be the shallow ones;

and the worldly minded whom the theologians now call frivolous

will be those who are really wise。

〃In utrumque paratus; then。  Be ready for anythingthat perhaps

is wisdom。  Give ourselves up; according to the hour; to

confidence; to skepticism; to optimism; to irony and we may be

sure that at certain moments at least we shall be with the truth。

。 。 。  Good…humor is a philosophic state of mind; it seems to say

to Nature that we take her no more seriously than she takes us。 

I maintain that one should always talk of philosophy with a

smile。  We owe it to the Eternal to be virtuous but we have the

right to add to this tribute our irony as a sort of personal

reprisal。  In this way we return to the right quarter jest for

jest; we play the trick that has been played on us。 Saint

Augustine's phrase:  Lord; if we arc deceived; it is by thee!

remains a fine one; well suited to our modern feeling。  Only we

wish the Eternal to know that if we accept the fraud; we accept

it knowingly and willingly。  We are resigned in advance to losing

the interest on our investments of virtue; but we wish not to

appear ridiculous by having counted on them too securely。〃'12'

'12' Feuilles detachees; pp。 394…398 (abridged)。

Surely all the usual associations of the word 〃religion〃 would

have to be stripped away if such a systematic parti pris of irony

were also to be denoted by the name。  For common men 〃religion;〃

whatever more special meanings it may have; signifies always a

SERIOUS state of mind。  If any one phrase could gather its

universal message; that phrase would be; 〃All is not vanity in

this Universe; whatever the appearances may suggest。〃  If it can

stop anything; religion as commonly apprehended can stop just

such chaffing talk as Renan's。  It favors gravity; not pertness;

it says 〃hush〃 to all vain chatter and smart wit。

But if hostile to light irony; religion is equally hostile to

heavy grumbling and complaint。  The world appears tragic enough

in some religions; but the tragedy is realized as purging; and a

way of deliverance is held to exist。 We shall see enough of the

religious melancholy in a future lecture; but melancholy;

according to our ordinary use of language; forfeits all title to

be called religious when; in Marcus Aurelius's racy words; the

sufferer simply lies kicking and screaming after the fashion of a

sacrificed pig。  The mood of a Schopenhauer or a Nietzscheand

in a less degree one may sometimes say the same of our own sad

Carlylethough often an ennobling sadness; is almost as often

only peevishness running away with the bit between its teeth。 

The sallies of the two German authors remind one; half the time;

of the sick shriekings of two dying rats。  They lack the

purgatorial note which religious sadness gives forth。

There must be something solemn; serious; and tender about any

attitude which we denominate religious。  If glad; it must not

grin or snicker; if sad; it must not scream or curse。  It is

precisely as being SOLEMN experiences that I wish to interest you

in religious experiences。  So I proposearbitrarily again; if

you pleaseto narrow our definition once more by saying that the

word 〃divine;〃 as employed therein; shall mean for us not merely

the primal and enveloping and real; for that meaning if taken

without restriction might prove too broad。  The divine shall mean

for us only such a primal reality as the individual feels

impelled to respond to solemnly and gravely; and neither by a

curse nor a jest。

But solemnity; and gravity; and all such emotional attributes;

admit of various shades; and; do what we will with our defining;

the truth must at last be confronted that we are dealing with a

field of experience where there is not a single conception that

can be sharply drawn。  The pretension; under such conditions; to

be rigorously 〃scientific〃 or 〃exact〃 in our terms would only

stamp us as lacking in understanding of our task。  Things are

more or less divine; states of mind are more or less religious;

reactions are
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