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Lecture XIX


We have wound our way back; after our excursion through mysticism

and philosophy; to where we were before:  the uses of religion;

its uses to the individual who has it; and the uses of the

individual himself to the world; are the best arguments that

truth is in it。  We return to the empirical philosophy:  the true

is what works well; even though the qualification 〃on the whole〃

may always have to be added。  In this lecture we must revert to

description again; and finish our picture of the religious

consciousness by a word about some of its other characteristic

elements。  Then; in a final lecture; we shall be free to make a

general review and draw our independent conclusions。

The first point I will speak of is the part which the aesthetic

life plays in determining one's choice of a religion。  Men; I

said awhile ago; involuntarily intellectualize their religious

experience。  They need formulas; just as they need fellowship in

worship。  I spoke; therefore; too contemptuously of the pragmatic

uselessness of the famous scholastic list of attributes of the

deity; for they have one use which I neglected to consider。  The

eloquent passage in which Newman enumerates them'301' puts us on

the track of it。  Intoning them as he would intone a cathedral

service; he shows how high is their aesthetic value。  It enriches

our bare piety to carry these exalted and mysterious verbal

additions just as it enriches a church to have an organ and old

brasses; marbles and frescoes and stained windows。  Epithets lend

an atmosphere and overtones to our devotion。  They are like a

hymn of praise and service of glory; and may sound the more

sublime for being incomprehensible。  Minds like Newman's'302'

grow as jealous of their credit as heathen priests are of that of

the jewelry and ornaments that blaze upon their idols。

'301' Idea of a University; Discourse III。  Section 7。

'302' Newman's imagination so innately craved an ecclesiastical

system that he can write:  〃From the age of fifteen; dogma has

been the fundamental principle of my religion:  I know no other

religion; I cannot enter into the idea of any other sort of

religion。〃  And again speaking of himself about the age of

thirty; he writes:  〃I loved to act as feeling myself in my

Bishop's sight; as if it were the sight of God。〃  Apologia; 1897;

pp。 48; 50。

Among the buildings…out of religion which the mind spontaneously

indulges in; the aesthetic motive must never be forgotten。  I

promised to say nothing of ecclesiastical systems in these

lectures。  I may be allowed; however; to put in a word at this

point on the way in which their satisfaction of certain aesthetic

needs contributes to their hold on human nature。  Although some

persons aim most at intellectual purity and simplification; for

others RICHNESS is the supreme imaginative requirement。'303' When

one's mind is strongly of this type; an individual religion will

hardly serve the purpose。 The inner need is rather of something

institutional and complex; majestic in the hierarchic

interrelatedness of its parts; with authority descending from

stage to stage; and at every stage objects for adjectives of

mystery and splendor; derived in the last resort from the Godhead

who is the fountain and culmination of the system。  One feels

then as if in presence of some vast incrusted work of jewelry or

architecture; one hears the multitudinous liturgical appeal; one

gets the honorific vibration coming from every quarter。  Compared

with such a noble complexity; in which ascending and descending

movements seem in no way to jar upon stability; in which no

single item; however humble; is insignificant; because so many

august institutions hold it in its place; how flat does

evangelical Protestantism appear; how bare the atmosphere of

those isolated religious lives whose boast it is that 〃man in the

bush with God may meet。〃'304' What a pulverization and leveling

of what a gloriously piled…up structure!  To an imagination used

to the perspectives of dignity and glory; the naked gospel scheme

seems to offer an almshouse for a palace。

'303' The intellectual difference is quite on a par in practical

importance with the analogous difference in character。  We saw;

under the head of Saintliness; how some characters resent

confusion and must live in purity; consistency; simplicity

(above; p。 275 ff。)。  For others; on the contrary;

superabundance; over…pressure; stimulation; lots of superficial

relations; are indispensable。  There are men who would suffer a

very syncope if you should pay all their debts; bring it about

that their engagements had been kept; their letters answered

their perplexities relieved; and their duties fulfilled; down to

one which lay on a clean table under their eyes with nothing to

interfere with its immediate performance。  A day stripped so

staringly bare would be for them appalling。  So with ease;

elegance; tributes of affection; social recognitionssome of us

require amounts of these things which to others would appear a

mass of lying and sophistication。

'304' In Newman's Lectures on Justification Lecture VIII。 

Section 6; there is a splendid passage expressive of this

aesthetic way of feeling the Christian scheme。  It is

unfortunately too long to quote。

It is much like the patriotic sentiment of those brought up in

ancient empires。  How many emotions must be frustrated of their

object; when one gives up the titles of dignity; the crimson

lights and blare of brass; the gold embroidery; the plumed

troops; the fear and trembling; and puts up with a president in a

black coat who shakes hands with you; and comes; it may be; from

a 〃home〃 upon a veldt or prairie with one sitting…room and a

Bible on its centre…table。  It pauperizes the monarchical


The strength of these aesthetic sentiments makes it rigorously

impossible; it seems to me; that Protestantism; however superior

in spiritual profundity it may be to Catholicism; should at the

present day succeed in making many converts from the more

venerable ecclesiasticism。  The latter offers a so much richer

pasturage and shade to the fancy; has so many cells with so many

different kinds of honey; is so indulgent in its multiform

appeals to human nature; that Protestantism will always show to

Catholic eyes the almshouse physiognomy。  The bitter negativity

of it is to the Catholic mind incomprehensible。  To intellectual

Catholics many of the antiquated beliefs and practices to which

the Church gives countenance are; if taken literally; as childish

as they are to Protestants。  But they are childish in the

pleasing sense of 〃childlike〃innocent and amiable; and worthy

to be smiled on in consideration of the undeveloped condition of

the dear people's intellects。  To the Protestant; on the

contrary; they are childish in the sense of being idiotic

falsehoods。  He must stamp out their delicate and lovable

redundancy; leaving the Catholic to shudder at his literalness。 

He appears to the latter as morose as if he were some hard…eyed;

numb; monotonous kind of reptile。  The two will never understand

each othertheir centres of emotional energy are too different。 

Rigorous truth and human nature's intricacies are always in need

of a mutual interpreter。'305' So much for the aesthetic

diversities in the religious consciousness。

'305' Compare the informality of Protestantism; where the 〃meek

lover of the good;〃 alone with his God; visits the sick; etc。;

for their own sakes; with the elaborate 〃business〃 that goes on

in Catholic devotion; and carries with it the social excitement

of all more complex businesses。  An essentially worldly…minded

Catholic woman can become a visitor of the sick on purely

coquettish principles; with her confessor and director; her

〃merit〃 storing up; her patron saints; her privileged relation to

the Almighty; drawing his attention as a professional devote; her

definite 〃exercises;〃 and her definitely recognized social pose

in the organization。

In most books on religion; three things are represented as its

most essential elements。  These are Sacrifice; Confession; and

Prayer。  I must say a word in turn of each of these elements;

though briefly。  First of Sacrifice。

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