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be brought forward。  The highest resources of worldly wisdom are

unable to attain that which; under divine leading; comes to us of

its own accord。〃'317'

'317' C。 Hilty:  Gluck; Dritter Theil; 1900; pp。 92 ff。

Such accounts as this shade away into others where the belief is;

not that particular events are tempered more towardly to us by a

superintending providence; as a reward for our reliance; but that

by cultivating the continuous sense of our connection with the

power that made things as they are; we are tempered more towardly

for their reception。  The outward face of nature need not alter;

but the expressions of meaning in it alter。  It was dead and is

alive again。 It is like the difference between looking on a

person without love; or upon the same person with love。  In the

latter case intercourse springs into new vitality。  So when one's

affections keep in touch with the divinity of the world's

authorship; fear and egotism fall away; and in the equanimity

that follows; one finds in the hours; as they succeed each other;

a series of purely benignant opportunities。  It is as if all

doors were opened; and all paths freshly smoothed。  We meet a new

world when we meet the old world in the spirit which this kind of

prayer infuses。

Such a spirit was that of Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus。'318'  It

is that of mind…curers; of the transcendentalists; and of the

so…called 〃liberal〃 Christians。  As an expression of it; I will

quote a page from one of Martineau's sermons:

'318' 〃Good Heaven!〃 says Epictetus; 〃any one thing in the

creation is sufficient to demonstrate a Providence; to a humble

and grateful mind。  The mere possibility of producing milk from

grass; cheese from milk; and wool from skins; who formed and

planned it?  Ought we not; whether we dig or plough or eat; to

sing this hymn to God?  Great is God; who has supplied us with

these instruments to till the ground; great is God; who has given

us hands and instruments of digestion; who has given us to grow

insensibly and to breathe in sleep。  These things we ought

forever to celebrate。 。 。 。 But because the most of you are

blind and insensible; there must be some one to fill this

station; and lead; in behalf of all men; the hymn to God; for

what else can I do; a lame old man; but sing hymns to God?  Were

I a nightingale; I would act the part of a nightingale; were I a

swan; the part of a swan。  But since I am a reasonable creature;

it is my duty to praise God 。 。 。 and I call on you to join the

same song。〃 Works; book i。 ch。 xvi。; Carter…Higginson

(translation) abridged。

〃The universe; open to the eye to…day; looks as it did a thousand

years ago:  and the morning hymn of Milton does but tell the

beauty with which our own familiar sun dressed the earliest

fields and gardens of the world。  We see what all our fathers

saw。  And if we cannot find God in your house or in mine; upon

the roadside or the margin of the sea; in the bursting seed or

opening flower; in the day duty or the night musing; in the

general laugh and the secret grief; in the procession of life;

ever entering afresh; and solemnly passing by and dropping off; I

do not think we should discern him any more on the grass of Eden;

or beneath the moonlight of Gethsemane。  Depend upon it; it is

not the want of greater miracles; but of the soul to perceive

such as are allowed us still; that makes us push all the

sanctities into the far spaces we cannot reach。  The devout feel

that wherever God's hand is; THERE is miracle:  and it is simply

an indevoutness which imagines that only where miracle is; can

there be the real hand of God。  The customs of Heaven ought

surely to be more sacred in our eyes than its anomalies; the dear

old ways; of which the Most High is never tired; than the strange

things which he does not love well enough ever to repeat。  And he

who will but discern beneath the sun; as he rises any morning;

the supporting finger of the Almighty; may recover the sweet and

reverent surprise with which Adam gazed on the first dawn in

Paradise。  It is no outward change; no shifting in time or place;

but only the loving meditation of the pure in heart; that can

reawaken the Eternal from the sleep within our souls:  that can

render him a reality again; and reassert for him once more his

ancient name of 'the Living God。'〃'319'

'319' James Martineau:  end of the sermon 〃Help Thou Mine

Unbelief;〃 in Endeavours after a Christian Life; 2d series。 

Compare with this page the extract from Voysey on p。 270; above;

and those from Pascal and Madame Guyon on p。 281。

When we see all things in God; and refer all things to him; we

read in common matters superior expressions of meaning。  The

deadness with which custom invests the familiar vanishes; and

existence as a whole appears transfigured。 The state of a mind

thus awakened from torpor is well expressed in these words; which

I take from a friend's letter:

〃If we occupy ourselves in summing up all the mercies and

bounties we are privileged to have; we are overwhelmed by their

number (so great that we can imagine ourselves unable to give

ourselves time even to begin to review the things we may imagine

WE HAVE NOT)。  We sum them and realize that WE ARE ACTUALLY

KILLED WITH GOD'S KINDNESS; that we are surrounded by bounties

upon bounties; without which all would fall。  Should we not love

it; should we not feel buoyed up by the Eternal Arms?〃

Sometimes this realization that facts are of divine sending;

instead of being habitual; is casual; like a mystical experience。 

Father Gratry gives this instance from his youthful melancholy


〃One day I had a moment of consolation; because I met with

something which seemed to me ideally perfect。  It was a poor

drummer beating the tattoo in the streets of Paris。  I walked

behind him in returning to the school on the evening of a

holiday。 His drum gave out the tattoo in such a way that; at that

moment at least; however peevish I were; I could find no pretext

for fault…finding。  It was impossible to conceive more nerve or

spirit; better time or measure; more clearness or richness; than

were in this drumming。  Ideal desire could go no farther in that

direction。  I was enchanted and consoled; the perfection of this

wretched act did me good。  Good is at least possible; I said。

since the ideal can thus sometimes get embodied。〃'320'

'320' Souvenirs de ma Jeunesse; 1897; p。 122。

In Senancour's novel of Obermann a similar transient lifting of

the veil is recorded。  In Paris streets; on a March day; he comes

across a flower in bloom; a jonquil:

〃It was the strongest expression of desire:  it was the first

perfume of the year。  I felt all the happiness destined for man。

This unutterable harmony of souls; the phantom of the ideal

world; arose in me complete。  I never felt anything so great or

so instantaneous。  I know not what shape; what analogy; what

secret of relation it was that made me see in this flower a

limitless beauty。 。 。 。  I shall never inclose in a conception

this power; this immensity that nothing will express; this form

that nothing will contain; this ideal of a better world which one

feels; but which; it seems; nature has not made actual。〃'321'

'321' Op。 cit。; Letter XXX。

We heard in previous lectures of the vivified face of the world

as it may appear to converts after their awakening。'322' As a

rule; religious persons generally assume that whatever natural

facts connect themselves in any way with their destiny are

significant of the divine purposes with them。 Through prayer

the purpose; often far from obvious; comes home to them; and if

it be 〃trial;〃 strength to endure the trial is given。  Thus at

all stages of the prayerful life we find the persuasion that in

the process of communion energy from on high flows in to meet

demand; and becomes operative within the phenomenal world。  So

long as this operativeness is admitted to be real; it makes no

essential difference whether its immediate effects be subjective

or objective。 The fundamental religious point is that in prayer;

spiritual energy; which otherwise would slumber; does become

active; and spiritual work of some kind is effected really。

'322' Above; p。 24
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