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insight; a most manifest energy in all that was to be done;

having such effect on my mind as the clearest ocular

demonstration would have on the eyes。〃'327'

'327' Quoted by Augustus Clissold:  The Prophetic Spirit in

Genius and Madness; 1870; p。 67。  Mr。 Clissold is a

Swedenborgian。  Swedenborg's case is of course the palmary one of

audita et visa; serving as a basis of religious revelation。

If we turn to Islam; we find that Mohammed's revelations all came

from the subconscious sphere。  To the question in what way he got


〃Mohammed is said to have answered that sometimes he heard a

knell as from a bell; and that this had the strongest effect on

him; and when the angel went away; he had received the

revelation。  Sometimes again he held converse with the angel as

with a man; so as easily to understand his words。  The later

authorities; however; 。 。 。 distinguish still other kinds。  In

the Itgan (103) the following are enumerated:  1; revelations

with sound of bell; 2; by inspiration of the holy spirit in M。's

heart; 3; by Gabriel in human form; 4; by God immediately; either

when awake (as in his journey to heaven) or in dream。 。 。 。 In

Almawahib alladuniya the kinds are thus given:  1; Dream; 2;

Inspiration of Gabriel in the Prophet's heart; 3; Gabriel taking

Dahya's form; 4; with the bell…sound; etc。; 5; Gabriel in propria

persona (only twice); 6; revelation in heaven; 7; God appearing

in person; but veiled; 8; God revealing himself immediately

without veil。  Others add two other stages; namely:  1; Gabriel

in the form of still another man; 2; God showing himself

personally in dream。〃'328'

'328' Noldeke; Geschichte des Qorans; 1860; p。 16。  Compare the

fuller account in Sir William Muir's:  Life of Mahomet; 3d ed。;

1894; ch。 iii。

In none of these cases is the revelation distinctly motor。 In the

case of Joseph Smith (who had prophetic revelations innumerable

in addition to the revealed translation of the  gold plates

which resulted in the Book of Mormon); although there may have

been a motor element; the inspiration seems to have been

predominantly sensorial。  He began his translation by the aid of

the 〃peep…stones〃 which he found; or thought or said that he

found; with the gold plates apparently a case of 〃crystal

gazing。〃  For some of the other revelations he used the

peep…stones; but seems generally to have asked the Lord for more

direct instruction。'329'

'329' The Mormon theocracy has always been governed by direct

revelations accorded to the President of the Church and its

Apostles。  From an obliging letter written to me in 1899 by an

eminent Mormon; I quote the following extract:

〃It may be very interesting for you to know that the President

'Mr。 Snow' of the Mormon Church claims to have had a number of

revelations very recently from heaven。  To explain fully what

these revelations are; it is necessary to know that we; as a

people; believe that the Church of Jesus Christ has again been

established through messengers sent from heaven。  This Church has

at its head a prophet seer; and revelator; who gives to man God's

holy will。  Revelation is the means through which the will of God

is declared directly and in fullness to man。  These revelations

are got through dreams of sleep or in waking visions of the mind;

by voices without visional appearance or by actual manifestations

of the Holy Presence before the eye。  We believe that God has

come in person and spoken to our prophet and revelator。〃

Other revelations are described as 〃openings〃Fox's; for

example; were evidently of the kind known in spiritistic circles

of to…day as 〃impressions。〃  As all effective initiators of

change must needs live to some degree upon this psychopathic

level of sudden perception or conviction of new truth; or of

impulse to action so obsessive that it must be worked off; I will

say nothing more about so very common a phenomenon。

When; in addition to these phenomena of inspiration; we take

religious mysticism into the account; when we recall the striking

and sudden unifications of a discordant self which we saw in

conversion; and when we review the extravagant obsessions of

tenderness; purity; and self…severity met with in saintliness; we

cannot; I think; avoid the conclusion that in religion we have a

department of human nature with unusually close relations to the

transmarginal or subliminal region。  If the word 〃subliminal〃 is

offensive to any of you; as smelling too much of psychical

research or other aberrations; call it by any other name you

please; to distinguish it from the level of full sunlit

consciousness。  Call this latter the A…region of personality; if

you care to; and call the other the B…region。  The B…region;

then; is obviously the larger part of each of us; for it is the

abode of everything that is latent and the reservoir of

everything that passes unrecorded or unobserved。  It contains;

for example; such things as all our momentarily inactive

memories; and it harbors the springs of all our obscurely motived

passions; impulses; likes; dislikes; and prejudices。  Our

intuitions; hypotheses; fancies; superstitions; persuasions;

convictions; and in general all our non…rational operations; come

from it。  It is the source of our dreams; and apparently they may

return to it。  In it arise whatever mystical experiences we may

have; and our automatisms; sensory or motor; our life in hypnotic

and 〃hypnoid〃 conditions; if we are subjects to such conditions;

our delusions; fixed ideas; and hysterical accidents; if we are

hysteric subjects; our supra…normal cognitions; if such there be;

and if we are telepathic subjects。  It is also the fountain…head

of much that feeds our religion。 In persons deep in the religious

life; as we have now abundantly seenand this is my

conclusionthe door into this region seems unusually wide open;

at any rate; experiences making their entrance through that door

have had emphatic influence in shaping religious history。

With this conclusion I turn back and close the circle which I

opened in my first lecture; terminating thus the review which I

then announced of inner religious phenomena as we find them in

developed and articulate human individuals。  I might easily; if

the time allowed; multiply both my documents and my

discriminations; but a broad treatment is; I believe; in itself

better; and the most important characteristics of the subject

lie; I think; before us already。 In the next lecture; which is

also the last one; we must try to draw the critical conclusions

which so much material may suggest。

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