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gratitude; gave his son the consulship of the next year; shortly after
whose entrance upon his office; there being some business on foot
about provision for the war; his father; either by reason of age and
infirmity; or perhaps out of design to try his son; came up to him
on horseback。 While he was still at a distance; the young consul
observed it; and bade one of his lictors command his father to alight;
and tell him if he had any business with the consul; he should come on
foot。 The standers…by seemed offended at the imperiousness of the
son towards a father so venerable for his age and his authority; and
turned their eyes in silence towards Fabius。 He; however; instantly
alighted from his horse; and with open arms came up; almost running;
and embraced his son; saying; 〃Yes; my son; you do well; and
understand well what authority you have received; and over whom you
are to use it。 This was the way by which we and our forefathers
advanced the dignity of Rome; preferring ever her honour and service
to our own fathers and children。〃
And; in fact; it is told that the great…grandfather of our Fabius;
who was undoubtedly the greatest man of Rome in his time; both in
reputation and authority; who had been five times consul; and had been
honoured with several triumphs for victories obtained by him; took
pleasure in serving as lieutenant under his own son; when he went as
consul to his command。 And when afterwards his son had a triumph
bestowed upon him for his good service; the old man followed; on
horseback; his triumphant chariot; as one of his attendants; and
made it his glory; that while he really was; and was acknowledged to
be; the greatest man in Rome; and held a father's full power over
his son; he yet submitted himself to the laws and the magistrate。
But the praises of our Fabius are not bounded here。 He afterwards
lost his son; and was remarkable for bearing the loss with the
moderation becoming a pious father and a wise man; and as it was the
custom amongst the Romans; upon the death of any illustrious person;
to have a funeral oration recited by some of the nearest relations; he
took upon himself that office; and delivered a speech in the forum;
which he committed afterwards to writing。
After Cornelius Scipio; who was sent into Spain; had driven the
Carthaginians; defeated by him in many battles; out of the country;
and had gained over to Rome many towns and nations with large
resources; he was received at his coming home with unexampled joy
and acclamation of the people; who; to show their gratitude; elected
him consul for the year ensuing。 Knowing what high expectation they
had of him; he thought the occupation of contesting Italy with
Hannibal a mere old man's employment; and proposed no less a task to
himself than to make Carthage the seat of the war; fill Africa with
arms and devastation; and so oblige Hannibal; instead of invading
the countries of others; to draw back and defend his own。 And to
this end he proceeded to exert all the influence he had with the
people。 Fabius; on the other side; opposed the undertaking with all
his might; alarming the city; and telling them that nothing but the
temerity of a hot young man could inspire them with such dangerous
counsels; and sparing no means; by word or deed; to prevent it。 He
prevailed with the senate to espouse his sentiments; but the common
people thought that he envied the fame of Scipio; and that he was
afraid lest this young conqueror should achieve some great and noble
exploit; and have the glory; perhaps; of driving Hannibal out of
Italy; or even of ending the war; which had for so many years
continued and been protracted under his management。
To say the truth; when Fabius first opposed this project of
Scipio; he probably did it out of caution and prudence; in
consideration only of the public safety; and of the danger which the
commonwealth might incur; but when he found Scipio every day
increasing in the esteem of the people; rivalry and ambition led him
further; and made him violent and personal in his opposition。 For he
even applied to Crassus; the colleague of Scipio; and urged him not to
yield the command to Scipio; but that; if his inclinations were for
it; he should himself in person lead the army to Carthage。 He also
hindered the giving money to Scipio for the war; so that he was forced
to raise it upon his own credit and interest from the cities of
Etruria; which were extremely attached to him。 On the other side;
Crassus would not stir against him; nor remove out of Italy; being; in
his own nature; averse to all contention; and also having; by his
office of high priest; religious duties to retain him。 Fabius;
therefore; tried other ways to oppose the design; he impeded the
levies; and he declaimed; both in the senate and to the people; that
Scipio was not only himself flying from Hannibal; but was also
endeavouring to drain Italy of all its forces; and to spirit away
the youth of the country to a foreign war; leaving behind them their
parents; wives; and children; and the city itself; a defenceless
prey to the conquering and undefeated enemy at their doors。 With
this he so far alarmed the people; that at last they would only
allow Scipio for the war the legions which were in Sicily; and three
hundred; whom he particularly trusted; of those men who had served
with him in Spain。 In these transactions; Fabius seems to have
followed the dictates of his own wary temper。
But; after that Scipio was gone over into Africa; when news almost
immediately came to Rome of wonderful exploits and victories; of which
the fame was confirmed by the spoils he sent home; of a Numidian
king taken prisoner; of a vast slaughter of their men; of two camps of
the enemy burnt and destroyed; and in them a great quantity of arms
and horses; and when; hereupon; the Carthaginians were compelled to
send envoys to Hannibal to call him home; and leave his idle hopes
in Italy; to defend Carthage; when; for such eminent and
transcending services; the whole people of Rome cried up and
extolled the actions of Scipio; even then; Fabius contended that a
successor should be sent in his place; alleging for it only the old
reason of the mutability of fortune; as if she would be weary of
long favouring the same person。 With this language many did begin to
feel offended; it seemed to be morosity and ill…will; the
pusillanimity of old age; or a fear; that had now become
exaggerated; of the skill of Hannibal。 Nay; when Hannibal had put
his army on shipboard; and taken his leave of Italy; Fabius still
could not forbear to oppose and disturb the universal joy of Rome;
expressing his fears and apprehensions; telling them that the
commonwealth was never in more danger than now; and that Hannibal
was a more formidable enemy under the walls of Carthage than ever he
had been in Italy; that it would be fatal to Rome whenever Scipio
should encounter his victorious army; still warm with the blood of
so many Roman generals; dictators; and consuls slain。 And the people
were; in some degree; startled with these declamations; and were
brought to believe that the further off Hannibal was; the nearer was
their danger。 Scipio; however; shortly afterwards fought Hannibal; and
utterly defeated him; humbled the pride of Carthage beneath his feet;
gave his countrymen joy and exultation beyond all their hopes; and…
〃Long shaken on the seas restored the state。〃
Fabius Maximus; however; did not live to see the prosperous end of
this war; and the final overthrow of Hannibal; nor to rejoice in the
re…established happiness and security of the commonwealth; for about
the time that Hannibal left Italy; he fell sick and died。 At Thebes;
Epaminondas died so poor that he was buried at the public charge;
one small iron coin was all; it is said; that was found in his
house。 Fabius did not need this; but the people; as a mark of their
affection; defrayed the expenses of his funeral by a private
contribution from each citizen of the smallest piece of coin; thus
owning him their common father; and making his end no less
honourable than his life。
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