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the cyclops

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the cyclops封面
THE CYCLOPSby Euripidestranslated by E. P. ColeridgeCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYSILENUS, old servant of the CYCLOPSCHORUS OF SATYRSODYSSEUSTHE CYCLOPSCompanions Of ODYSSEUS(SCENE:-Before the great cave of the CYCLOPS at the foot of MountAetna. SILENUS enters. He has a rake with him, with which he cleans upthe ground in front of the cave as he soliloquizes.)SILENUSO BROMIUS, unnumbered are the toils I bear because of thee, noless now than when I was young and hale; first, when thou wertdriven mad by Hera and didst leave the mountain nymphs, thy nurses;...


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