tea-table talk-第10部分
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and。' She put her thin white hand upon my head。 'Shall we hear a little more of the story?' she said。 'It is not a pleasant one; but it may be useful to us。' 'I don't want to hear any more of it;' I answered; 'I have heard enough。' 'It is sometimes well;' she persisted; 'to hear the whole of a case before forming our judgment。' And she rang the bell for Jeanne。 'That story about our little grocer friend;' she said'it is rather interesting to me。 Why did he leave her and run awaydo you know?' Jeanne shrugged her ample shoulders。 'Oh! the old story; Madame;' she answered; with a short laugh。 'Who was she?' asked my friend。 'The wife of Monsieur Savary; the wheelwright; as good a husband as ever a woman had。 It's been going on for months; the hussy!' 'Thank you; that will do; Jeanne。' She turned again to me so soon as Jeanne had left the room。 'My dear;' she said; 'whenever I see a bad man; I peep round the corner for the woman。 Whenever I see a bad woman; I follow her eyes; I know she is looking for her mate。 Nature never makes odd samples。'〃
〃I cannot help thinking;〃 said the Philosopher; 〃that a good deal of harm is being done to the race as a whole by the overpraise of women。〃
〃Who overpraises them?〃 demanded the Girton Girl。 〃Men may talk nonsense to usI don't know whether any of us are foolish enough to believe itbut I feel perfectly sure that when they are alone most of their time is occupied in abusing us。〃
〃That is hardly fair;〃 interrupted the Old Maid。 〃I doubt if they do talk about us among themselves as much as we think。 Besides; it is always unwise to go behind the verdict。 Some very beautiful things have been said about women by men。〃
〃Well; ask them;〃 said the Girton Girl。 〃Here are three of them present。 Now; honestly; when you talk about us among yourselves; do you gush about our virtue; and goodness; and wisdom?〃
〃'Gush;'〃 said the Philosopher; reflecting; 〃'gush' would hardly be the correct word。〃
〃In justice to the truth;〃 I said; 〃I must admit our Girton friend is to a certain extent correct。 Every man at some time of his life esteems to excess some one particular woman。 Very young men; lacking in experience; admire perhaps indiscriminately。 To them; anything in a petticoat is adorable: the milliner makes the angel。 And very old men; so I am told; return to the delusions of their youth; but as to this I cannot as yet speak positively。 The rest of uswell; when we are alone; it must be confessed; as our Philosopher says; that 'gush' is not the correct word。〃
〃I told you so;〃 chortled the Girton Girl。
〃Maybe;〃 I added; 〃it is merely the result of reaction。 Convention insists that to her face we show her a somewhat exaggerated deference。 Her very follies we have to regard as added charmsthe poets have decreed it。 Maybe it comes as a relief to let the pendulum swing back。〃
〃But is it not a fact;〃 asked the Old Maid; 〃that the best men and even the wisest are those who have held women in most esteem? Do we not gauge civilization by the position a nation accords to its women?〃
〃In the same way as we judge them by the mildness of their laws; their tenderness for the weak。 Uncivilised man killed off the useless numbers of the tribe; we provide for them hospitals; almshouses。 Man's attitude towards woman proves the extent to which he has conquered his own selfishness; the distance he has travelled from the law of the ape: might is right。
〃Please don't misunderstand me;〃 pleaded the Philosopher; with a nervous glance towards the lowering eyebrows of the Girton Girl。 〃I am not saying for a moment woman is not the equal of man; indeed; it is my belief that she is。 I am merely maintaining she is not his superior。 The wise man honours woman as his friend; his fellow… labourer; his complement。 It is the fool who imagines her unhuman。〃
〃But are we not better;〃 persisted the Old Maid; 〃for our ideals? I don't say we women are perfectplease don't think that。 You are not more alive to our faults than we are。 Read the women novelists from George Eliot downwards。 But for your own sakeis it not well man should have something to look up to; and failing anything better?〃
〃I draw a very wide line;〃 answered the Philosopher; 〃between ideals and delusions。 The ideal has always helped man; but that belongs to the land of his dreams; his most important kingdom; the kingdom of his future。 Delusions are earthly structures; that sooner or later fall about his ears; blinding him with dust and dirt。 The petticoat…governed country has always paid dearly for its folly。〃
〃Elizabeth!〃 cried the Girton Girl。 〃Queen Victoria!〃
〃Were ideal sovereigns;〃 returned the Philosopher; 〃leaving the government of the country to its ablest men。 France under its Pompadours; the Byzantine Empire under its Theodoras; are truer examples of my argument。 I am speaking of the unwisdom of assuming all women to be perfect。 Belisarius ruined himself and his people by believing his own wife to be an honest woman。〃
〃But chivalry;〃 I argued; 〃has surely been of service to mankind?〃
〃To an immense extent;〃 agreed the Philosopher。 〃It seized a natural human passion and turned it to good uses。 Then it was a reality。 So once was the divine right of kings; the infallibility of the Church; for cumbering the ground with the lifeless bodies of which mankind has paid somewhat dearly。 Not its upstanding lies they can be faced and defeatedbut its dead truths are the world's stumbling…blocks。 To the man of war and rapine; trained in cruelty and injustice; the woman was the one thing that spoke of the joy of yielding。 Woman; as compared with man; was then an angel: it was no mere form of words。 All the tender offices of life were in her hands。 To the warrior; his life divided between fighting and debauchery; his womenfolk tending the sick; helping the weak; comforting the sorrowing; must have moved with white feet across a world his vices had made dark。 Her mere subjection to the priesthood; her inborn feminine delight in form and ceremonynow an influence narrowing her charitymust then; to his dim eyes; trained to look upon dogma as the living soul of his religion; have seemed a halo; deifying her。 Woman was then the servant。 It was naturally to her advantage to excite tenderness and mercy in man。 Since she has become the mistress of the world。 It is no longer her interested mission to soften his savage instincts。 Nowadays; it is the women who make war; the women who exalt brute force。 Today; it is the woman who; happy herself; turns a deaf ear to the world's low cry of pain; holding that man honoured who would ignore the good of the species to augment the comforts of his own particular family; holding in despite as a bad husband and father the man whose sense of duty extends beyond the circle of the home。 One recalls Lady Nelson's reproach to her lord after the battle of the Nile。 'I have married a wife; and therefore cannot come;' is the answer to his God that many a woman has prompted to her lover's tongue。 I was speaking to a woman only the other day about the cruelty of skinning seals alive。 'I feel so sorry for the poor creatures;' she murmured; 'but they say it gives so much more depth of colour to the fur。' Her own jacket was certainly a very beautiful specimen。〃
〃When I was editing a paper;〃 I said; 〃I opened my columns to a correspondence on this very subject。 Many letters were sent to me most of them trite; many of them foolish。 One; a genuine document; I remember。 It came from a girl who for six years had been assistant to a fashionable dressmaker。 She was rather tired of the axiom that all women; at all times; are perfection。 She suggested that poets and novelists should take service for a year in any large drapery or millinery establishment where they would have an opportunity of studying woman in her natural state; so to speak。〃
〃It is unfair to judge us by what; I confess; is our chief weakness;〃 argued the Woman of the World。 〃Woman in pursuit of clothes ceases to be humanshe reverts to the original brute。 Besides; dressmakers can be very trying。 The fault is not entirely on one side。〃
〃I still fail to be convinced;〃 remarked the Girton Girl; 〃that woman is over…praised。 Not even the present conversation; so far as it has gone; altogether proves your point。〃
〃I am not saying it is the case among intelligent thinkers;〃 explained the Philosopher; 〃but in popular literature the convention still lingers。 To woman's face no man cares to protest against it; and woman; to her harm; has come to accept it as a truism。 'What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice and all that's nice。' In more or less varied form the idea has entered into her blood; shutting out from her hope of improvement。 The girl is discouraged from asking herself the occasionally needful question: Am I on the way to becoming a sound; useful member of society? Or am I in danger of degenerating into a vain; selfish; lazy piece of good…for… nothing rubbish? She is quite content so long as she can detect in herself no tendency to male vices; forgetful that there are also feminine vices。 Woman is the spoilt child of the age。 No one tells her of her faults。 The World with its t
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