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he could afford when I was so close upon him。  I had

my chance; and; starting from that point; I have woven

my net round him until now it is all ready to close。 

In three daysthat is to say; on Monday nextmatters

will be ripe; and the Professor; with all the

principal members of his gang; will be in the hands of

the police。  Then will come the greatest criminal

trial of the century; the clearing up of over forty

mysteries; and the rope for all of them; but if we

move at all prematurely; you understand; they may slip

out of our hands even at the last moment。

〃Now; if I could have done this without the knowledge

of Professor Moriarty; all would have been well。  But

he was too wily for that。  He saw every step which I

took to draw my toils round him。  Again and again he

strove to break away; but I as often headed him off。 

I tell you; my friend; that if a detailed account of

that silent contest could be written; it would take

its place as the most brilliant bit of

thrust…and…parry work in the history of detection。 

Never have I risen to such a height; and never have I

been so hard pressed by an opponent。  He cut deep; and

yet I just undercut him。  This morning the last steps

were taken; and three days only were wanted to

complete the business。  I was sitting in my room

thinking the matter over; when the door opened and

Professor Moriarty stood before me。

〃My nerves are fairly proof; Watson; but I must

confess to a start when I saw the very man who had

been so much in my thoughts standing there on my

thresh…hold。  His appearance was quite familiar to me。 

He is extremely tall and thin; his forehead domes out

in a white curve; and his two eyes are deeply sunken

in this head。  He is clean…shaven; pale; and

ascetic…looking; retaining something of the professor

in his features。  His shoulders are rounded from much

study; and his face protrudes forward; and is forever

slowly oscillating from side to side in a curiously

reptilian fashion。  He peered at me with great

curiosity in his puckered eyes。

〃'You have less frontal development that I should have

expected;' said he; at last。  'It is a dangerous habit

to finger loaded firearms in the pocket of one's


〃The fact is that upon his entrance I had instantly

recognized the extreme personal danger in which I lay。 

The only conceivable escape for him lay in silencing

my tongue。  In an instant I had slipped the revolved

from the drawer into my pocket; and was covering him

through the cloth。  At his remark I drew the weapon

out and laid it cocked upon the table。  He still

smiled and blinked; but there was something about his

eyes which made me feel very glad that I had it there。

〃'You evidently don't now me;' said he。

〃'On the contrary;' I answered; 'I think it is fairly

evident that I do。  Pray take a chair。  I can spare

you five minutes if you have anything to say。'

〃'All that I have to say has already crossed your

mind;' said he。

〃'Then possibly my answer has crossed yours;' I


〃'You stand fast?'


〃He clapped his hand into his pocket; and I raised the

pistol from the table。  But he merely drew out a

memorandum…book in which he had scribbled some dates。

〃'You crossed my patch on the 4th of January;' said

he。  'On the 23d you incommoded me; by the middle of

February I was seriously inconvenienced by you; at the

end of March I was absolutely hampered in my plans;

and now; at the close of April; I find myself placed

in such a position through your continual persecution

that I am in positive danger of losing my liberty。 

The situation is becoming an impossible one。'

〃'Have you any suggestion to make?' I asked。

〃'You must drop it; Mr。 Holmes;' said he; swaying his

face about。  'You really must; you know。'

〃'After Monday;' said I。

〃'Tut; tut;' said he。  'I am quite sure that a man of

your intelligence will see that there can be but one

outcome to this affair。  It is necessary that you

should withdraw。  You have worked things in such a

fashion that we have only one resource。  It has been

an intellectual treat to me to see the way in which

you have grappled with this affair; and I say;

unaffectedly; that it would be a grief to me to be

forced to take any extreme measure。  You smile; sir;

abut I assure you that it really would。'

〃'Danger is part of my trade;' I remarked。

〃'That is not danger;' said he。  'It is inevitable

destruction。  You stand in the way not merely of an

individual; but of a might organization; the full

extent of which you; with all your cleverness; have

been unable to realize。  You must stand clear; Mr。

Holmes; or be trodden under foot。'

〃'I am afraid;' said I; rising; 'that in the pleasure

of this conversation I am neglecting business of

importance which awaits me elsewhere。'

〃He rose also and looked at me in silence; shaking his

head sadly。

〃'Well; well;' said he; at last。  'It seems a pity;

but I have done what I could。  I know every move of

your game。  You can do nothing before Monday。  It has

been a duel between you and me; Mr。 Holmes。  You hope

to place me in the dock。  I tell you that I will never

stand in the dock。  You hope to beat me。  I tell you

that you will never beat me。  If you are clever enough

to bring destruction upon me; rest assured that I

shall do as much to you。'

〃'You have paid me several compliments; Mr。 Moriarty;'

said I。  'Let me pay you one in return when I say that

if I were assured of the former eventuality I would;

in the interests of the public; cheerfully accept the


〃'I can promise you the one; but not the other;' he

snarled; and so turned his rounded back upon me; and

went peering and blinking out of the room。

〃That was my singular interview with Professor

Moriarty。  I confess that it left an unpleasant effect

upon my mind。  His soft; precise fashion of speech

leaves a conviction of sincerity which a mere bully

could not produce。  Of course; you will say:  'Why not

take police precautions against him?'  the reason is

that I am well convinced that it is from his agents

the blow will fall。  I have the best proofs that it

would be so。〃

〃You have already been assaulted?〃

〃My dear Watson; Professor Moriarty is not a man who

lets the grass grow under his feet。  I went out about

mid…day to transact some business in Oxford Street。 

As I passed the corner which leads from Bentinck

Street on to the Welbeck Street crossing a two…horse

van furiously driven whizzed round and was on me like

a flash。  I sprang for the foot…path and saved myself

by the fraction of a second。  The van dashed round by

Marylebone Lane and was gone in an instant。  I kept to

the pavement after that; Watson; but as I walked down

Vere Street a brick came down from the roof of one of

the houses; and was shattered to fragments at my feet。 

I called the police and had the place examined。  There

were slates and bricks piled up on the roof

preparatory to some repairs; and they would have me

believe that the wind had toppled over one of these。 

Of course I knew better; but I could prove nothing。  I

took a cab after that and reached my brother's rooms

in Pall Mall; where I spent the day。  Now I have come

round to you; and on my way I was attacked by a rough

with a bludgeon。  I knocked him down; and the police

have him in custody; but I can tell you with the most

absolute confidence that no possible connection will

ever be traced between the gentleman upon whose front

teeth I have barked my knuckles and the retiring

mathematical coach; who is; I dare say; working out

problems upon a black…board ten miles away。  You will

not wonder; Watson; that my first act on entering your

rooms was to close your shutters; and that I have been

compelled to ask your permission to leave the house by

some less conspicuous exit than the front door。〃

I had often admired my friend's courage; but never

more than now; as he sat quietly checking off a series

of incidents which must have combined to make up a day

of horror。

〃You will spend the night here?〃 I said。

〃No; my friend; you might find me a dangerous guest。 

I have my plans laid; and all will be well。  Matters

have gone so far now that they can move without my

help as far as the arrest goes; though my presence is

necessary for a conviction。  It is obvious; therefore;

that I cannot do better than get away for the few days

which remain before the police are at liberty to act。 

It would be a great pleasure to me; therefore; if you

could come on to the Continent with me。〃

〃The practice is quiet;〃 said I; 〃and I have an

accommodating neighbor。  I should be glad to come。〃

〃And to start to…morrow morning?〃

〃If necessary。〃

〃Oh yes; it is most necessary。  Then these are your

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