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william ewart gladstone-第2部分

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importance to the sacraments; feeling himself nearer to the Church
of Rome; despite what he deemed her corruptions; than to any of the
non…episcopal Protestant churches。  Henceforth his interests in life
were as much ecclesiastical as political。  For a time he desired to
be ordained a clergyman。  Had this wish been carried out; it can
scarcely be doubted that he would eventually have become the leading
figure in the Church of England and have sensibly affected her
recent history。  The later stages in his career drew him away from
the main current of political opinion within that church。  He who
had been the strongest advocate of established churches came to be
the leading agent in the disestablishment of the Protestant
Episcopal Church in Ireland; and a supporter of the policy of
disestablishment in Scotland and in Wales。  But the color which
these Oxford years gave to his mind and thoughts was never
obliterated。  They widened the range of his interests and deepened
his moral zeal and religious earnestness。  But at the same time they
confirmed his natural bent toward over…subtle distinctions and fine…
drawn reasonings; and they put him somewhat out of sympathy not only
with the attitude of the average Englishman; who is essentially a
Protestant;that is to say; averse to sacerdotalism; and suspicious
of any other religious authority than that of the Bible and the
individual conscience;but also with two of the strongest
influences of our time; the influence of the sciences of nature; and
the influence of historical criticism。  Mr。 Gladstone; though too
wise to rail at science; as many religious men did till within the
last few years; could never quite reconcile himself either to the
conclusions of geology and zoology regarding the history of the
physical world and the animals which inhabit it; or to the modern
methods of critical inquiry as applied to Scripture and to ancient
literature generally。  The training which Oxford then gave;
stimulating as it was; and free from the modern error of over
specialization; was defective in omitting the experimental sciences;
and in laying undue stress upon the study of language。  A proneness
to dwell on verbal distinctions and to trust overmuch to the
analysis of terms as a means of reaching the truth of things is
noticeable in many eminent Oxford writers of that and the next
succeeding generationsome of them; like the illustrious F。 D。
Maurice; far removed from Dr。 Newman and Mr。 Gladstone in
theological opinion。

When the brilliant young Oxonian entered the House of Commons at the
age of twenty…three; Sir Robert Peel was leading the Tory party with
an authority and ability rarely surpassed in parliamentary annals。
Within two years the young man was admitted into the short…lived
Tory ministry of 1834; and soon proved himself an active and
promising lieutenant of the experienced chief。  Peel was an
eminently wary and cautious man; alive to the necessity of watching
the signs of the times; of studying and interpreting the changeful
phases of public opinion。  His habit was to keep his own counsel;
and even when he perceived that the policy he had hitherto followed
would need to be modified; to continue to use guarded language and
refuse to commit himself to change till he perceived that the
fitting moment had arrived。  He was; moreover; a master of detail;
slow to propound a plan until he had seen how its outlines were to
be filled up by appropriate devices for carrying it out in practice。
These qualities and habits of the minister profoundly affected his
gifted disciple。  They became part of the texture of his own
political character; and in his case; as in that of Peel; they
sometimes brought censure upon him; as having withheld too long from
the public views or purposes which he thought it unwise to disclose
till effect could promptly be given to them。  Such reserve; such a
guarded attitude and conservative attachment to existing
institutions; were not altogether natural to Mr。 Gladstone's mind;
and the contrast between them and some of his other qualities; like
the contrast which ultimately appeared between his sacerdotal
tendencies and his political liberalism; contributed to make his
character perplexing and to expose his conduct to the charge of
inconsistency。  Inconsistent; in the ordinary sense of the word; he
was not; much less changeable。  He was really; in the main features
of his political convictions and the main habits of his mind; one of
the most tenacious and persistent of men。  But there were always at
work in him two tendencies。  One was the speculative desire to probe
everything to the bottom; to try it by the light of general
principles and logic; and where it failed to stand this test; to
reject it。  The other was the sense of the complexity of existing
social and political arrangements; and of the risk of disturbing any
one part of them unless the time had arrived for resettling other
parts also。  Every statesman feels both these sides to every
concrete question of reform。  No one has set them forth more
cogently; and in particular no one has more earnestly dwelt on the
necessity for the latter; than the most profound thinker among
English statesmen; Edmund Burke。  Mr。 Gladstone; however; felt and
stated them with quite unusual force; and when he stated the one
side; people forgot that there was another which would be no less
vividly present to him at some other moment。  He was not only; like
all successful parliamentarians; necessarily something of an
opportunist; though perhaps less so than his master Peel; but was
moved by emotion more than most statesmen; and certainly more than
Peel。  The relative strength with which the need for comprehensive
reform or the need for watchful conservatism presented itself to his
mind depended largely upon the weight which his emotions cast into
one or the other scale; and this element made it difficult to
forecast his probable action。  Thus his political character was the
result of influences differing widely in their origininfluences;
moreover; which it was hard for ordinary observers to appreciate。


Mr。 Gladstone sat for sixty…three years in Parliament; and for more
than twenty…six years was the leader of his party; and therefore the
central figure of English politics。  As has been said; he began as a
high Tory; remained about fifteen years in that camp; was then led
by the split between Peel and the protectionists to take up an
intermediate position; and finally was forced to cast in his lot
with the Liberals; for in England; as in America; third parties
seldom endure。  No parliamentary career in English annals is
comparable to his for its length and variety; and of those who saw
its close in the House of Commons; there was only one man; Mr。
Villiers (who died in January; 1898); who could remember its
beginning。  He had been opposed in 1833 to men who might have been
his grandfathers; he was opposed in 1893 to men who might have been
his grandchildren。  In a sketch like this; it is impossible to
describe or comment on the events of such a life。  All that can be
done is to indicate the more salient characteristics which a study
of his career as a statesman and a parliamentarian sets before us。

The most remarkable of these characteristics is the sustained
freshness; openness; eagerness of mind; which he preserved down to
the end of his life。  Most of us; just as we make few intimate
friends; so we form few new opinions after thirty…five。
Intellectual curiosity may remain fresh and strong even after fifty;
but its range steadily narrows as one abandons the hope of attaining
any thorough knowledge of subjects other than those which make the
main business of one's life。  One cannot follow the progress of all
the new ideas that are set afloat in the world。  One cannot be
always examining the foundations of one's political or religious
beliefs。  Repeated disappointments and disillusionments make a man
expect less from changes the older he grows; and mere indolence adds
its influence in deterring us from entering upon new enterprises。
None of these causes seemed to affect Mr。 Gladstone。  He was as much
excited over a new book (such as Cardinal Manning's Life) at eighty…
six as when at fourteen he insisted on compelling little Arthur
Stanley (afterward Dean of Westminster; and then aged nine) to
procure Gray's poems; which he had just perused himself。  His
reading covered almost the whole field of literature; except
physical and mathematical science。  While frequently declaring that
he must confine his political thinking and leadership to a few
subjects; he was so observant of the movements of opinion that the
course of talk brought up scarcely any topic in which he did not
seem to know what was the latest thing that had been said or done。
Neither the lassitude nor the prejudices common in old age prevented
him from giving a fair consideration to any new doctrines。  But
though his intellect was restlessly at work; and though his eager
curiosity disposed him to relish novelties; except in theology; that
bottom rock in his mind of caution and reserve; which has already
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