appendix to history of friedrich ii of prussia-第2部分
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a Hessian gentleman;eldest Brother of the Envoy Gortz who in his
cloak of darkness did such diplomacies in the Bavarian matter;
January gone a year; and who is a rising man in that line ever
since。 But let Fromme begin: ' Anekdoten und Karakterzuge
aus dem Leben Friedrich des Zweyten (Berlin; bei
Johann Friedrich Unger; 1787); 8te Sammlung; ss。 15…79。'
〃On the 23d of July; 1779; it pleased his Majesty the King to
undertake a journey to inspect those〃 mud 〃Colonies in the Rhyn…
Luch about Neustadt…on…the…Dosse; which his Majesty; at his own
cost; had settled; thereby reclaiming a tract of waste moor (EINEN
ODEN BRUCH URBAR MACHEN) into arability; where now 308 families
have their living。
〃His Majesty set off from Potsdam about 5 in the morning;〃 in an
open carriage; General von Gortz along with him; and horses from
his own post…stations; 〃travelled over Ferlaudt; Tirotz;
Wustermark; Nauen; Konigshorst; Seelenhorst; Dechau; Fehrbellin;〃
'See Reimann's KREIS…KARTEN; Nos。 74;73。' and twelve other small
peat villages; looking all their brightest in the morning sun;
〃to the hills at Stollen; where his Majesty; because a view of all
the Colonies could be had from those hills; was pleased to get out
for a little;〃 as will afterwards be seen。〃Therefrom the journey
went by Hohen…Nauen to Rathenau:〃 a civilized place; 〃where his
Majesty arrived about 3 in the afternoon; and there dined; and
passed the night。 Next morning; about 6; his Majesty continued
his drive into the Magdeburg region; inspected various reclaimed
moors (BRUCHE); which in part are already made arable; and in part
are being made so; came; in the afternoon; about 4; over Ziesar and
Brandenburg; back to Potsdam;and did not dine till about 4; when
he arrived there; and had finished the Journey。〃 His usual dinner…
hour is 12; the STATE hour; on gala days when company has been
invited; is 1 P。M。;and he always likes his dinner; and has it of
a hot peppery quality!
〃Till Seelenhorst; the Amtsrath Sach of Konigshorst had ridden
before his Majesty; but here;〃 at the border of my Fehrbellin
district; where with one of his forest…men I was in waiting by
appointment; 〃the turn came for me。 About 8 o'clock A。M。 his
Majesty arrived in Seelenhorst; had the Herr General Graf von Gortz
in the carriage with him;〃 Gortz; we need n't say; sitting back
foremost:here I; Fromme; with my woodman was respectfully in
readiness。 〃While the horses were changing; his Majesty spoke with
some of the Ziethen Hussar…Officers; who were upon grazing service
in the adjoining villages 'all Friedrich's cavalry went out to
GRASS during certain months of the year; and it was a LAND…TAX on
every district to keep its quota of army…horses in this manner;
AUF GRASUNG'; and of me his Majesty as yet took no notice。 As the
DAMME;〃 Dams or Raised Roads through the Peat…bog; 〃are too narrow
hereabouts; I could not; ride beside him;〃 and so went before? or
BEHIND; with woodman before? GOTT WEISS! 〃In Dechau his Majesty got
sight of Rittmeister von Ziethen;〃 old Ajax Ziethen's son; 〃to whom
Dechau belongs; and took him into the carriage along with him; till
the point where the Dechau boundary is。 Here there was again change
of horses。 Captain von Rathenow; an old favorite of the King's; to
whom the property of Karvesee in part belongs; happened to be here
with his family; he now went forward to the carriage:
CAPTAIN VON RATHENOW。 〃'Humblest servant; your Majesty!'
'UNTERTHANIGSTER KNECHT; different from the form of ending letters;
but really of the same import'。
KING。 〃'Who are you?'
CAPTAIN。 〃'I am Captain von Rathenow from Karvesee。'
KING (clapping his hands together)。 〃'Mein Gott; dear Rathenow; are
you still alive! '〃LEBT ER NOCH; is HE still alive?〃way of
speaking to one palpably your inferior; scarcely now in use even to
servants; which Friedrich uses ALWAYS in speaking to the highest
uncrowned persons: it gives a strange dash of comic emphasis often
in his German talk:' I thought you were long since dead。 How goes
it with you 7 Are you whole and well?〃
CAPTAIN。 〃'O ja; your Majesty。'
KING。 〃'Mein Gott; how fat He has (you are) grown!'
CAPTAIN。 〃'Ja; your Majesty; I can still eat and drink; only the
feet get lazy' 'won't go so well; WOLLEN NICHT FORT'。
KING。 〃'Ja! that is so with me too。 Are you married?'
CAPTAIN。 〃'Yea; your Majesty。'
KING。 〃'Is your wife among the ladies yonder?'
CAPTAIN。 〃'Yea; your Majesty。'
KING。 〃'Bring her to me; then!' 'TO HER; TAKING OFF HIS HAT'
'I find in your Herr Husband a good old friend。'
FRAU VON RATHENOW。 〃'Much grace and honor for my husband!'
KING。 〃'What were YOU by birth?' '〃WAS SIND SIE;〃 the respectful
FRAU。 〃'A Fraulein von Krocher。'
KING。 〃'Haha! A daughter of General von Krocher's?'
KING。 〃'Oh; I knew him very well。''TO RATHENOW' 'Have you
children too; Rathenow?'
CAPTAIN。 〃'Yes; your Majesty。 My sons are in the service;'
soldiering; 'and these are my daughters。'
KING。 〃'Well; I am glad of that (NUN; DAS FREUT MICH)。 Fare HE
well。 Fare He well。'
〃The road now went upon Fehrbellin; and Forster;〃 Forester; 〃Brand;
as woodkeeper for the King in these parts; rode along with us。
When we came upon the patch of Sand…knolls which lie near
Fehrbellin; his Majesty cried:
〃'Forester; why aren't these sand…knolls sown?'
FORESTER。 〃'Your Majesty; they don't belong to the Royal Forest;
they belong to the farm…ground。 In part the people do sow them with
all manner of crops。 Here; on the right hand; they have sown
fir…cones (KIENAPFEL)'。
KING。 〃'Who sowed them?'
FORESTER。 〃'The Oberamtmann 'Fromme' here。'
THE KING (TO ME)。 〃'Na! Tell my Geheimer…Rath Michaelis that the
sand…patches must be sown。''TO THE FORESTER' 'But do you know how
fir…cones (KIENAPFEL) should be sown?'
FORESTER。 〃'O ja; your Majesty。'
KING。 〃'Na! 'a frequent interjection of Friedrich's and his
Father's'; how are they sown; then? From east to west; or from
MORGEN?〃 so in ORIG。 (p。 22);but; surely; except as above; it has
no sense? From north to south; there is but one fir…seed sown
against the wind; from east to west; there is a whole row。'
FORESTER。 〃'From east to west。'
KING。 〃'That is right。 But why?'
FORESTER。 〃'Because the most wind comes from the west。'
KING。 〃'That's right。'
〃Now his Majesty arrived at Fehrbellin; spoke there with Lieutenant
Probst of the Ziethen Hussar regiment; 'Probst is the leftmost
figure in that Chodowiecki Engraving of the famous Ziethen…and…
Friedrich CHAIR…scene; five years after this。 (Supra。 374 n。)' and
with the Fehrbellin Postmeister; Captain von Mosch。 So soon as the
horses were to; we continued our travel; and as his Majesty was
driving close by my Big Ditches;〃 GRABEN; trenches; main…drains;
〃which have been made in the Fehrbellin LUCH at the King's expense;
I rode up to the carriage; and said:
ICH。 〃'Your Majesty; these now are the two new Drains; which by
your Majesty's favor we have got here; and which keep the Luch dry
for us。'
KING。 〃'So; so; that I am glad of!Who is He (are you)?'
FROMME。 〃'Your Majesty; I am the Beamte here of Fehrbellin。'
KING。 〃'What 's your name?'
ICH。 〃'Fromme。'
KING。 〃'Ha; ha! you are a son of the Landrath Fromme's。'
ICH。 〃'Your Majesty's pardon。 My father was Amtsrath in the
AMT Luhnin。'
KING。 〃'Amtsrath? Amtsrath? That isn't true! Your father was
Landrath。 I knew him very well。But tell me now (SAGT MIR EINMAL)
has the draining of the Luch been of much use to you here?'
ICH。 〃'O ja; your Majesty。'
KING。 〃'Do you keep more cattle than your predecessor?'
ICH。 〃'Yes; your Majesty。 On this farm I keep 40 more; on all the
farms together 70 more。'
KING。 〃'That is right。 The murrain (VIEHSEUCHE) is not here in
this quarter?'
ICH。 〃'No; your Majesty。'
KING。 〃'Have you had it here?'
ICH。 〃'Ja。'
KING。 〃'Do but diligently use rock…salt; you won't have the
murrain again。'
ICH。 〃'Yes; your Majesty; I do use it too; but kitchen salt has
very nearly the same effect。'
KING。 〃'No; don't fancy that! You must n't pound the rock…salt
small; but give it to the cattle so that they can lick it。'
ICH。 〃'Yes; it shall be done。'
KING。 〃'Are there still improvements needed here?'
ICH。 〃'O ja; your Majesty。 Here lies the Kemmensee 'Kemmen…lake':
if that were drained out; your Majesty would gain some 1;800 acres
'MORGEN; three…fifths English acre' of pasture…land; where
colonists could be settled; and then the whole country would have
navigation too; which would help the village of Fehrbellin and the
town of Ruppin to an uncommon degree。'
KING。 〃'I suppose so! Be a great help to you; won't it; and many
will be ruined by the job; especially the proprietors of the ground
ICH。 〃'Your Majesty's gracious pardon 'EW。 MAJESTAT HALTEN ZU
GNADEN;hold me to grace': the ground belongs to the Royal Forest;
and there grows nothing but birches on it。'
KING。 〃'Oh; if birchwood is all it produces; then we may see!
But you must not make your reckoning without your host
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