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appendix to history of friedrich ii of prussia-第5部分

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his name?'

ICH。 〃'That will have been the Landrath von Gorgas of Genser。'

KING。 〃'Ja; ja; that was he。 Is he dead now?'

ICH。 〃'Ja; your Majesty。 He died in 1771: and it was very singular;
in one fortnight he; his wife and four sons all died。 The other
four that were left had all the same sickness too; which was a hot
fever; and though the sons; being in the Army; were in different
garrisons; and no brother had visited the other; they all got the
same illness; and came out of it with merely their life left。'

KING。 〃'That was a desperate affair (VERZWEIFELTER UMSTAND
GEWESEN)! Where are the four sons that are still in life?'

ICH。 〃'One is in the Ziethen Hussars; one in the Gens…d'…Armes;
another was in the regiment Prinz Ferdinand; and lives on the
Estate Dersau。 The fourth is son…in…law of Herr General von
Ziethen。 He was lieutenant in the Ziethen Regiment; but in the last
war (POTATO…WAR; 1778); on account of his ill health; your Majesty
gave him his discharge; and he now lives in Genser。'

KING。 〃'So? That is one of the Gorgases; then!Are you still
making experiments with the foreign kinds of corn?'

ICH。 〃'O ja; this year I have sown Spanish barley。 But it will not
rightly take hold; I must give it up again。 However; the Holstein
STOOLing…rye (STAUDENROGGEN) has answered very well。'

KING。 〃'What kind of rye is that?'

ICH。 〃'It grows in Holstein in the Low Grounds (NIEDERUNG)。
Never below the 10th grain '10 reaped for 1 sown' have I yet
had it。'

KING。 〃'Nu; nu 'Ho; ho'; surely not the 10th grain all at once!'

ICH。 〃'That is not much。 Please your Majesty to ask the Herr
General von Gortz 'who has not spoken a syllable all day'; he knows
this is not reckoned much in Holstein:'(the General Graf von
Gortz I first had the honor to make acquaintance with in Holstein)。

〃They now talked; for a while; of the rye; in the carriage
together。 Presently his Majesty called to me from the carriage;
'Na; stand by the Holstein STAUDEN…rye; then; and give some to the
tenants too。'

ICH。 〃'Yes; your Majesty。'

KING。 〃'But give me some idea: what kind of appearance had the Luch
before it was drained?'

ICH。 〃'It was mere high rough masses of hillocks (HULLEN);
between them the water settled; and had no flow。 In the driest
years we couldn't cart the hay out; but had to put it up in big
ricks。 Only in winter; when the frost was sharp; could we get it
home。 But now we have cut away the hillocks; and the trenches that
your Majesty got made for us take the water off。 And now the Luch
is as dry as your Majesty sees; and we can carry out our hay when
we please。'

KING。 〃'That is well。 Have your tenants; too; more cattle
than formerly?'

ICH。 〃'Ja!'

KING。 〃'How many more?'

ICH。 〃'Many have one cow; many two; according as their
means admit。'

KING。 〃'But how many more have they in all? About how many;
that is?'

ICH。 〃'About 150 head。'

〃His Majesty must lately have asked the Herr General von Gortz; how
I came to know him;as I told his Majesty to ask General von Gortz
about the Holstein rye;and presumably the Herr General must have
answered; what was the fact; That he had first known me in
Holstein; where I dealt in horses; and that I had been at Potsdam
with horses。 Suddenly his Majesty said: 'Hear! I know you are fond
of horses。 But give up that; and prefer cows; you will find your
account better there。'

ICH。 〃'Your Majesty; I no longer deal in horses。 I merely rear a
few foals every year。'

KING。 〃'Rear calves instead; that will be better。'

ICH。 〃'Oh; your Majesty; if one takes pains with it; there is no
loss in breeding horses。 I know a man who got; two years ago; 1;000
thalers for a stallion of his raising。'

KING。 〃'He must have been a fool that gave it。'

ICH。 〃'Your Majesty; he was a Mecklenburg nobleman。'

KING。 〃'But nevertheless a fool。'

〃We now came upon the territory of the Amt Neustadt; and here the
Amtsrath Klausius; who has the Amt in farm; was in waiting on the
boundary; and let his Majesty drive past。 But as I began to get
tired of the speaking; and his Majesty went on always asking about
villages; which stand hereabouts in great quantity; and I had
always to name the owner; and say what sons he had in the Army;I
brought up Herr Amtsrath Klausius to the carriage; and said:

ICH。 〃'Your Majesty; this is the Amtsrath Klausius; of the Amt
Neustadt; in whose jurisdiction the Colonies are。'

KING。 〃'So; so! that is very good (DAS IST MIR LIEB)。
Bring him up。'

KING。 〃'What's your name?' (from this point the King spoke mostly
with Amtsrath Klausius; and I only wrote down what I heard)。

KL。 〃'Klausius。'

KING。 〃'Klau…si…us。 Na; have you many cattle here on the Colonies?'

KL。 〃'1;887 head of cows; your Majesty。 There would have been above
3;000; had it not been for the murrain that was here。'

KING。 〃'Do the people too increase well? Are there jolly children?'

KL。 〃'O ja; your Majesty; there are now 1;576 souls upon
the Colonies。'

KING。 〃'Are you married too?'

KL。 〃'Ja; your Majesty。'

KING。 〃'And have you children?'

KL。 〃'Step…children; your Majesty。'

KING。 〃'Why not of your own?'

KL。 〃'Don't know that; your Majesty; as it happens。'

KING。 〃'Hear: Is it far to the Mecklenburg border; here where
we are?'

KL。 〃'Only a short mile '5 miles English'。 But there are some
villages scattered still within the boundary which belong to
Brandenburg。 There are Stetzebart; Rosso and so on。'

KING。 〃'Ja; ja; I know them。 But I should not have thought we were
so near upon the Mecklenburg country。' 'TO THE HERR AMTSRATH
KLAUSIUS' 'Where were you born?'

KL。 〃'At Neustadt on the Dosse。'

KING。 〃'What was your father?'

KL。 〃'Clergyman。'

KING。 〃'Are they good people; these Colonists? The first generation
of them is n't usually good for much。'

KL。 〃'They are getting on; better or worse。'

KING。 〃'Do they manage their husbandry well?'

KL。 〃'O ja; your Majesty。 His Excellency the Minister von Derschau;
too; has given me a Colony of 75 acres; to show the other Colonists
a good example in management。'

KING (smiling)。 〃'Ha; ha! good example! But tell me; I see no wood
here: where do the Colonists get their timber?'

KL。 〃'From the Ruppin district。'

KING。 〃'How far is that?'

KL。 〃'3 miles' '15 English'。

KING。 〃'Well; that's a great way 。 It should have been contrived
that they could have it nearer hand。' 'TO ME' 'What man is that to
the right there?'

ICH。 〃'Bauinspector 'Buildings…Inspector' Menzelius; who has charge
of the buildings in these parts。'

KING。 〃'Am I in Rome? They are mere Latin names!Why is that
hedged in so high?'

ICH。 〃'That is the mule…stud。'

KING。 〃'What is the name of this Colony?'

ICH。 〃'Klausiushof。'

KL。 〃'Your Majesty; it should be called Klaushof。'

KING。 〃'Its name is Klausiushof。 What is the other Colony called?'

ICH。 〃'Brenkenhof。'

KING。 〃'That is not its name。'

ICH。 〃'Ja; your Majesty; I know it by no other!'

KING。 〃'Its name is Brenken…hosius…hof!Are these the Stollen
hills that lie before us?'

ICH。 〃'Ja; your Majesty。'

KING。 〃'Have I to drive through the village?'

ICH。 〃'It is not indispensable; but the change of horses is there。
If your Majesty give order; I will ride forward; send the fresh
horses out of the village; and have them stationed to wait at the
foot of the hills。'

KING。 〃'O ja; do so! Take one of my pages with you。'

〃I now took measures about the new team of horses; but so arranged
it; that when his Majesty got upon the hills I was there too。
At dismounting from his carriage on the hill…top; his Majesty
demanded a prospect…glass; looked round the whole region; and then
said: 'Well; in truth; that is beyond my expectation! That is
beautiful! I must say this to you; all of you that have worked in
this business; you have behaved like honorable people!''TO ME'
'Tell me now; is the Elbe far from here?'

ICH。 〃'Your Majesty; it is 2 miles off '10 miles'。 Yonder is Wurben
in the Altmark; it lies upon the Elbe。'

KING。 〃'That cannot be! Give me the glass again。Ja; ja; it is
true; though。 But what other steeple is that?'

ICH。 〃'Your Majesty; that is Havelberg。'

KING。 〃'Na; come here; all of you!' (THERE WERE AMTSRATH KLAUSIUS;
BAUINSPECTOR MENZELIUS AND I。) 'Hear now; the tract of moor here to
the left must also be reclaimed; and what is to the right too; so
far as the moor extends。 What kind of wood is there on it?'

ICH。 〃'Alders (ELSEN) and oaks; your Majesty。'

KING。 〃'Na! the alders you may root out; and the oaks may continue
standing; the people may sell these; or use them otherwise。
When once the ground is arable; I reckon upon 300 families for it;
and 500 head of cows;ha?'Nobody answered; at last I began;
and said:

ICH。 〃'Ja; your Majesty; perhaps!'

KING。 〃'Hear now; you may answer me with confidence。 There will be
more or fewer families。 I know well enough one cannot; all at once;
exactly say。 I was never there; don't know the ground; otherwise I
could understand equally with you how many families could be put
upon it。'

THE BAUINSPECTOR。 〃'Your Majesty; the LUCH is still subject to
rights of common from a great many hands。'

KING。 〃'No 
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