the city of the sun-第4部分
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ing Hoh should know other than the arts having reference to
their rule; and so they have only a historical knowledge of the
arts which are common to all。 But their own they know well;
to which certainly one is dedicated more than another。 Thus
Power is the most learned in the equestrian art; in marshalling
the army; in the marking out of camps; in the manufacture of
every kind of weapon and of warlike machines; in planning
stratagems; and in every affair of a military nature。 And for
these reasons; they consider it necessary that these chiefs
should have been philosophers; historians; politicians; and
physicists。 Concerning the other two triumvirs; understand
remarks similar to those I have made about Power。
G。M。 I really wish that you would recount all their public
duties; and would distinguish between them; and also that you
would tell clearly how they are all taught in common。
Capt。 They have dwellings in common and dormitories; and
couches and other necessaries。 But at the end of every six
months they are separated by the masters。 Some shall sleep in
this ring; some in another; some in the first apartment; and
some in the second; and these apartments are marked by means
of the alphabet on the lintel。 There are occupations; mechani…
cal and theoretical; common to both men and women; with this
difference; that the occupations which require more hard work;
and walking a long distance; are practised by men; such as
ploughing; sowing; gathering the fruits; working at the thresh…
ing…floor; and perchance at the vintage。 But it is customary to
choose women for milking the cows and for making cheese。 In
like manner; they go to the gardens near to the outskirts of the
city both for collecting the plants and for cultivating them。 In
fact; all sedentary and stationary pursuits are practised by the
women; such as weaving; spinning; sewing; cutting the hair;
shaving; dispensing medicines; and making all kinds of gar…
ments。 They are; however; excluded from working in wood
and the manufacture of arms。 If a woman is fit to paint; she
is not prevented from doing so; nevertheless; music is given
over to the women alone; because they please the more; and of
a truth to boys also。 But the women have not the practise of
the drum and the horn。
And they prepare their feasts and arrange the tables in the
following manner。 It is the peculiar work of the boys and
girls under twenty to wait at the tables。 In every ring there
are suitable kitchens; barns; and stores of utensils for eating
and drinking; and over every department an old man and an old
woman preside。 These two have at once the command of those
who serve; and the power of chastising; or causing to be chas…
tised; those who are negligent or disobedient; and they also
examine and mark each one; both male and female; who excels
in his or her duties。
All the young people wait upon the older ones who have
passed the age of forty; and in the evening when they go to
sleep the master and mistress command that those should be
sent to work in the morning; upon whom in succession the duty
falls; one or two to separate apartments。 The young people;
however; wait upon one another; and that alas! with some un…
willingness。 They have first and second tables; and on both
sides there are seats。 On one side sit the women; on the other
the men; and as in the refectories of the monks; there is no
noise。 While they are eating a young man reads a book from
a platform; intoning distinctly and sonorously; and often the
magistrates question them upon the more important parts of
the reading。 And truly it is pleasant to observe in what man…
ner these young people; so beautiful and clothed in garments
so suitable; attend to them; and to see at the same time so many
friends; brothers; sons; fathers; and mothers all in their turn
living together with so much honesty; propriety; and love。 So
each one is given a napkin; a plate; fish; and a dish of food。 It
is the duty of the medical officers to tell the cooks what repasts
shall be prepared on each day; and what food for the old; what
for the young; and what for the sick。 The magistrates receive
the full…grown and fatter portion; and they from their share
always distribute something to the boys at the table who have
shown themselves more studious in the morning at the lectures
and debates concerning wisdom and arms。 And this is held
to be one of the most distinguished honors。 For six days they
ordain to sing with music at table。 Only a few; however; sing;
or there is one voice accompanying the lute and one for each
other instrument。 And when all alike in service join their
hands; nothing is found to be wanting。 The old men placed
at the head of the cooking business and of the refectories of the
servants praise the cleanliness of the streets; the houses; the ves…
sels; the garments; the workshops; and the warehouses。
They wear white under…garments to which adheres a cover…
ing; which is at once coat and legging; without wrinkles。 The
borders of the fastenings are furnished with globular buttons;
extended round and caught up here and there by chains。 The
coverings of the legs descend to the shoes and are continued
even to the heels。 Then they cover the feet with large socks;
or; as it were; half…buskins fastened by buckles; over which they
wear a half…boot; and besides; as I have already said; they are
clothed with a toga。 And so aptly fitting are the garments;
that when the toga is destroyed; the different parts of the whole
body are straightway discerned; no part being concealed。 They
change their clothes for different ones four times in the year;
that is when the sun enters respectively the constellations Aries;
Cancer; Libra; and Capricorn; and according to the circum…
stances and necessity as decided by the officer of health。 The
keepers of clothes for the different rings are wont to distribute
them; and it is marvellous that they have at the same time as
many garments as there is need for; some heavy and some
slight; according to the weather。 They all use white clothing;
and this is washed in each month with lye or soap; as are also
the workshops of the lower trades; the kitchens; the pantries
the barns; the store…houses; the armories; the refectories; and
the baths。
Moreover; the clothes are washed at the pillars of the peri…
styles; and the water is brought down by means of canals which
are continued as sewers。 In every street of the different rings
there are suitable fountains; which send forth their water by
means of canals; the water being drawn up from nearly the bot…
tom of the mountain by the sole movement of a cleverly con…
trived handle。 There is water in fountains and in cisterns;
whither the rain…water collected from the roofs of the houses
is brought through pipes full of sand。 They wash their bodies
often; according as the doctor and master command。 All the
mechanical arts are practised under the peristyles; but the spec…
ulative are carried on above in the walking galleries and ram…
parts where are the more splendid paintings; but the more sacred
ones are taught in the temple。 In the halls and wings of the
rings there are solar time…pieces and bells; and hands by which
the hours and seasons are marked off。
G。M。 Tell me about their children。
Capt。 When their women have brought forth children; they
suckle and rear them in temples set apart for all。 They give
milk for two years or more as the physician orders。 After that
time the weaned child is given into the charge of the mistresses;
if it is a female; and to the masters; if it is a male。 And then
with other young children they are pleasantly instructed in the
alphabet; and in the knowledge of the pictures; and in running;
walking; and wrestling; also in the historical drawings; and in
languages; and they are adorned with a suitable garment of
different colors。 After their sixth year they are taught natural
science; and then the mechanical sciences。 The men who are
weak in intellect are sent to farms; and when they have become
more proficient some of them are received into the State。 And
those of the same age and born under the same constellation
are especially like one another in strength and in appearance;
and hence arises much lasting concord in the State; these men
honoring one another with mutual love and help。 Names are
given to them by Metaphysicus; and that not by chance; but de…
signedly; and according to each one's peculiarity; as was the
custom among the ancient Romans。 Wherefore one is called
Beautiful (Pulcher); another the Big…nosed (Naso); another
the Fat…legged (Cranipes); another Crooked (Torvus); an…
other Lean (Macer); and so on。 But when they have become
very skilled in their professions and done any great deed in war
or in time of peace; a cognomen from art is given to them; such
as Beautiful the Great Painter (Pulcher; Pictor Magnus); the
Golden One (Aureus); the Excellent One (Excellens); or the
Strong (Strenuus); or from their deeds; such as Naso the
Brave (Nason Fortis); or the Cunning; or the Great; or Very
Great Conqueror; or from the enemy anyone has
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