history of the britons-第2部分
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commerce。 The Britons were once very populous; and exercised
extensive dominion from sea to sea。
10。* Respecting the period when this island became inhabited
subsequently to the flood; I have seen two distinct relations。
According to the annals of the Roman history; the Britons deduce
their origin both from the Greeks and Romans。 On the side of the
mother; from Lavinia; the daughter of Latinus; king of Italy; and
of the race of Silvanus; the son of Inachus; the son of Dardanus;
who was the son of Saturn; king of the Greeks; and who; having
possessed himself of a part of Asia; built the city of Troy。
Dardanus was the father of Troius; who was the father of Priam and
Anchises; Anchises was the father of Aeneas; who was the father
of Ascanius and Silvius; and this Silvius was the son of Aeneas
and Lavinia; the daughter of the king of Italy。 From the sons
of Aeneas and Lavinia descended Romulus and Remus; who were the
sons of the holy queen Rhea; and the founders of Rome。 Brutus
was consul when he conquered Spain; and reduced that country to
a Roman province。 He afterwards subdued the island of Britain;
whose inhabitants were the descendants of the Romans; from Silvius
Posthumus。 He was called Posthumus because he was born after the
death of Aeneas his father; and his mother Lavinia concealed
herself during her pregnancy; he was called Silvius; because he
was born in a wood。 Hence the Roman kings were called Silvan;
and the Britons from Brutus; and rose from the family of Brutus。
* The whole of this; as far as the end of the paragraph; is
omitted in several MSS。
Aeneas; after the Trojan war; arrived with his son in Italy; and
Having vanquished Turnus; married Lavinia; the daughter of king
Latinus; who was the son of Faunus; the son of Picus; the son of
Saturn。 After the death of Latinus; Aeneas obtained the kingdom
Of the Romans; and Lavinia brought forth a son; who was named
Silvius。 Ascanius founded Alba; and afterwards married。 And
Lavinia bore to Aeneas a son; named Silvius; but Ascanius '1'
married a wife; who conceived and became pregnant。 And Aeneas;
having been informed that his daughter…in…law was pregnant; ordered
his son to send his magician to examine his wife; whether the child
conceived were male or female。 The magician came and examined the
wife and pronounced it to be a son; who should become the most
valiant among the Italians; and the most beloved of all men。 '2'
In consequence of this prediction; the magician was put to death
by Ascanius; but it happened that the mother of the child dying
at its birth; he was named Brutus; ad after a certain interval;
agreeably to what the magician had foretold; whilst he was playing
with some others he shot his father with an arrow; not intentionally
but by accident。 '3' He was; for this cause; expelled from Italy;
and came to the islands of the Tyrrhene sea; when he was exiled
on account of the death of Turnus; slain by Aeneas。 He then went
among the Gauls; and built the city of the Turones; called Turnis。 '4'
At length he came to this island named from him Britannia; dwelt
there; and filled it with his own descendants; and it has been
inhabited from that time to the present period。
'1' Other MSS。 Silvius。
'2' V。R。 Who should slay his father and mother; and be hated by
all mankind。
'3' V。R。 He displayed such superiority among his play…fellows;
that they seemed to consider him as their chief。
'4' Tours。
11。 Aeneas reigned over the Latins three years; Ascanius thirty
three years; after whom Silvius reigned twelve years; and Posthumus
thirty…nine * years: the latter; from whom the kings of Alba are
called Silvan; was brother to Brutus; who governed Britain at the
time Eli the high…priest judged Israel; and when the ark of the
covenant was taken by a foreign people。 But Posthumus his brother
reigned among the Latins。
* V。R。 Thirty…seven。
12。 After an interval of not less than eight hundred years; came
the Picts; and occupied the Orkney Islands: whence they laid waste
many regions; and seized those on the left hand side of Britain;
where they still remain; keeping possession of a third part of
Britain to this day。 *
* See Bede's Eccles。 Hist。
13。 Long after this; the Scots arrived in Ireland from Spain。
The first that came was Partholomus;'1' with a thousand men and
women; these increased to four thousand; but a mortality coming
suddenly upon them; they all perished in one week。 The second
was Nimech; the son of。。。;'2' who; according to report; after
having been at sea a year and a half; and having his ships shat…
tered; arrived at a port in Ireland; and continuing there several
years; returned at length with his followers to Spain。 After these
came three sons of a Spanish soldier with thirty ships; each of
which contained thirty wives; and having remained there during the
space of a year; there appeared to them; in the middle of the sea;
a tower of glass; the summit of which seemed covered with men; to
whom they often spoke; but received no answer。 At length they
determined to besiege the tower; and after a year's preparation;
advanced towards it; with the whole number of their ships; and all
the women; one ship only excepted; which had been wrecked; and in
which were thirty men; and as many women; but when all had disem…
barked on the shore which surrounded the tower; the sea opened and
swallowed them up。 Ireland; however; was peopled; to the present
period; from the family remaining in the vessel which was wrecked。
Afterwards; other came from Spain; and possessed themselves of
various parts of Britain。
'1' V。R。 Partholomaeus; or Bartholomaeus。
'2' A blank is here in the MS。 Agnomen is found in some of the
14。 Last of all came one Hoctor;'1' who continued there; and whose
descendants remain there to this day。 Istoreth; the son of
Istorinus; with his followers; held Dalrieta; Buile had the island
Eubonia; and other adjacent places。 The sons of Liethali'2' obtained
the country of the dimetae; where is a city called Menavia;'3' and
the province Guiher and Cetgueli; '4' which they held till they
were expelled from every part of Britain; by Cunedda and his sons。
'1' V。R。 Damhoctor; Clamhoctor; and Elamhoctor。
'2' V。R。 Liethan; Bethan; Vethan。
'3' St。 David's。
'4' Guiher; probably the Welsh district Gower。 Cetgueli is Caer
Kidwelly; in Carmarthenshire。
15。 According to the most learned among the Scots; if any one
desires to learn what I am now going to state; Ireland was a
desert; and uninhabited; when the children of Israel crossed the
Red Sea; in which; as we read in the Book of the Law; the Egyptians
who followed them were drowned。 At that period; there lived among
this people; with a numerous family; a Scythian of noble birth;
who had been banished from his country and did not go to pursue
the people of God。 The Egyptians who were left; seeing the
destruction of the great men of their nation; and fearing lest he
should possess himself of their territory; took counsel together;
and expelled him。 Thus reduced; he wandered forty…two years in
Africa; and arrived; with his family; at the altars of the Philis…
tines; by the Lake of Osiers。 Then passing between Rusicada and
the hilly country of Syria; they travelled by the river Malva
through Mauritania as far as the Pillars of Hercules; and crossing
the Tyrrhene Sea; landed in Spain; where they continued many years;
having greatly increased and multiplied。 Thence; a thousand and
two years after the Egyptians were lost in the Red Sea; they passed
into Ireland; and the district of Dalrieta。* At that period; Brutus;
who first exercised the consular office; reigned over the Romans;
and the state; which before was governed by regal power; was
afterwards ruled; during four hundred and forty…seven years; by
consuls; tribunes of the people; and dictators。
* North…western part of Antrim in Ulster。
The Britons came to Britain in the third age of the world; and in
the fourth; the Scots took possession of Ireland。
The Britons who; suspecting no hostilities; were unprovided with
the means of defence; were unanimously and incessantly attacked;
both by the Scots from the west; and by the Picts from the north。
A long interval after this; the Romans obtained the empire of the
16。 From the first arrival of the Saxons into Britain; to the
fourth year of king Mermenus; are computed four hundred and twenty
eight years; from the nativity of our Lord to the coming of St。
Patrick among the Scots; four hundred and five years; from the
death of St。 Patrick to that of St。 Bridget; forty years; and from
the birth of Columeille'1' to the death of St Bridget four years。'2'
'1' V。R。 Columba。
'2' Some MSS。 add; the beginning of the calculation is 23 cycles
of 19 years from the incarnation of our Lord to the arrival of
St。 Patrick in Ireland; and they make 438 years。 And from the
arrival of St。 Patrick to the cycle of 19 years in which we live
are 22 cycles; which make 421 years。
17。 I have learned another account of this Brutus from the ancient
books of our ancestors。* After the deluge; the three sons of Noah
severally occupied three different parts of the ea
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