history of the britons-第8部分
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Auxilius; Isserninus; and other brothers were ordained with him
to inferior degrees。
'1' V。R。 Germanus 〃sent the elder Segerus with him to a wonderful
man; the holy bishop Amathearex。〃 Another MS。 〃Sent the elder
Segerus; a bishop; with him to Amatheorex。〃
'2' V。R。 〃Received the episcopal degree from the holy bishop
Amatheorex。〃 Another MS。 〃Received the episcopal degree from
Matheorex and the holy bishop。〃
52。 Having distributed benedictions; and perfected all in the name
of the Holy Trinity; he embarked on the sea which is between the
Gauls and the Britons; and after a quick passage arrived in Britain;
where he preached for some time。 Every necessary preparation being
made; and the angel giving him warning; he came to the Irish Sea。
And having filled the ship with foreign gifts and spiritual
treasures; by the permission of God he arrived in Ireland; where
he baptized and preached。
53。 From the beginning of the world; to the fifth year of king
Logiore; when the Irish were baptized; and faith in the unity of
the individual Trinity was published to them; are five thousand
three hundred and thirty years。
54。 Saint Patrick taught the gospel in foreign nations for the
space of forty years。 Endued with apostolical powers; he gave
sight to the blind; cleansed the lepers; gave hearing to the deaf;
cast out devils; raised nine from the dead; redeemed many captives
of both sexes at his own charge; and set them free in the name of
the Holy Trinity。 He taught the servants of God; and he wrote
three hundred and sixty…five canonical and other books relating
to the catholic faith。 He founded as many churches; and consecrated
the same number of bishops; strengthening them with the Holy Ghost。
He ordained three thousand presbyters; and converted and baptized
twelve thousand persons in the province of Connaught。 And; in
one day baptized seven kings; who were the seven sons of Amalgaid。'1'
He continued fasting forty days and nights; on the summit of the
mountain Eli; that is Cruachan…Aichle;'2' and preferred three
petitions to God for the Irish; that had embraced the faith。
The Scots say; the first was; that he would receive every repenting
sinner; even at the latest extremity of life; the second; that
they should never be exterminated by barbarians; and the third;
that as Ireland'3' will be overflowed with water; seven years
before the coming of our Lord to judge the quick and the dead; the
crimes of the people might be washed away through his intercession;
and their souls purified at the last day。 He gave the people his
benediction from the upper part of the mountain; and going up
higher; that he might pray for them; and that if it pleased God;
he might see the effects of his labours; there appeared to him an
innumerable flock of birds of many coulours; signifying the number
of holy persons of both sexes of the Irish nation; who should come
to him as their apostle at the day of judgment; to be presented
before the tribunal of Christ。 After a life spent in the active
exertion of good to mankind; St。 Patrick; in a healthy old age;
passed from this world to the Lord; and changing this life for a
better; with the saints and elect of God he rejoices for evermore。
'1' King of Connaught。
'2' A mountain in the west of Connaught; county of Mayo; now
called Croagh…Patrick。
'3' V。R。 that no Irishman may be alive on the day of judgment;
because they will be destroyed seven years before in honour of
St。 Patrick。
55。 Saint Patrick resembled Moses in four particulars。 The angel
spoke to him in the burning bush。 He fasted forty days and forty
nights upon the mountain。 He attained the period of one hundred
and twenty years。 No one knows his sepulchre; nor where he was
buried; sixteen'1' years he was in captivity。 In his twenty…fifth
year; he was consecrated bishop by Saint Matheus;'2' and he was
eighty…five years the apostle of the Irish。 It might be profitable
to treat more at large of the life of this saint; but it is now
time to conclude this epitome of his labours。'3'
'1' V。R。 Fifteen。
'2' V。R。 By the holy bishop Amatheus。
'3' Here ends the Vatican MS。 collated by Mr。 Gunn。
'Here endeth the life of the holy bishop; Saint Patrick。'
(After this; the MSS。 give as 56。; the legend of king Arthur;
which in this edition occurs in 50。)
Genealogy of the kings of Bernicia。*
* These titles are not part of the original work; but added in
the MSS。 by a later hand。
57。 Woden begat Beldeg; who begat Beornec; who begat Gethbrond;
who begat Aluson; who begat Ingwi; who begat Edibrith; who begat
Esa; who begat Eoppa; who begat Ida。 But Ida had twelve sons;
Adda; Belric; Theodric; Ethelric; Theodhere; Osmer; and one queen;
Bearnoch; Ealric。 Ethelric begat Ethelfrid: the same is Aedlfred
Flesaur。 For he also had seven sons; Eanfrid; Oswald; Oswin;
Oswy; Oswudu; Oslac; Offa。 Oswy begat Alfrid; Elfwin; and Egfrid。
Egfrid is he who made war against his cousin Brudei; king of the
Picts; and he fell therein with all the strength of his army; and
the Picts with their king gained the victory; and the Saxons never
again reduced the Picts so as to exact tribute from them。 Since
the time of this war it is called Gueithlin Garan。
But Oswy had two wives; Riemmelth; the daughter of Royth; son of
Rum; and Eanfled; the daughter of Edwin; son of Alla。
The genealogy of the kings of Kent。
58。 Hengist begat Octa; who begat Ossa; who begat Eormenric;
who begat Ethelbert; who begat Eadbald; who begat Ercombert; who
begat Egbert。
The origin of the kings of East…Anglia。
59。 Woden begat Casser; who begat Titinon; who begat Trigil; who
begat Rodmunt; who begat Rippa; who begat Guillem Guercha;* who
was the first king of the East Angles。 Guercha begat Uffa; who
begat Tytillus; who begat Eni; who begat Edric; who begat Aldwulf;
who begat Elric。
* Guercha is a distortion of the name of Uffa; or Wuffa; arising
in the first instance from the pronunciation of the British writer;
and in the next place from the error of the transcriberPalgrave。
The genealogy of the Mercians。
60。 Woden begat Guedolgeat; who begat Gueagon; who begat Guithleg;
who begat Guerdmund; who begat Ossa; who begat Ongen; who begat
Eamer; who begat Pubba。* This Pubba had twelve sons; of whom two
are better known to me than the others; that is Penda and Eawa。
Eadlit is the son of Pantha; Penda; son of Pubba; Ealbald; son of
Alguing; son of Eawa; son of Penda; son of Pubba。 Egfert; son of
Offa; son of Thingferth; son of Enwulf; son of Ossulf; son of
Eawa; son of Pubba。
* Or Wibba。
The kings of the Deiri。
61。 Woden begat Beldeg; Brond begat Siggar; who begat Sibald;
who begat Zegulf; who begat Soemil; who first separated'1' Deur
from Berneich (Deira from Bernicia。) Soemil begat Sguerthing; who
begat Giulglis; who begat Ulfrea; who begat Iffi; who begat Ulli;
Edwin; Osfrid and Eanfrid。 There were two sons of Edwin; who fell
with him in battle at Meicen;'2' and the kingdom was never renewed
in his family; because not one of his race escaped from that war;
but all were slain with him by the army of Catguollaunus;'3' king
of the Guendota。 Oswy begat Egfrid; the same is Ailguin; who
begat Oslach; sho begat Alhun; who begat Adlsing; who begat Echun;
who begat Oslaph。 Ida begat Eadric; who begat Ecgulf; who begat
Leodwald; who begat Eata; the same is Glinmaur; who begat Eadbert
and Egbert; who was the first bishop of their nation。
'1' V。R。 Conquered。
'2' Hatfield; in the West Riding of Yorkshire。 See Bede's Eccles。
'3' Cadwalla; king of the Western Britons。
Ida; the son of Eoppa; possessed countries on the left…hand side
of Britain; i。e。 of the Humbrian sea; and reigned twelve years;
and united* Dynguayth Guarth…Berneich。
* V。R。 United the castle; i。e。 Dinguerin and Gurdbernech; which
two countries were in one country; i。e。 Deurabernech; Anglice
Diera and Bernicia。 Another MS。 Built Dinguayrh Guarth Berneich。
62。 Then Dutgirn at that time fought bravely against the nation
of the Angles。 At that time; Talhaiarn Cataguen* was famed for
poetry; and Neirin; and Taliesin and Bluchbard; and Cian; who is
called Guenith Guaut; were all famous at the same time in British
* Talhaiarn was a descendant of Coel Godebog; and chaplain to
The great king; Mailcun;* reigned among the Britons; i。e。 in the
district of Guenedota; because his great…great…grandfather; Cunedda;
with his twelve sons; had come before from the left…hand part; i。e。
from the country which is called Manau Gustodin; one hundred and
forty…six years before Mailcun reigned; and expelled the Scots
with much slaughter from those countries; and they never returned
again to inhabit them。
* Better known as Maelgwn。
63。 Adda; son of Ida; reigned eight years; Ethelric; son of Adda;
reigned four years。 Theodoric; son of Ida; reigned seven years。
Freothwulf reigned six years。 In whose time the kingdom of Kent;
by the mission of Gregory; received baptism。 Hussa reigned seven
years。 Against him fought four kings; Urien; and Ryderthen; and
Guallauc; and Morcant。 Theodoric fought bravely; together with
his sons; again
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