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hewed in the next Chapter。

Chap。 II。

Of the Law of Nature concerning Contracts。

I。 All Authors agree not concerning the definition of the Naturall Law; who notwithstanding doe very often make use of this terme in their Writings。 The Method therefore; wherein we begin from definitions; and exclusion of all equivocation; is only proper to them who leave no place for contrary Disputes; for the rest; if any man say; that somwhat is done against the Law of Nature; one proves it hence; because it was done against the generall Agreement of all the most wise; and learned Nations: But this declares not who shall be the judg of the wisdome and learning of all Nations: Another hence; That it was done against the Generall consent of all Man…kind; which definition is by no means to be admitted; for then it were impossible for any but Children; and Fools; to offend against such a Law; for sure; under the notion of Man…kind; they comprehend all men actually endued with Reason。 These therefore either doe Naught against it; or if they doe Ought; it is without their joint accord; and therefore ought to be excus'd; but to receive the Lawes of Nature from the Consents of them; who oftner Break; then Observe them; is in truth unreasonable: besides; Men condemne the same things in others; which they approve in themselves; on the other side; they publickly commend what they privately condemne; and they deliver their Opinions more by Hear…say; then any Speculation of their own; and they accord more through hatred of some object; through fear; hope; love; or some other perturbation of mind; then true Reason。 And therefore it comes to passe; that whole Bodyes of people often doe those things by Generall accord; or Contention; which those Writers most willingly acknowledge to be against the Law of Nature。 But since all doe grant that is done by RIGHT; which is not done against Reason; we ought to judg those Actions onely wrong; which are repugnant to right Reason; (i。e。) which contradict some certaine Truth collected by right reasoning from true Principles; but that Wrong which is done; we say it is done against some Law: therefore True Reason is a certaine Law; which (since it is no lesse a part of Humane nature; then any other faculty; or affection of the mind) is also termed naturall。 Therefore the Law of Nature; that I may define it; is the Dictate of right Reason; conversant about those things which are either to be done; or omitted for the constant preservation of Life; and Members; as much as in us lyes。     Right Reason。' By Right Reason in the naturall state of men; I understand not; as many doe; an infallible faculty; but the act of reasoning; that is; the peculiar and true ratiocination of every man concerning those actions of his which may either redound to the dammage; or benefit of his neighbours。 I call it Peculiar; because although in a Civill Government the reason of the Supreme (i。e。 the Civill Law) is to be received by each single subject for the right; yet being without this Civill Government; (in which state no man can know right reason from false; but by comparing it with His owne) every mans owne reason is to be accounted not onely the rule of His owne actions which are done at His owne perill; but also for the measure of another mans reason; in such things as doe concerne him。 I call it True; that is; concluding from true principles rightly fram'd; because that the wHole breach of the Lawes of Nature consists in the false reasoning; or rather folly of those men who see not those duties they are necessarily to performe toward others in order to their owne conservation; but the Principles of Right reasoning about such like duties are those which are explained in the 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; and 7。 articles of the first Chapter。

    II。 But the first and fundamentall Law of Nature is; That Peace is to be sought after where it may be found; and where not; there to provide our selves for helps of War: For we shewed in the last Article of the foregoing Chapter; that this precept is the dictate of right reason; but that the Dictates of right reason are naturall Lawes; that hath been newly prov'd above; But this is the first; because the rest are deriv'd from this; and they direct the wayes either to Peace; or self…defence。

    III。 But one of the Naturall Lawes deriv'd from this fundamentall one is this; That the right of all men; to all things; ought not to be retain'd; but that some certain rights ought to be transferr'd; or relinquisht: for if every one should retain his right to all things; it must necessarily follow; that some by right might invade; and others; by the same right; might defend themselves against them; (for every man; by naturall necessity; endeavours to defend his Body; and the things which he judgeth necessary towards the protection of his Body) therefore War would follow。 He therefore acts against the reason of Peace; (i。e。) against the Law of Nature; whosoever he be; that doth not part with his Right to all things。     IV。 But he is said to part with his right; who either absolutely renounceth it; or conveys it to another。 He absolutely renounceth it; who by some sufficient Signe; or meet Tokens; declares that he is willing that it shall never be lawfull for him to doe that again; which before; by Right; he might have done; but he conveys it to another; who by some sufficient Signe; or meet Tokens; declares to that other; that he is willing it should be unlawfull for him to resist him; in going about to do somewhat in the performance where he might before; with Right; have resisted him; but that the conveyance of Right consists meerly in not resisting; is understood by this; that before it was convey'd; he; to whom he convey'd it; had even then also a right to all; whence he could not give any new Right: But the resisting Right he had; before he gave it; by reason whereof the other could not freely enjoy his Rights; is utterly abolisht: Whosoever therefore acquires some Right in the naturall state of men; he onely procures himself security; and freedome from just molestation in the enjoyment of his Primitive Right: As for example; if any man shall sell; or give away a Farme; he utterly deprives himself only from all Right to this Farme; but he does not so from others also。     V。 But in the conveyance of Right the will is requisite not onely of him that conveys; but of him also that accepts it。 If either be wanting; the Right remaines: for if I would have given what was mine; to one who refus'd to accept of it; I have not therefore either simply renounc'd my Right; or convey'd it to any man; for the cause which mov'd me to part with it to this Man was in him onely; not in others too。     VI。 But if there be no other Token extant of our will either to quit; or convey our Right; but onely Words; those words must either relate to the present; or time past; for if they be of the future onely; they convey nothing: for example; he that speaks thus of the time to come; I will give to morrow; declares openly that yet he hath not given it; so that all this day his right remains; and abides to morrow too; unlesse in the interim he actually bestowes it: for what is mine; remains mine till I have parted with it。 But if I shall speak of the time present; suppose thus; I doe give; or have given you this to be received to morrow; by these words is signified that I have already given it; and that his Right to receive it to morrow; is conveyed to him by me to day。     VII。 Neverthelesse; although words alone are not sufficient tokens to declare the Will; if yet to words relating to the future; there shall some other signes be added; they may become as valid; as if they had been spoken of the present: If therefore; as by reason of those other signes; it appear; that he that speaks of the future; intends those words should be effectuall toward the perfect transferring of his Right; they ought to be valid; for the conveyance of right depends not on words; but (as hath been instanc'd in the 4。 Article) on the declaration of the Will。     VIII。 If any man conveigh some part of his right to another; and doth not this for some certain benefit received; or for some compact; a conveighance in this kind is called a Gift; or free Donation。 But in free donation those words onely oblige us which signifie the present; or the time past; for if they respect the future; they oblige not as words; for the reason given in the foregoing Article: It must needs therefore be; that the Obligation arise from some other tokens of the Will: But; because whatsoever is voluntarily done; is done for some good to him that wils it; there can no other token be assigned of the Will to give it; except some benefit either already receiv'd; or to be acquir'd; but is suppos'd; that no such benefit is acquired; nor any compact in being; for if so; it would cease to be a free gift: It remains therefore; that a mutuall good turne without agreement be expected; but no signe can be given; that he; who us' d future words toward him who was in no sort engag'd to return a benefit; should desire to have his words so understood; as to oblige himselfe thereby。 Nor is it suitable to Reason; that those who are easily enclined to doe well to others; should be oblig'd by every promise;
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