of the epidemics-第11部分
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fever; accompanied with rigors; copious and continued sweats all over;
heaviness of the head and neck; with pain; urine thin; substances
floating in the urine small; scattered; did not subside; had copious
dejections from the bowels; very delirious; no sleep。 On the second;
in the morning; loss of speech; acute fever; he sweated; fever did not
leave him; palpitations over the whole body; at night; convulsions。 On
the third; all the symptoms exacerbated; he died。
Explanation of the characters。 It is probable that the sweats and
convulsions caused death。
CASE V。 In Larissa; a man; who was bald; suddenly was seized with
pain in the right thigh; none of the things which were administered
did him any good。 On the first day; fever acute; of the ardent type;
not agitated; but the pains persisted。 On the second; the pains in the
thigh abated; but the fever increased; somewhat tossed about; did
not sleep; extremities cold; passed a large quantity of urine; not
of a good character。 On the third; the pain of the thigh ceased;
derangement of the intellect; confusion; and much tossing about。 On
the fourth; about noon; he died。 An acute disease。
CASE VI。 In Abdera; Pericles was seized with a fever of the acute;
continual type; with pain; much thirst; nausea; could not retain his
drink; somewhat swelled about the spleen; with heaviness of the
head。 On the first day; had hemorrhage from the left nostril; but
still the fever became more violent; passed much muddy; white urine;
which when allowed to stand did not subside。 On the second day; all
the symptoms were exacerbated; yet the urine was thick; and more
inclined to have a sediment; the nausea less; he slept。 On the
third; fever was milder; abundance of urine; which was concocted;
and had a copious sediment; passed a quiet night。 On the fourth; had a
copious and warm sweat all over about noon; was free of fever; had a
crisis; no relapse。 An acute affection。
CASE VII。 In Abdera; the young woman who was lodged in the Sacred
Walk was seized with an ardent fever。 She was thirsty; and could not
sleep; had menstruation for the first time。 On the sixth; much nausea;
flushing; was chilly; and tossed about。 On the seventh; in the same
state; urine thin;but of a good color; no disturbance about the
bowels。 On the eighth; deafness; acute fever; insomnolency; nausea;
rigors; became collected; urine the same。 On the ninth; in the same
state; and also on the following days; thus the deafness persisted。 On
the fourteenth; disorder of the intellect; the fever abated。 On the
seventeenth; a copious hemorrhage from the nose; the deafness slightly
better; and on the following days; nausea; deafness; and
incoherence。 On the twentieth; pain of the feet; deafness and delirium
left her; a small hemorrhage from the nose; sweat; apyrexia。 On the
twenty…fourth; the fever returned; deafness again; pain of the feet
remained; incoherence。 On the twenty…seventh; had a copious sweat;
apyrexia; the deafness left her; the pain of her feet partly remained;
in other respects had a complete crisis。
Explanation of the characters。 It is probable that the restoration
of health on the twentieth day was the result of the evacuation of
CASE VIII。 In Abdera; Anaxion; who was lodged near the with Thracian
Gates; was seized with an acute fever; pain of the right dry cough;
without expectoration during the first days; thirst; insomnolency;
urine well colored; copious; and thin。 On the sixth; delirious; no
relief from the warm applications。 On the seventh; in a painful state;
for the fever while the pains did not abate; and the cough was
troublesome; and attended with dyspnoea。 On the eighth; I opened a
vein at the elbow; and much blood; of a proper character; flowed;
the pains were abated; but the dry coughs continued。 On the
eleventh; the fever diminished; slight sweats about the head;
coughs; with more liquid sputa; he was relieved。 On the twentieth;
sweat; apyrexia; but after the crisis he was thirsty; and the
expectorations were not good。 On the twenty…seventh the fever
relapsed; he coughed; and brought up much concocted sputa: sediment in
the urine copious and white; he became free of thirst; and the
respiration was good。 On the thirty…fourth; sweated all over; apyrexia
general crisis。
Explanation of the characters。 It is probable that the evacuation of
the sputa brought about the recovery on the thirty…fourth day。
CASE IX。 In Abdera; Heropythus; while still on foot; had pain in the
head; and not long afterwards he took to bed; he lived near the High
Street。 Was seized with acute fever of the ardent type; vomitings at
first of much bilious matter; thirst; great restlessness; urine
thin; black; substances sometimes floating high in it; and sometimes
not; passed the night in a painful state; paroxysms of the fever
diversified; and for the most part irregular。 About the fourteenth
day; deafness; the fever increased; urine the same。 On the twentieth
and following days; much delirium。 On the thirtieth; copious
hemorrhage from the nose; and became more collected; deafness
continued; but less; the fever diminished; on the following days;
frequent hemorrhages; at short intervals。 About the sixtieth; the
hemorrhages ceased; but violent pain of the hip…joint; and increase of
fever。 Not long afterwards; pains of all the inferior rule; that
either the fever and deafness increased; or; pains of the inferior
parts were increased。 About the eightieth day; all the complaints gave
way; without leaving any behind; for the urine was of a good color;
and had a copious sediment; while the delirium became less。 About
the hundredth day; disorder of the bowels; with copious and bilious
evacuations; and these continued for a considerable time; and again
assumed the dysenteric form with pain; but relief of all the other
complaints。 On the whole; the fevers went off; and the deafness
ceased。 On the hundred and twentieth day; had a complete crisis。
Ardent fever。
Explanation of the characters。 It is probable that the bilious
discharge brought about the recovery on the hundred and twentieth day。
CASE X。 In Abdera; Nicodemus was seized with fever from venery and
drinking。 At the commencement he was troubled with nausea and
cardialgia; thirsty; tongue was parched; urine thin and dark。 On the
second day; the fever exacerbated; he was troubled with rigors and
nausea; had no sleep; vomited yellow bile; urine the same; passed a
quiet night; and slept。 On the third; a general remission;
amelioration; but about sunset felt again somewhat uncomfortable;
passed an uneasy night。 On the fourth; rigor; much fever; general
pains; urine thin; with substances floating in it; again a quiet
night。 On the fifth; all the symptoms remained; but there was an
amelioration。 On the sixth; some general pains; substances floating in
the urine; very incoherent。 On the seventh; better。 On the eighth; all
the other symptoms abated。 On the tenth; and following days; there
were pains; but all less; in this case throughout; the paroxysms and
pains were greater on the even days。 On the twentieth; the urine white
and thick; but when allowed to stand had no sediment; much sweat;
seemed to be free from fever; but again in the evening he became
hot; with the same pains; rigor; thirst; slightly incoherent。 On the
twenty…fourth; urine copious; white; with an abundant sediment; a
copious and warm sweat all over; apyrexia; the fever came to its
Explanation of the characters。 It is probable that the cure was
owing to the bilious evacuations and the sweats。
CASE XI。 In Thasus; a woman; of a melancholic turn of mind; from
some accidental cause of sorrow; while still going about; became
affected with loss of sleep; aversion to food; and had thirst and
nausea。 She lived near the Pylates; upon the Plain。 On the first; at
the commencement of night; frights; much talking; despondency;
slight fever; in the morning; frequent spasms; and when they ceased;
she was incoherent and talked obscurely; pains frequent; great and
continued。 On the second; in the same state; had no sleep; fever
more acute。 On the third; the spasms left her; but coma; and
disposition to sleep; and again awaked; started up; and could not
contain herself; much incoherence; acute fever; on that night a
copious sweat all over; apyrexia; slept; quite collected; had a
crisis。 About the third day; the urine black; thin; substances
floating in it generally round; did not fall to the bottom; about
the crisis a copious menstruation。
CASE XII。 In Larissa; a young unmarried woman was seized with a
fever of the acute and ardent type; insomnolency; thirst; tongue so
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