of the epidemics-第5部分
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be kept warm; no discharge of urine。 On the eighth; a cold sweat all
over; red rashes with sweat; of a round figure; small; like vari;
persistent; not subsiding; by means of a slight stimulus; a copious
discharge from the bowels; of a thin and undigested character; with
pain; urine acrid; and passed with pain; extremities slightly
heated; sleep slight; and comatose; speechless; urine thin; and
transparent。 On the ninth; in the same state。 On the tenth; no drink
taken; comatose; sleep slight; alvine discharges the same; urine
abundant; and thickish; when allowed to stand; the sediment
farinaceous and white; extremities again cold。 On the eleventh; he
died。 At the commencement; and throughout; the respiration was slow
and large; there was a constant throbbing in the hypochondrium; his
age was about twenty。
CASE III。 Herophon was seized with an acute fever; alvine discharges
at first were scanty; and attended with tenesmus; but afterwards
they were passed of a thin; bilious character; and frequent; there was
no sleep; urine black; and thin。 On the fifth; in the morning;
deafness; all the symptoms exacerbated; spleen swollen; distention
of the hypochondrium; alvine discharges scanty; and black; he became
delirious。 On the sixth; delirious; at night; sweating; coldness;
the delirium continued。 On the seventh; he became cold; thirsty; was
disordered in mind; at night recovered his senses; slept。 On the
eighth; was feverish; the spleen diminished in size; quite
collected; had pain at first about the groin; on the same side as
the spleen; had pains in both legs; night comfortable; urine better
colored; had a scanty sediment。 On the ninth; sweated; the crisis took
place; fever remitted。 On the fifth day afterwards; fever relapsed;
spleen immediately became swollen; acute fever; deafness again。 On the
third day after the relapse; the spleen diminished; deafness less;
legs painful; sweated during the night; crisis took place on the
seventeenth day; had no disorder of the senses during the relapse。
CASE IV。 In Thasus; the wife of Philinus; having been delivered of a
daughter; the discharge being natural; and other matters going on
mildly; on the fourteenth day after delivery was seized with fever;
attended with rigor; was pained at first in the cardiac region of
the stomach and right hypochondrium; pain in the genital organs;
lochial discharge ceased。 Upon the application of a pessary all
these symptoms were alleviated; pains of the head; neck; and loins
remained; no sleep; extremities cold; thirst; bowels in a hot state;
stools scanty; urine thin; and colorless at first。 On the sixth;
towards night; senses much disordered; but again were restored。 On the
seventh; thirsty; the evacuations bilious; and high colored。 On the
eighth; had a rigor; acute fever; much spasm; with pain; talked
much; incoherently; upon the application of a suppository; rose to
stool; and passed copious dejections; with a bilious flux; no sleep。
On the ninth; spasms。 On the tenth; slightly recollected。 On the
eleventh; slept; had perfect recollection; but again immediately
wandered; passed a large quantity of urine with spasms; (the
attendants seldom putting her in mind); it was thick; white; like
urine which has been shaken after it has stood for a considerable time
until it has subsided; but it had no sediment; in color and
consistence; the urine resembled that of cattle; as far as I observed。
About the fourteenth day; startings over the whole body; talked
much; slightly collected; but presently became again delirious。
About the seventeenth day became speechless; on the twentieth died。
CASE V。 The wife of Epicrates; who was lodged at the house of
Archigetes; being near the term of delivery; was seized with a violent
rigor; and; as was said; she did not become heated; next day the same。
On the third; she was delivered of a daughter; and everything went
on properly。 On the day following her delivery; she was seized with
acute fever; pain in the cardiac region of the stomach; and in the
genital parts。 Having had a suppository; was in so far relieved;
pain in the head; neck; and loins; no sleep; alvine discharges scanty;
bilious; thin; and unmixed; urine thin; and blackish。 Towards the
night of the sixth day from the time she was seized with the fever;
became delirious。 On the seventh; all the symptoms exacerbated;
insomnolency; delirium; thirst; stools bilious; and high colored。 On
the eighth; had a rigor; slept more。 On the ninth; the same。 On the
tenth; her limbs painfully affected; pain again of the cardiac
region of the stomach; heaviness of the head; no delirium; slept more;
bowels constipated。 On the eleventh; passed urine of a better color;
and having an abundant sediment; felt lighter。 On the fourteenth had a
rigor; acute fever。 On the fifteenth; had a copious vomiting of
bilious and yellow matters; sweated; fever gone; at night acute fever;
urine thick; sediment white。 On the seventeenth; an exacerbation;
night uncomfortable; no sleep; delirium。 On the eighteenth; thirsty;
tongue parched; no sleep; much delirium; legs painfully affected。
About the twentieth; in the morning; had as light rigor; was comatose;
slept tranquilly; had slight vomiting of bilious and black matters;
towards night deafness。 About the twenty…first; weight generally in
the left side; with pain; slight urine thick; muddy; and reddish; when
allowed to stand; had no sediment; in other respects felt lighter;
fever not gone; fauces painful from the commencement; and red; uvula
retracted; defluxion remained acrid; pungent; and saltish
throughout。 About the twenty…seventh; free of fever; sediment in the
urine; pain in the side。 About the thirty…first; was attacked with
fever; bilious diarrhea; slight bilious vomiting on the fortieth。
Had a complete crisis; and was freed from the fever on the eightieth
CASE VI。 Cleonactides; who was lodged above the Temple of
Hercules; was seized with a fever in an irregular form; was pained
in the head and left side from the commencement; and had other pains
resembling those produced by fatigue; paroxysms of the fevers
inconstant and irregular; occasional sweats; the paroxysms generally
attacked on the critical days。 About the twenty…fourth was cold in the
extremities of the hands; vomitings bilious; yellow; and frequent;
soon turning to a verdigris…green color; general relief。 About the
thirtieth; began to have hemorrhage from both nostrils; and this
continued in an irregular manner until near the crisis; did not loathe
food; and had no thirst throughout; nor was troubled with
insomnolency; urine thin; and not devoid of color。 When about the
thirtieth day; passed reddish urine; having a copious red sediment;
was relieved; but afterwards the characters of the urine varied;
sometimes having sediment; and sometimes not。 On the sixtieth; the
sediment in the urine copious; white; and smooth; all the symptoms
ameliorated; intermission of the fever; urine thin; and well
colored。 On the seventieth; fever gone for ten days。 On the
eightieth had a rigor; was seized with acute fever; sweated much; a
red; smooth sediment in the urine; and a perfect crisis。
CASE VII。 Meton was seized with fever; there was a painful weight in
the loins。 Next day; after drinking water pretty copiously; had proper
evacuations from the bowels。 On the third; heaviness of the head;
stools thin; bilious; and reddish。 On the fourth; all the symptoms
exacerbated; had twice a scanty trickling of blood from the right
nostril; passed an uncomfortable night; alvine discharges like those
on the third day; urine darkish; had a darkish cloud floating in it;
of a scattered form; which did not subside。 On the fifth; a copious
hemorrhage of pure blood from the left he sweated; and had a crisis。
After the fever restless; and had some delirium; urine thin; and
darkish; had an affusion of warm water on the head; slept and
recovered his senses。 In this case there was no relapse; but there
were frequent hemorrhages after the crisis。
CASE VIII。 Erasinus; who lived near the Canal of Bootes; was
seized with fever after supper; passed the night in an agitated state。
During the first day quiet; but in pain at night。 On the second;
symptoms all exacerbated; at night delirious。 On the third; was in a
painful condition; great incoherence。 On the fourth; in a most
uncomfortable state; had no sound sleep at night; but dreaming and
talking; then all the appearances worse; of a formidable and
alarming character; fear; impatience。 On the morning of the fifth; was
composed; and quite coherent; but long before noon was furiously
mad; so that he could not constrain himself; ext
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