of the epidemics-第7部分
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had substances floating in it which did not fall to the bottom; at
night he was delirious。 On the sixth; had jaundice; all the symptoms
were exacerbated; had no recollection。 On the seventh; in an
uncomfortable state; urine thin; as formerly; on the following days
the same。 About the eleventh day; all the symptoms appeared to be
lightened。 Coma set in; urine thicker; reddish; thin substances below;
had no sediment; by degrees he became collected。 On the fourteenth;
fever gone; had no sweat; slept; quite collected; urine of the same
characters。 About the seventeenth; had a relapse; became hot。 On the
following days; acute fever; urine thin; was delirious。 Again; on
the twentieth; had a crisis; free of fever; had no sweat; no
appetite through the whole time; was perfectly collected; could not
speak; tongue dry; without thirst; deep sleep。 About the twenty…fourth
day he became heated; bowels loose; with a thin; watery discharge;
on the following days acute fever; tongue parched。 On the
twenty…seventh he died。 In this patient deafness continued throughout;
the urine either thick and red; without sediment; or thin; devoid of
color; and; having substances floating in it: he could taste nothing。
Explanation of the characters。 It is probably that it was the
suppression of the discharges from the bowels which occasioned death
on the twenty…seventh day。
CASE III。 The man who was lodged in the Garden of Dealces: had
heaviness of the head and pain in the right temple for a
considerable time; from some accidental cause; was seized with
fever; and took to bed。 On the second; there was a trickling of pure
blood from the left nostril; but the alvine discharges were proper;
urine thin; mixed; having small substances floating in it; like coarse
barley meal; or semen。 On the third; acute fever; stools black;
thin; frothy; a livid sediment in the dejections; slight coma;
uneasiness at the times he had to get up; sediment in the urine livid;
and somewhat viscid。 On the fourth; slight vomiting of bilious; yellow
matters; and; after a short interval; of the color of verdigris; a few
drops of pure blood ran from the left nostril; stools the same;
urine the same; sweated about the head and clavicles; spleen enlarged;
pain of the thigh on the same side; loose swelling of the right
hypochondrium; at night had no sleep; slight delirium。 On the sixth;
stools black; fatty; viscid; fetid; slept; more collected。 On the
seventh; tongue dry; thirsty; did not sleep; was somewhat delirious;
urine thin; not of a good color。 On the eighth; stools black;
scanty; and compact; slept; became collected; not very thirsty。 On the
ninth had a rigor; acute fever; sweated; a chill; was delirious;
strabismus of the right eye; tongue dry; thirsty; without sleep。 On
the tenth; much the same。 On the eleventh; became quite collected;
free from fever; slept; urine thin about the crisis。 The two following
days without fever; it returned on the fourteenth; then immediately
insomnolency and complete delirium。 On the fifteenth; urine muddy;
like that which has been shaken after the sediment has fallen to the
bottom; acute fever; quite delirious; did not sleep; knees and legs
painful; after a suppository; had alvine dejections of a black
color。 On the sixteenth; urine thin; had a cloudy eneorema; was
delirious。 On the seventeenth; in the morning; extremities cold; was
covered up with the bedclothes; acute fever; general sweat; felt
relieved; more collected; not free of fever; thirsty; vomited yellow
bile; in small quantities; formed faeces passed from the bowels; but
soon afterwards black; scanty; and thin; urine thin; not well colored。
On the eighteenth; not collected; comatose。 On the nineteenth; in
the same state。 On the twentieth; slept; quite collected; sweated;
free from fever; not thirsty; but the urine thin。 On the twenty…first;
slight delirium; somewhat thirsty; pain of the hypochondrium; and
throbbing about the navel throughout。 On sediment in the urine;
quite collected。 Twenty…seventh; pain of the right hip joint; urine
thin and bad; a sediment; all the other symptoms milder。 About the
twenty…ninth; pain of the right eye; urine thin。 Fortieth;
dejections pituitous; white; rather frequent; sweated abundantly all
over; had a complete crisis。
Explanation of the characters。 It is probable that; by means of
the stools; the urine; and the sweat; this patient was cured in
forty days。
Sect。 II
CASE I。 In Thasus; Philistes had headache of long continuance; and
sometimes was confined to bed; with a tendency to deep sleep; having
been seized with continual fevers from drinking; the pain was
exacerbated; during the night he; at first; became hot。 On the first
day; he vomited some bilious matters; at first yellow; but
afterwards of a verdigris…green color; and in greater quantity; formed
faeces passed from the bowels; passed the night uncomfortably。 On
the second; deafness; acute fever; retraction of the right
hypochondrium; urine thin; transparent; had some small substances like
semen floating in it; delirium ferox about mid…day。 On the third; in
an uncomfortable state。 On the fourth; convulsions; all the symptoms
exacerbated。 On the fifth; early in the morning; died。
Explanation of the characters。 It is probable that the death of
the patient on the fifth day is to be attributed to a phrenitis;
with unfavorable evacuations。
CASE II。 Charion; who was lodged at the house of Demaenetus;
contracted a fever from drinking。 Immediately he had a painful
heaviness of the head; did not sleep; bowels disordered; with thin and
somewhat bilious discharges。 On the third day; acute fever;
trembling of the head; but especially of the lower lip; after a little
time a rigor; convulsions; he was quite delirious; passed the night
uncomfortably。 On the fourth; quiet; slept little; talked
incoherently。 On the fifth; in pain; all the symptoms exacerbated;
delirium; passed the night uncomfortably; did not sleep。 On the sixth;
in the same state。 On the seventh had a rigor; acute fever; sweated
all over his body; had a crisis。 Throughout the alvine discharges were
bilious; scanty; and unmixed; urine thin; well colored; having
cloudy substances floating in it。 About the eighth day; passed urine
of a better color; having a white scanty sediment; was collected; free
from fever for a season。 On the ninth it relapsed。 About the
fourteenth; acute fever。 On the sixteenth; vomited pretty frequently
yellow; bilious matters。 On the seventeenth had a rigor; acute
fever; sweated; free of fever; had a crisis; urine; after the
relapse and the crisis; well colored; having a sediment; neither was
he delirious in the relapse。 On the eighteenth; became a little
heated; some thirst; urine thin; with cloudy substances floating in
it; slight wandering in his mind。 About the nineteenth; free of fever;
had a pain in his neck; a sediment in the urine。 Had a complete crisis
on the twentieth。
Explanation of the characters。 It is probable that the patient was
cured in twenty days; by the abundance of bilious stools and urine。
CASE III。 The daughter of Euryanax; a maid; was taken ill of
fever。 She was free of thirst throughout; but had no relish for
food。 Alvine discharges small; urine thin; scanty; not well colored。
In the beginning of the fever; had a pain about the nates。 On the
sixth day; was free of fever; did not sweat; had a crisis; the
complaint about the nates came to a small suppuration; and burst at
the crisis。 After the crisis; on the seventh day; had a rigor;
became slightly heated; sweated。 On the eighth day after the rigor;
had an inconsiderable rigor; the extremities cold ever after。 About
the tenth day; after a sweat which came on; she became delirious;
and again immediately afterwards was collected; these symptoms were
said to have been brought on by eating grapes。 After an intermission
of the twelfth day; she again talked much incoherently; her bowels
disordered with bilious; scanty; unmixed; thin; acrid discharges;
she required to get frequently up。 She died on the seventh day after
the return of the delirium。 At the commencement of the disease she had
pain in the throat; and it red throughout; uvula retracted; defluxions
abundant; thin; acrid; coughed; but had no concocted sputa; during the
whole time loathed all kinds of food; nor had the least desire of
anything; had no thirst; nor drank anything worth mentioning; was
silent; and never spoke a word; despondency; had no hopes of
herself。 She had a congenital tendency to phthisis。
CASE IV。 The woman affected with quinsy; who lodged in the house
of Aristion: her complaint began
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