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of   freight   and   passenger   rates   which   on   examination   proved   to   be   very 

simple and that required no great lawyers with legal cunning to draw up as 

they did in my country in making tariff schedules to fool the people and 

open a wider door for graft rebates and special privileges。 The passenger 

rate   was   five   mills   per   mile   for   any   and   every   distance;   with   children 

under     seven    years   of   age   free;  with    but   one   exception…all     children 

attending the District High School were carried free to and from school。 

     Sleeping      cars  were    provided     for   all  persons    traveling    over    one 

thousand      miles   on   the   train;  but  no   person    under    that  distance    was 

permitted to occupy one。 There were no Pullman or Palace Coaches and 

no special train was allowed save only to the President or member of his 

Cabinet     on   official  business。    The    railway   lines   were   run   through    the 

country so as to bring the produce of the people to market and to bring all 

the   people   in   touch   with   one   another。   Hundreds   of   short   lines   were   in 

operation that by themselves did not pay operating expenses; but as they 

formed   a   part   of   the   whole   railway   system   of   the   Republic   under   one 

management; they were beneficial to the people。 The rate for all kinds of 

freight; except grain and vegetables; was five mills per ton per mile for all 

distances; and for grain; fruit and vegetables two mills per ton per mile。 

     All Government freight and employees were carried free; but a strict 

account     was    kept   so  as  to  prevent    fraud。   No   discrimination      between 

persons or places was allowed。 Everyone was placed on the same footing; 

but to prevent conspiracies in restraint of trade if a person in any district 

shipped   goods   into   another   district   and   offered   them   for   sale   for   a   less 

price; with the freight added; than he sold them for in his own district; he 

was   punished   by   six   months'   imprisonment   at   hard   labor   in   the   district 

where he violated the law; and if any person; either of his own account or 

acting    as  agent    for  another   party;   sold   goods    brought    from   a  foreign 

country for a less price than the wholesale price of the goods at the place 


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where they  were produced   or   manufactured with   twenty per   cent。   added 

for freight and other expenses; was punished by six months' imprisonment 

at hard labor; and if not a citizen of the Republic of Eurasia; was expelled 

from the country after serving out his sentence; for; as a prominent officer 

remarked   to   me:   〃We   do   not   permit   any   Standard   Oil   methods   in   our 

country。〃   There   were   no   tariff   duties   levied。   Every   article   produced   or 

manufactured (except those produced or manufactured by the Government; 

which were prohibited) were admitted free; provided the Government of 

that country admitted articles produced or manufactured in Eurasia free; if 

not; then a non…intercourse decree was issued by the President of Eurasia 

to   be   in   force   until   the   other   country   accepted   free   trade。   The   railways 

were built directly by the Government; employing soldiers to do the work; 

and no contracts were allowed; Government superintendents and foremen 

bossing theconstruction; even to getting out ties in the Government forests 

and the rails made in Government mills and foundries。 The Government 

built railroads at less cost than they were built for in any other part of the 

world and politicians had no chance to get their political friends into soft 

berths at the expense of the taxpayers。 No money was paid by the General 

Government for right of way。 

     All claims for damages arising out of the building of railways had to 

be presented to the District Court; and the law provided that the District 

Court could grant such compensation as was just; but in no case could it 

exceed the assessed value of the land per acre that the owner had sworn to 

previously as the full value of his land; to be paid out of the funds of the 

district。 There were only two forms of taxation in Eurasia; a land tax and a 

graduated   income   tax。   There   was   no   tax   on   improvements   of   any   kind; 

either   on   city   or   country   property;   but   on   the   land   only;   by   this   wise 

system of taxation encouraging the people to improve their property and 

beautify   and   discouraging   land   speculation;   and   when   the   Government 

wanted land owned by private parties who were citizens of the Republic 

(for no foreigner was permitted by law to own land directly or indirectly; 

so that the curse of Absentee Landlordism which was the ruin of Ireland; 

should never blight the happiness of the people of Eurasia); they added up 

the assessments for the previous five years and divided them by five and 


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added   twenty   per   cent。   to   it   in   payment   for   the   land;   together   with   fair 

compensation for any buildings there might be on it; so that if the owner 

swore   to   a   low   valuation   on   his   land   he   was   the   loser;   but   the   District 

Court; sitting as a Board of Equalization every year; could fix the value of 

the land at what they considered proper。 


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                             CHAPTER XI。 

                                  THE INCOME TAX。 

     The   income   tax   was   a   graduated income   tax   beginning   with   persons 

having on income one thousand dollars a year and above what they laid 

out in improving their property。 All persons whose income was less than 

one thousand dollars paid no income tax。 The tax was one per cent。 on one 

thousand dollars; the rate increasing with the amount of income up to fifty 

thousand   dollars   a   year;   when   it   was   fifty   per   cent。;   leaving   the   owner 

twenty…five     thousand     dollars;  and   for  all  incomes    over   fifty  thousand 

dollars   a   year   the   surplus   over   twenty…five   thousand   dollars   went   to   the 

Government and as a result of this wise policy there were no Jay Goulds 

or J。 D。 Rockefellers in Eurasia。 All money received from land and income 

taxes   went   into   the   District   Fund   for   the   expenses   of   the   district   and 

schools;   and   building   and   maintaining   of   good;   macadamized   roads;   for 

every district had a rock crusher from which the roads were supplied with 

broken stone at a trifling expense to the district。 


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                             CHAPTER XII。 

                     DEPARTMENT OF MANUFACTURES。 

     The Government derived its revenues from the sale of liquors; drugs; 

chemicals; tobacco; coffee; tea; sugar; salt; coal; oil; stone; charcoal; iron; 

steel;   copper;   lead   and   the  precious   metals。   The   greatest   revenue      was 

derived from liquors。 Every commodity produced or manufactured by the 

Government was sold in lots or packages at one dollar a lot or package。 

The Government made and sold wine in three grades; The first…grade wine 

was put up in quart bottles at one dollar a quart; the second…grade wine in 

half…gallon bottles at one dollar a bottle; and the third…grade wine in gallon 

bottles at one dollar a gallon; alcohol in half…gallon bottles at one dollar a 

bottle; and brandy in the same way and sold at the same price。 There were 

no grades in brandy。 All brandies were sold at one dollar for half a gallon。 

Whisky;   of   which   there   was   only   manufactured   one   grade;   but   out   of 

different cereals or vegetables; was put up in one…gallon bottles and sold at 

one dollar a gallon。 Beer was sold in five…gallon kegs at one dollar a keg; 

but the purchaser of beer had to   pay in   addition for the keg;  which   was 

refunded   when   he   returned   the   keg   in   good   condition。  The   Government 

manufactured        pure   liquors   and   no   foreign   liquors   were    admitted    into 


     In   the   chemical      factories   every    drug    required     by   the   Medical 

Pharmacopoeia and every chemical required in the arts and manufactures 

was   made;   but   no   drugs   were   sold   except   on   a   medical   prescription;   or 

chemicals except to responsible parties。 The voters of any district could by 

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