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napoleon bonaparte, v2

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napoleon bonaparte, v2封面
RECOLLECTIONS OF THE PRIVATE LIFE OF NAPOLEON, V2BY CONSTANTPREMIER VALET DE CHAMBRETRANSLATED BY WALTER CLARKCONTENTS:CHAPTER VII. to CHAPTER XII.CHAPTER VII.In the month of May, 1801, there came to Paris, on his way to takepossession of his new kingdom, the Prince of Tuscany, Don Louis theFirst, whom the First Consul had just made King of Etruria. He traveledunder the name of the Count of Leghorn, with his wife, who was theinfanta of Spain, Maria Louisa, third daughter of Charles the Fourth; butin spite of the incognito, which, from the modest title he had assumed,he seemed really anxious to preserve, especially, perhaps, on account of...


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