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second epilogue-第3部分

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possible to understand that Napoleon had power and so events occurred;

with some effort one may even conceive that Napoleon together with

other influences was the cause of an event; but how a book; Le Contrat

social; had the effect of making Frenchmen begin to drown one

another cannot be understood without an explanation of the causal

nexus of this new force with the event。

  Undoubtedly some relation exists between all who live

contemporaneously; and so it is possible to find some connection

between the intellectual activity of men and their historical

movements; just as such a connection may be found between the

movements of humanity and commerce; handicraft; gardening; or anything

else you please。 But why intellectual activity is considered by the

historians of culture to be the cause or expression of the whole

historical movement is hard to understand。 Only the following

considerations can have led the historians to such a conclusion: (1)

that history is written by learned men; and so it is natural and

agreeable for them to think that the activity of their class

supplies the basis of the movement of all humanity; just as a

similar belief is natural and agreeable to traders; agriculturists;

and soldiers (if they do not express it; that is merely because

traders and soldiers do not write history); and (2) that spiritual

activity; enlightenment; civilization; culture; ideas; are all

indistinct; indefinite conceptions under whose banner it is very

easy to use words having a still less definite meaning; and which

can therefore be readily introduced into any theory。

  But not to speak of the intrinsic quality of histories of this

kind (which may possibly even be of use to someone for something)

the histories of culture; to which all general histories tend more and

more to approximate; are significant from the fact that after

seriously and minutely examining various religious; philosophic; and

political doctrines as causes of events; as soon as they have to

describe an actual historic event such as the campaign of 1812 for

instance; they involuntarily describe it as resulting from an exercise

of power… and say plainly that that was the result of Napoleon's will。

Speaking so; the historians of culture involuntarily contradict

themselves; and show that the new force they have devised does not

account for what happens in history; and that history can only be

explained by introducing a power which they apparently do not




  A locomotive is moving。 Someone asks: 〃What moves it?〃 A peasant

says the devil moves it。 Another man says the locomotive moves because

its wheels go round。 A third asserts that the cause of its movement

lies in the smoke which the wind carries away。

  The peasant is irrefutable。 He has devised a complete explanation。

To refute him someone would have to prove to him that there is no

devil; or another peasant would have to explain to him that it is

not the devil but a German; who moves the locomotive。 Only then; as

a result of the contradiction; will they see that they are both wrong。

But the man who says that the movement of the wheels is the cause

refutes himself; for having once begun to analyze he ought to go on

and explain further why the wheels go round; and till he has reached

the ultimate cause of the movement of the locomotive in the pressure

of steam in the boiler; he has no right to stop in his search for

the cause。 The man who explains the movement of the locomotive by

the smoke that is carried back has noticed that the wheels do not

supply an explanation and has taken the first sign that occurs to

him and in his turn has offered that as an explanation。

  The only conception that can explain the movement of the

locomotive is that of a force commensurate with the movement observed。

  The only conception that can explain the movement of the peoples

is that of some force commensurate with the whole movement of the


  Yet to supply this conception various historians take forces of

different kinds; all of which are incommensurate with the movement

observed。 Some see it as a force directly inherent in heroes; as the

peasant sees the devil in the locomotive; others as a force

resulting from several other forces; like the movement of the

wheels; others again as an intellectual influence; like the smoke that

is blown away。

  So long as histories are written of separate individuals; whether

Caesars; Alexanders; Luthers; or Voltaires; and not the histories of

all; absolutely all those who take part in an event; it is quite

impossible to describe the movement of humanity without the conception

of a force compelling men to direct their activity toward a certain

end。 And the only such conception known to historians is that of


  This conception is the one handle by means of which the material

of history; as at present expounded; can be dealt with; and anyone who

breaks that handle off; as Buckle did; without finding some other

method of treating historical material; merely deprives himself of the

one possible way of dealing with it。 The necessity of the conception

of power as an explanation of historical events is best demonstrated

by the universal historians and historians of culture themselves;

for they professedly reject that conception but inevitably have

recourse to it at every step。

  In dealing with humanity's inquiry; the science of history up to now

is like money in circulation… paper money and coin。 The biographies

and special national histories are like paper money。 They can be

used and can circulate and fulfill their purpose without harm to

anyone and even advantageously; as long as no one asks what is the

security behind them。 You need only forget to ask how the will of

heroes produces events; and such histories as Thiers' will be

interesting and instructive and may perhaps even possess a tinge of

poetry。 But just as doubts of the real value of paper money arise

either because; being easy to make; too much of it gets made or

because people try to exchange it for gold; so also doubts

concerning the real value of such histories arise either because too

many of them are written or because in his simplicity of heart someone

inquires: by what force did Napoleon do this?… that is; wants to

exchange the current paper money for the real gold of actual


  The writers of universal histories and of the history of culture are

like people who; recognizing the defects of paper money; decide to

substitute for it money made of metal that has not the specific

gravity of gold。 It may indeed make jingling coin; but will do no more

than that。 Paper money may deceive the ignorant; but nobody is

deceived by tokens of base metal that have no value but merely jingle。

As gold is gold only if it is serviceable not merely for exchange

but also for use; so universal historians will be valuable only when

they can reply to history's essential question: what is power? The

universal historians give contradictory replies to that question;

while the historians of culture evade it and answer something quite

different。 And as counters of imitation gold can be used only among

a group of people who agree to accept them as gold; or among those who

do not know the nature of gold; so universal historians and historians

of culture; not answering humanity's essential question; serve as

currency for some purposes of their own; only in universities and

among the mass of readers who have a taste for what they call 〃serious




  Having abandoned the conception of the ancients as to the divine

subjection of the will of a nation to some chosen man and the

subjection of that man's will to the Deity; history cannot without

contradictions take a single step till it has chosen one of two

things: either a return to the former belief in the direct

intervention of the Deity in human affairs or a definite explanation

of the meaning of the force producing historical events and termed


  A return to the first is impossible; the belief has been

destroyed; and so it is essential to explain what is meant by power。

  Napoleon ordered an army to be raised and go to war。 We are so

accustomed to that idea and have become so used to it that the

question: why did six hundred thousand men go to fight when Napoleon

uttered certain words; seems to us senseless。 He had the power and

so what he ordered was done。

  This reply is quite satisfactory if we believe that the power was

given him by God。 But as soon as we do not admit that; it becomes

essential to determine what is this power of one man over others。

  It cannot be the direct physical power of a strong man over a weak

one… a domination based on the application or threat of physical

force; like the power of Hercules; nor can it be based on the effect

of moral force; as in their simplicity some historians think who say

that the leading figures in history are heroes; that is; men gifted

with a special strength of soul and mind called genius。 This 
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