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the use and need of the life of carrie a. nation

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the use and need of the life of carrie a. nation封面
The Use and Need of the Life of Carrie A. Nationby Carrie A. NationENCOURAGEMENT FOR CHRISTIAN WORKERS."My word shall not return unto me void."Isa. iv., II."When saddened by the little fruit thy labors seem to yield,And when no springing blade appears in all thy barren field;When those whom thou dost seek to win, seem hard, and cold, and deadThen, weary worker, stay thine heart on what the Lord hath said;And let it give new life to hopes which seem well-nigh destroyedThis promise, that His word, shall not return unto Him void.For, if, indeed it be His truth, thy feeble lips proclaim,Then, He is pledged to shadow forth, the glory of His name.True this at present may be veiled; still trusting


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