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the hungry stones and other stories

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the hungry stones and other stories封面
The Hungry Stones And Other Storiesby Rabindranath TagoreContents:The Hungry StonesThe VictoryOnce There Was A KingThe Home-comingMy Lord, The BabyThe Kingdom Of CardsThe DevoteeVisionThe Babus Of NayanjoreLiving Or Dead?"We Crown Thee King"The RenunciationThe Cabuliwallah[The Fruitseller from Cabul]THE HUNGRY STONESMy kinsman and myself were returning to Calcutta from our Puja trip when we met the man in a train. From his dress and bearing we took him at first for an up-country Mahomedan, but we were puzzled as we heard himtalk. He discoursed upon all subjects so confidently that you might think the Disposer of All Things consulted him at all times in all that He did. Hitherto we had be


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