the mysterious stranger-第21部分
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〃Don't do it; dear; remember; there are witnesses; and it is not becoming
in the Crown Princess。 Tell me your troubleit shall be mended; there
is nothing the Emperor cannot do。〃 Then he looked around and saw old
Ursula with her apron to her eyes。 He was puzzled at that; and said;
〃And what is the matter with you?〃
Through her sobs she got out words explaining that she was distressed to
see him〃so。〃 He reflected over that a moment; then muttered; as if to
himself: 〃A singular old thing; the Dowager Duchessmeans well; but is
always snuffling and never able to tell what it is about。 It is because
she doesn't know。〃 His eyes fell on Wilhelm。 〃Prince of India;〃 he
said; 〃I divine that it is you that the Crown Princess is concerned
about。 Her tears shall be dried; I will no longer stand between you; she
shall share your throne; and between you you shall inherit mine。 There;
little lady; have I done well? You can smile nowisn't it so?〃
He petted Marget and kissed her; and was so contented with himself and
with everybody that he could not do enough for us all; but began to give
away kingdoms and such things right and left; and the least that any of
us got was a principality。 And so at last; being persuaded to go home;
he marched in imposing state; and when the crowds along the way saw how
it gratified him to be hurrahed at; they humored him to the top of his
desire; and he responded with condescending bows and gracious smiles; and
often stretched out a hand and said; 〃Bless you; my people!〃
As pitiful a sight as ever I saw。 And Marget; and old Ursula crying all
the way。
On my road home I came upon Satan; and reproached him with deceiving me
with that lie。 He was not embarrassed; but said; quite simply and
〃Ah; you mistake; it was the truth。 I said he would be happy the rest of
his days; and he will; for he will always think he is the Emperor; and
his pride in it and his joy in it will endure to the end。 He is now; and
will remain; the one utterly happy person in this empire。〃
〃But the method of it; Satan; the method! Couldn't you have done it
without depriving him of his reason?〃
It was difficult to irritate Satan; but that accomplished it。
〃What an ass you are!〃 he said。 〃Are you so unobservant as not to have
found out that sanity and happiness are an impossible combination? No
sane man can be happy; for to him life is real; and he sees what a
fearful thing it is。 Only the mad can be happy; and not many of those。
The few that imagine themselves kings or gods are happy; the rest are no
happier than the sane。 Of course; no man is entirely in his right mind
at any time; but I have been referring to the extreme cases。 I have
taken from this man that trumpery thing which the race regards as a Mind;
I have replaced his tin life with a silver…gilt fiction; you see the
resultand you criticize! I said I would make him permanently happy;
and I have done it。 I have made him happy by the only means possible to
his raceand you are not satisfied!〃 He heaved a discouraged sigh; and
said; 〃It seems to me that this race is hard to please。〃
There it was; you see。 He didn't seem to know any way to do a person a
favor except by killing him or making a lunatic out of him。 I
apologized; as well as I could; but privately I did not think much of his
processesat that time。
Satan was accustomed to say that our race lived a life of continuous and
uninterrupted self…deception。 It duped itself from cradle to grave with
shams and delusions which it mistook for realities; and this made its
entire life a sham。 Of the score of fine qualities which it imagined it
had and was vain of; it really possessed hardly one。 It regarded itself
as gold; and was only brass。 One day when he was in this vein he
mentioned a detailthe sense of humor。 I cheered up then; and took
issue。 I said we possessed it。
〃There spoke the race!〃 he said; 〃always ready to claim what it hasn't
got; and mistake its ounce of brass filings for a ton of gold…dust。 You
have a mongrel perception of humor; nothing more; a multitude of you
possess that。 This multitude see the comic side of a thousand low…grade
and trivial thingsbroad incongruities; mainly; grotesqueries;
absurdities; evokers of the horse…laugh。 The ten thousand high…grade
comicalities which exist in the world are sealed from their dull vision。
Will a day come when the race will detect the funniness of these
juvenilities and laugh at themand by laughing at them destroy them?
For your race; in its poverty; has unquestionably one really effective
weaponlaughter。 Power; money; persuasion; supplication; persecution
these can lift at a colossal humbugpush it a littleweaken it a
little; century by century; but only laughter can blow it to rags and
atoms at a blast。 Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand。
You are always fussing and fighting with your other weapons。 Do you ever
use that one? No; you leave it lying rusting。 As a race; do you ever
use it at all? No; you lack sense and the courage。〃
We were traveling at the time and stopped at a little city in India and
looked on while a juggler did his tricks before a group of natives。 They
were wonderful; but I knew Satan could beat that game; and I begged him
to show off a little; and he said he would。 He changed himself into a
native in turban and breech…cloth; and very considerately conferred on me
a temporary knowledge of the language。
The juggler exhibited a seed; covered it with earth in a small flower…
pot; then put a rag over the pot; after a minute the rag began to rise;
in ten minutes it had risen a foot; then the rag was removed and a little
tree was exposed; with leaves upon it and ripe fruit。 We ate the fruit;
and it was good。 But Satan said:
〃Why do you cover the pot? Can't you grow the tree in the sunlight?〃
〃No;〃 said the juggler; 〃no one can do that。〃
〃You are only an apprentice; you don't know your trade。 Give me the
seed。 I will show you。〃 He took the seed and said; 〃What shall I raise
from it?〃
〃It is a cherry seed; of course you will raise a cherry。〃
〃Oh no; that is a trifle; any novice can do that。 Shall I raise an
orange…tree from it?〃
〃Oh yes!〃 and the juggler laughed。
〃And shall I make it bear other fruits as well as oranges?〃
〃If God wills!〃 and they all laughed。
Satan put the seed in the ground; put a handful of dust on it; and said;
A tiny stem shot up and began to grow; and grew so fast that in five
minutes it was a great tree; and we were sitting in the shade of it。
There was a murmur of wonder; then all looked up and saw a strange and
pretty sight; for the branches were heavy with fruits of many kinds and
colorsoranges; grapes; bananas; peaches; cherries; apricots; and so on。
Baskets were brought; and the unlading of the tree began; and the people
crowded around Satan and kissed his hand; and praised him; calling him
the prince of jugglers。 The news went about the town; and everybody came
running to see the wonderand they remembered to bring baskets; too。
But the tree was equal to the occasion; it put out new fruits as fast as
any were removed; baskets were filled by the score and by the hundred;
but always the supply remained undiminished。 At last a foreigner in
white linen and sun…helmet arrived; and exclaimed; angrily:
〃Away from here! Clear out; you dogs; the tree is on my lands and is my
The natives put down their baskets and made humble obeisance。 Satan made
humble obeisance; too; with his fingers to his forehead; in the native
way; and said:
〃Please let them have their pleasure for an hour; sironly that; and no
longer。 Afterward you may forbid them; and you will still have more
fruit than you and the state together can consume in a year。〃
This made the foreigner very angry; and he cried out; 〃Who are you; you
vagabond; to tell your betters what they may do and what they mayn't!〃
and he struck Satan with his cane and followed this error with a kick。
The fruits rotted on the branches; and the leaves withered and fell。 The
foreigner gazed at the bare limbs with the look of one who is surprised;
and not gratified。 Satan said:
〃Take good care of the tree; for its health and yours are bound together。
It will never bear again; but if you tend it well it will live long。
Water its roots once in each hour every nightand do it yourself; it
must not be done by proxy; and to do it in daylight will not answer。 If
you fail only once in any night; the tree will die; and you likewise。 Do
not go home to your own country any moreyou would not reach there; make
no business or pleasure engagements which require you to go outside your
gate at nightyou cannot afford the risk; do not rent or sell this
placeit would be injudicious。〃
The foreigner was proud and wouldn't beg; but I thought he looked as if
he would like to。 While he stood gazing at Satan we vanished away and
landed in Ceylon。
I was sorry for that man; sorry Satan hadn't been his customary self and
killed him or made him a lunatic。 It would have been a mercy。 Satan
overheard the thought; and said:
〃I would have done it but for his
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