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democracy in america-1-第2部分

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te race; who are described as 〃We; the people;〃 in the opening sentence of the Constitution。  The last three amendments of the Constitution have so changed this; that those who were then negro slaves are clothed with the rights of citizenship; including the right of suffrage。  This was a political party movement; intended to be radical and revolutionary; but it will; ultimately; react because it has not the sanction of public opinion。

If M。 De Tocqueville could now search for a law that would negative this provision in its effect upon social equality; he would fail to find it。  But he would find it in the unwritten law of the natural aversion of the races。 He would find it in public opinion; which is the vital force in every law in a free government。  This is a subject that our Constitution failed to regulate; because it was not contemplated by its authors。  It is a question that will settle itself; without serious difficulty。  The equality in the suffrage; thus guaranteed to the negro race; alone … for it was not intended to include other colored races … creates a new phase of political conditions that M。 De Tocqueville could not foresee。  Yet; in his commendation of the local town and county governments; he applauds and sustains that elementary feature of our political organization which; in the end; will render harmless this wide departure from the original plan and purpose of American Democracy。 〃Local Self…Government;〃 independent of general control; except for general purposes; is the root and origin of all free republican government; and is the antagonist of all great political combinations that threaten the rights of minorities。  It is the public opinion formed in the independent expressions of towns and other small civil districts that is the real conservatism of free government。  It is equally the enemy of that dangerous evil; the corruption of the ballot…box; from which it is now apprehended that one of our greatest troubles is to arise。

The voter is selected; under our laws; because he has certain physical qualifications … age and sex。  His disqualifications; when any are imposed; relate to his education or property; and to the fact that he has not been convicted of crime。  Of all men he should be most directly amenable to public opinion。

The test of moral character and devotion to the duties of good citizenship are ignored in the laws; because the courts can seldom deal with such questions in a uniform and satisfactory way; under rules that apply alike to all。  Thus the voter; selected by law to represent himself and four other non…voting citizens; is often a person who is unfit for any public duty or trust。  In a town government; having a small area of jurisdiction; where the voice of the majority of qualified voters is conclusive; the fitness of the person who is to exercise that high representative privilege can be determined by his neighbors and acquaintances; and; in the great majority of cases; it will be decided honestly and for the good of the country。  In such meetings; there is always a spirit of loyalty to the State; because that is loyalty to the people; and a reverence for God that gives weight to the duties and responsibilities of citizenship。

M。 De Tocqueville found in these minor local jurisdictions the theoretical conservatism which; in the aggregate; is the safest reliance of the State。  So we have found them; in practice; the true protectors of the purity of the ballot; without which all free government will degenerate into absolutism。

In the future of the Republic; we must encounter many difficult and dangerous situations; but the principles established in the Constitution and the check upon hasty or inconsiderate legislation; and upon executive action; and the supreme arbitrament of the courts; will be found sufficient for the safety of personal rights; and for the safety of the government; and the prophetic outlook of M。 De Tocqueville will be fully realized through the influence of Democracy in America。  Each succeeding generation of Americans will find in the pure and impartial reflections of De Tocqueville a new source of pride in our institutions of government; and sound reasons for patriotic effort to preserve them and to inculcate their teachings。  They have mastered the power of monarchical rule in the American Hemisphere; freeing religion from all shackles; and will spread; by a quiet but resistless influence; through the islands of the seas to other lands; where the appeals of De Tocqueville for human rights and liberties have already inspired the souls of the people。

Hon。 John T。 Morgan

Special Introduction By Hon。 John J。 Ingalls

Nearly two…thirds of a century has elapsed since the appearance of 〃Democracy in America;〃 by Alexis Charles Henri Clerel de Tocqueville; a French nobleman; born at Paris; July 29; 1805。

Bred to the law; he exhibited an early predilection for philosophy and political economy; and at twenty…two was appointed judge…auditor at the tribunal of Versailles。

In 1831; commissioned ostensibly to investigate the penitentiary system of the United States; he visited this country; with his friend; Gustave de Beaumont; travelling extensively through those parts of the Republic then subdued to settlement; studying the methods of local; State; and national administration; and observing the manners and habits; the daily life; the business; the industries and occupations of the people。

〃Democracy in America;〃 the first of four volumes upon 〃American Institutions and their Influence;〃 was published in 1835。  It was received at once by the scholars and thinkers of Europe as a profound; impartial; and entertaining exposition of the principles of popular; representative self…government。

Napoleon; 〃The mighty somnambulist of a vanished dream;〃 had abolished feudalism and absolutism; made monarchs and dynasties obsolete; and substituted for the divine right of kings the sovereignty of the people。

Although by birth and sympathies an aristocrat; M。 de Tocqueville saw that the reign of tradition and privilege at last was ended。  He perceived that civilization; after many bloody centuries; had entered a new epoch。  He beheld; and deplored; the excesses that had attended the genesis of the democratic spirit in France; and while he loved liberty; he detested the crimes that had been committed in its name。  Belonging neither to the class which regarded the social revolution as an innovation to be resisted; nor to that which considered political equality the universal panacea for the evils of humanity; he resolved by personal observation of the results of democracy in the New World to ascertain its natural consequences; and to learn what the nations of Europe had to hope or fear from its final supremacy。

That a youth of twenty…six should entertain a design so broad and bold implies singular intellectual intrepidity。  He had neither model nor precedent。  The vastness and novelty of the undertaking increase admiration for the remarkable ability with which the task was performed。

Were literary excellence the sole claim of 〃Democracy in America〃 to distinction; the splendor of its composition alone would entitle it to high place among the masterpieces of the century。  The first chapter; upon the exterior form of North America; as the theatre upon which the great drama is to be enacted; for graphic and picturesque description of the physical characteristics of the continent is not surpassed in literature: nor is there any subdivision of the work in which the severest philosophy is not invested with the grace of poetry; and the driest statistics with the charm of romance。 Western emigration seemed commonplace and prosaic till M。 de Tocqueville said; 〃This gradual and continuous progress of the European race toward the Rocky Mountains has the solemnity of a providential event; it is like a deluge of men rising unabatedly; and daily driven onward by the hand of God!〃

The mind of M。 de Tocqueville had the candor of the photographic camera。 It recorded impressions with the impartiality of nature。  The image was sometimes distorted; and the perspective was not always true; but he was neither a panegyrist; nor an advocate; nor a critic。  He observed American phenomena as illustrations; not as proof nor arguments; and although it is apparent that the tendency of his mind was not wholly favorable to the democratic principle; yet those who dissent from his conclusions must commend the ability and courage with which they are expressed。

Though not originally written for Americans; 〃Democracy in America〃 must always remain a work of engrossing and constantly increasing interest to citizens of the United States as the first philosophic and comprehensive view of our society; institutions; and destiny。  No one can rise even from the most cursory perusal without clearer insight and more patriotic appreciation of the blessings of liberty protected by law; nor without encouragement for the stability and perpetuity of the Republic。  The causes which appeared to M。 de Tocqueville to menace both; have gone。  The despotism of public opinion; the tyranny of majorities; the absence of intellectual freedom which seemed to him to degrade administration and bring statesmanship; l
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