democracy in america-1-第81部分
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l the democracy。 The judge is a lawyer; who; independently of the taste for regularity and order which he has contracted in the study of legislation; derives an additional love of stability from his own inalienable functions。 His legal attainments have already raised him to a distinguished rank amongst his fellow…citizens; his political power completes the distinction of his station; and gives him the inclinations natural to privileged classes。
Armed with the power of declaring the laws to be unconstitutional; *a the American magistrate perpetually interferes in political affairs。 He cannot force the people to make laws; but at least he can oblige it not to disobey its own enactments; or to act inconsistently with its own principles。 I am aware that a secret tendency to diminish the judicial power exists in the United States; and by most of the constitutions of the several States the Government can; upon the demand of the two houses of the legislature; remove the judges from their station。 By some other constitutions the members of the tribunals are elected; and they are even subjected to frequent re…elections。 I venture to predict that these innovations will sooner or later be attended with fatal consequences; and that it will be found out at some future period that the attack which is made upon the judicial power has affected the democratic republic itself。
'Footnote a: See chapter VI。 on the 〃Judicial Power in the United States。〃'
It must not; however; be supposed that the legal spirit of which I have been speaking has been confined; in the United States; to the courts of justice; it extends far beyond them。 As the lawyers constitute the only enlightened class which the people does not mistrust; they are naturally called upon to occupy most of the public stations。 They fill the legislative assemblies; and they conduct the administration; they consequently exercise a powerful influence upon the formation of the law; and upon its execution。 The lawyers are; however; obliged to yield to the current of public opinion; which is too strong for them to resist it; but it is easy to find indications of what their conduct would be if they were free to act as they chose。 The Americans; who have made such copious innovations in their political legislation; have introduced very sparing alterations in their civil laws; and that with great difficulty; although those laws are frequently repugnant to their social condition。 The reason of this is; that in matters of civil law the majority is obliged to defer to the authority of the legal profession; and that the American lawyers are disinclined to innovate when they are left to their own choice。
It is curious for a Frenchman; accustomed to a very different state of things; to hear the perpetual complaints which are made in the United States against the stationary propensities of legal men; and their prejudices in favor of existing institutions。
The influence of the legal habits which are common in America extends beyond the limits I have just pointed out。 Scarcely any question arises in the United States which does not become; sooner or later; a subject of judicial debate; hence all parties are obliged to borrow the ideas; and even the language; usual in judicial proceedings in their daily controversies。 As most public men are; or have been; legal practitioners; they introduce the customs and technicalities of their profession into the affairs of the country。 The jury extends this habitude to all classes。 The language of the law thus becomes; in some measure; a vulgar tongue; the spirit of the law; which is produced in the schools and courts of justice; gradually penetrates beyond their walls into the bosom of society; where it descends to the lowest classes; so that the whole people contracts the habits and the tastes of the magistrate。 The lawyers of the United States form a party which is but little feared and scarcely perceived; which has no badge peculiar to itself; which adapts itself with great flexibility to the exigencies of the time; and accommodates itself to all the movements of the social body; but this party extends over the whole community; and it penetrates into all classes of society; it acts upon the country imperceptibly; but it finally fashions it to suit its purposes。
Chapter XVI: Causes Mitigating Tyranny In The United States … Part II
Trial By Jury In The United States Considered As A Political Institution
Trial by jury; which is one of the instruments of the sovereignty of the people; deserves to be compared with the other laws which establish that sovereignty … Composition of the jury in the United States … Effect of trial by jury upon the national character … It educates the people … It tends to establish the authority of the magistrates and to extend a knowledge of law among the people。
Since I have been led by my subject to recur to the administration of justice in the United States; I will not pass over this point without adverting to the institution of the jury。 Trial by jury may be considered in two separate points of view; as a judicial and as a political institution。 If it entered into my present purpose to inquire how far trial by jury (more especially in civil cases) contributes to insure the best administration of justice; I admit that its utility might be contested。 As the jury was first introduced at a time when society was in an uncivilized state; and when courts of justice were merely called upon to decide on the evidence of facts; it is not an easy task to adapt it to the wants of a highly civilized community when the mutual relations of men are multiplied to a surprising extent; and have assumed the enlightened and intellectual character of the age。 *b
'Footnote b: The investigation of trial by jury as a judicial institution; and the appreciation of its effects in the United States; together with the advantages the Americans have derived from it; would suffice to form a book; and a book upon a very useful and curious subject。 The State of Louisiana would in particular afford the curious phenomenon of a French and English legislation; as well as a French and English population; which are gradually combining with each other。 See the 〃Digeste des Lois de la Louisiane;〃 in two volumes; and the 〃Traite sur les Regles des Actions civiles;〃 printed in French and English at New Orleans in 1830。'
My present object is to consider the jury as a political institution; and any other course would divert me from my subject。 Of trial by jury; considered as a judicial institution; I shall here say but very few words。 When the English adopted trial by jury they were a semi…barbarous people; they are become; in course of time; one of the most enlightened nations of the earth; and their attachment to this institution seems to have increased with their increasing cultivation。 They soon spread beyond their insular boundaries to every corner of the habitable globe; some have formed colonies; others independent states; the mother…country has maintained its monarchical constitution; many of its offspring have founded powerful republics; but wherever the English have been they have boasted of the privilege of trial by jury。 *c They have established it; or hastened to re…establish it; in all their settlements。 A judicial institution which obtains the suffrages of a great people for so long a series of ages; which is zealously renewed at every epoch of civilization; in all the climates of the earth and under every form of human government; cannot be contrary to the spirit of justice。 *d
'Footnote c: All the English and American jurists are unanimous upon this head。 Mr。 Story; judge of the Supreme Court of the United States; speaks; in his 〃Treatise on the Federal Constitution;〃 of the advantages of trial by jury in civil cases: … 〃 The inestimable privilege of a trial by jury in civil cases … a privilege scarcely inferior to that in criminal cases; which is counted by all persons to be essential to political and civil liberty。 。 。 。〃 (Story; book iii。; chap。 xxxviii。)'
'Footnote d: If it were our province to point out the utility of the jury as a judicial institution in this place; much might be said; and the following arguments might be brought forward amongst others: …
By introducing the jury into the business of the courts you are enabled to diminish the number of judges; which is a very great advantage。 When judges are very numerous; death is perpetually thinning the ranks of the judicial functionaries; and laying places vacant for newcomers。 The ambition of the magistrates is therefore continually excited; and they are naturally made dependent upon the will of the majority; or the individual who fills up the vacant appointments; the officers of the court then rise like the officers of an army。 This state of things is entirely contrary to the sound administration of justice; and to the intentions of the legislator。 The office of a judge is made inalienable in order that he may remain independent: but of what advantage is it that his independence should be protected if he be tempted to sacrifice it of his own accord? When judges are very numerous many of them must necessarily be incapable of performing their importan
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