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democracy in america-1-第99部分

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ifficulty which habitually live by the chase。 Pastoral tribes; indeed; often change their place of abode; but they follow a regular order in their migrations; and often return again to their old stations; whilst the dwelling of the hunter varies with that of the animals he pursues。

Several attempts have been made to diffuse knowledge amongst the Indians; without controlling their wandering propensities; by the Jesuits in Canada; and by the Puritans in New England; *k but none of these endeavors were crowned by any lasting success。  Civilization began in the cabin; but it soon retired to expire in the woods。  The great error of these legislators of the Indians was their not understanding that; in order to succeed in civilizing a people; it is first necessary to fix it; which cannot be done without inducing it to cultivate the soil; the Indians ought in the first place to have been accustomed to agriculture。  But not only are they destitute of this indispensable preliminary to civilization; they would even have great difficulty in acquiring it。  Men who have once abandoned themselves to the restless and adventurous life of the hunter; feel an insurmountable disgust for the constant and regular labor which tillage requires。  We see this proved in the bosom of our own society; but it is far more visible among peoples whose partiality for the chase is a part of their national character。

'Footnote k: See the 〃Histoire de la Nouvelle France;〃 by Charlevoix; and the work entitled 〃Lettres edifiantes。〃'

Independently of this general difficulty; there is another; which applies peculiarly to the Indians; they consider labor not merely as an evil; but as a disgrace; so that their pride prevents them from becoming civilized; as much as their indolence。 *l 

'Footnote l: 〃In all the tribes;〃 says Volney; in his 〃Tableau des Etats…Unis;〃 p。 423; 〃there still exists a generation of old warriors; who cannot forbear; when they see their countrymen using the hoe; from exclaiming against the degradation of ancient manners; and asserting that the savages owe their decline to these innovations; adding; that they have only to return to their primitive habits in order to recover their power and their glory。〃' 

There is no Indian so wretched as not to retain under his hut of bark a lofty idea of his personal worth; he considers the cares of industry and labor as degrading occupations; he compares the husbandman to the ox which traces the furrow; and even in our most ingenious handicraft; he can see nothing but the labor of slaves。 Not that he is devoid of admiration for the power and intellectual greatness of the whites; but although the result of our efforts surprises him; he contemns the means by which we obtain it; and while he acknowledges our ascendancy; he still believes in his superiority。 War and hunting are the only pursuits which appear to him worthy to be the occupations of a man。 *m The Indian; in the dreary solitude of his woods; cherishes the same ideas; the same opinions as the noble of the Middle ages in his castle; and he only requires to become a conqueror to complete the resemblance; thus; however strange it may seem; it is in the forests of the New World; and not amongst the Europeans who people its coasts; that the ancient prejudices of Europe are still in existence。

'Footnote m: The following description occurs in an official document: 〃Until a young man has been engaged with an enemy; and has performed some acts of valor; he gains no consideration; but is regarded nearly as a woman。  In their great war…dances all the warriors in succession strike the post; as it is called; and recount their exploits。  On these occasions their auditory consists of the kinsmen; friends; and comrades of the narrator。  The profound impression which his discourse produces on them is manifested by the silent attention it receives; and by the loud shouts which hail its termination。 The young man who finds himself at such a meeting without anything to recount is very unhappy; and instances have sometimes occurred of young warriors; whose passions had been thus inflamed; quitting the war…dance suddenly; and going off alone to seek for trophies which they might exhibit; and adventures which they might be allowed to relate。〃'

More than once; in the course of this work; I have endeavored to explain the prodigious influence which the social condition appears to exercise upon the laws and the manners of men; and I beg to add a few words on the same subject。

When I perceive the resemblance which exists between the political institutions of our ancestors; the Germans; and of the wandering tribes of North America; between the customs described by Tacitus; and those of which I have sometimes been a witness; I cannot help thinking that the same cause has brought about the same results in both hemispheres; and that in the midst of the apparent diversity of human affairs; a certain number of primary facts may be discovered; from which all the others are derived。  In what we usually call the German institutions; then; I am inclined only to perceive barbarian habits; and the opinions of savages in what we style feudal principles。

However strongly the vices and prejudices of the North American Indians may be opposed to their becoming agricultural and civilized; necessity sometimes obliges them to it。  Several of the Southern nations; and amongst others the Cherokees and the Creeks; *n were surrounded by Europeans; who had landed on the shores of the Atlantic; and who; either descending the Ohio or proceeding up the Mississippi; arrived simultaneously upon their borders。 These tribes have not been driven from place to place; like their Northern brethren; but they have been gradually enclosed within narrow limits; like the game within the thicket; before the huntsmen plunge into the interior。 The Indians who were thus placed between civilization and death; found themselves obliged to live by ignominious labor like the whites。  They took to agriculture; and without entirely forsaking their old habits or manners; sacrificed only as much as was necessary to their existence。

'Footnote n: These nations are now swallowed up in the States of Georgia; Tennessee; Alabama; and Mississippi。  There were formerly in the South four great nations (remnants of which still exist); the Choctaws; the Chickasaws; the Creeks; and the Cherokees。  The remnants of these four nations amounted; in 1830; to about 75;000 individuals。  It is computed that there are now remaining in the territory occupied or claimed by the Anglo…American Union about 300;000 Indians。  (See Proceedings of the Indian Board in the City of New York。) The official documents supplied to Congress make the number amount to 313;130。  The reader who is curious to know the names and numerical strength of all the tribes which inhabit the Anglo…American territory should consult the documents I refer to。  (Legislative Documents; 20th Congress; No。 117; pp。 90…105。) 'In the Census of 1870 it is stated that the Indian population of the United States is only 25;731; of whom 7;241 are in California。'' 

The Cherokees went further; they created a written language; established a permanent form of government; and as everything proceeds rapidly in the New World; before they had all of them clothes; they set up a newspaper。 *o

'Footnote o: I brought back with me to France one or two copies of this singular publication。'

The growth of European habits has been remarkably accelerated among these Indians by the mixed race which has sprung up。 *p Deriving intelligence from their father's side; without entirely losing the savage customs of the mother; the half…blood forms the natural link between civilization and barbarism。 Wherever this race has multiplied the savage state has become modified; and a great change has taken place in the manners of the people。 *q

'Footnote p: See in the Report of the Committee on Indian Affairs; 21st Congress; No。 227; p。 23; the reasons for the multiplication of Indians of mixed blood among the Cherokees。  The principal cause dates from the War of Independence。  Many Anglo…Americans of Georgia; having taken the side of England; were obliged to retreat among the Indians; where they married。'

'Footnote q: Unhappily the mixed race has been less numerous and less influential in North America than in any other country。  The American continent was peopled by two great nations of Europe; the French and the English。  The former were not slow in connecting themselves with the daughters of the natives; but there was an unfortunate affinity between the Indian character and their own: instead of giving the tastes and habits of civilized life to the savages; the French too often grew passionately fond of the state of wild freedom they found them in。  They became the most dangerous of the inhabitants of the desert; and won the friendship of the Indian by exaggerating his vices and his virtues。  M。 de Senonville; the governor of Canada; wrote thus to Louis XIV in 1685: 〃It has long been believed that in order to civilize the savages we ought to draw them nearer to us。  But there is every reason to suppose we have been mistaken。  Those which have been brought into contact with us have not become F
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