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the unbearable bassington-第7部分

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hurriedly conceived project。  Anyhow; the dinner promised to be 

more interesting than she had originally anticipated。

Lady Caroline was a professed Socialist in politics; chiefly; it 

was believed; because she was thus enabled to disagree with most of 

the Liberals and Conservatives; and all the Socialists of the day。  

She did not permit her Socialism; however; to penetrate below 

stairs; her cook and butler had every encouragement to be 

Individualists。  Francesca; who was a keen and intelligent food 

critic; harboured no misgivings as to her hostess's kitchen and 

cellar departments; some of the human side…dishes at the feast gave 

her more ground for uneasiness。  Courtenay Youghal; for instance; 

would probably be brilliantly silent; her brother Henry would 

almost certainly be the reverse。

The dinner party was a large one and Francesca arrived late with 

little time to take preliminary stock of the guests; a card with 

the name; 〃Miss de Frey;〃 immediately opposite her own place at the 

other side of the table; indicated; however; the whereabouts of the 

heiress。  It was characteristic of Francesca that she first 

carefully read the menu from end to end; and then indulged in an 

equally careful though less open scrutiny of the girl who sat 

opposite her; the girl who was nobody in particular; but whose 

income was everything that could be desired。  She was pretty in a 

restrained nut…brown fashion; and had a look of grave reflective 

calm that probably masked a speculative unsettled temperament。  Her 

pose; if one wished to be critical; was just a little too 

elaborately careless。  She wore some excellently set rubies with 

that indefinable air of having more at home that is so difficult to 

improvise。  Francesca was distinctly pleased with her survey。

〃You seem interested in your VIS…A…VIS;〃 said Courtenay Youghal。

〃I almost think I've seen her before;〃 said Francesca; 〃her face 

seems familiar to me。〃

〃The narrow gallery at the Louvre; attributed to Leonardo da 

Vinci;〃 said Youghal。

〃Of course;〃 said Francesca; her feelings divided between 

satisfaction at capturing an elusive impression and annoyance that 

Youghal should have been her helper。  A stronger tinge of annoyance 

possessed her when she heard the voice of Henry Greech raised in 

painful prominence at Lady Caroline's end of the table。

〃I called on the Trudhams yesterday;〃 he announced; 〃it was their 

Silver Wedding; you know; at least the day before was。  Such lots 

of silver presents; quite a show。  Of course there were a great 

many duplicates; but still; very nice to have。  I think they were 

very pleased to get so many。〃

〃We must not grudge them their show of presents after their twenty…

five years of married life;〃 said Lady Caroline; gently; 〃it is the 

silver lining to their cloud。〃

A third of the guests present were related to the Trudhams。

〃Lady Caroline is beginning well;〃 murmured Courtenay Youghal。

〃I should hardly call twenty…five years of married life a cloud;〃 

said Henry Greech; lamely。

〃Don't let's talk about married life;〃 said a tall handsome woman; 

who looked like some modern painter's conception of the goddess 

Bellona; 〃it's my misfortune to write eternally about husbands and 

wives and their variants。  My public expects it of me。  I do so 

envy journalists who can write about plagues and strikes and 

Anarchist plots; and other pleasing things; instead of being tied 

down to one stale old topic。〃

〃Who is that woman and what has she written?〃 Francesca asked 

Youghal; she dimly remembered having seen her at one of Serena 

Golackly's gatherings; surrounded by a little Court of admirers。

〃I forget her name; she has a villa at San Remo or Mentone; or 

somewhere where one does have villas; and plays an extraordinary 

good game of bridge。  Also she has the reputation; rather rare in 

your sex; of being a wonderfully sound judge of wine。〃

〃But what has she written?〃

〃Oh; several novels of the thinnish ice order。  Her last one; 'The 

Woman who wished it was Wednesday;' has been banned at all the 

libraries。  I expect you've read it。〃

〃I don't see why you should think so;〃 said Francesca; coldly。

〃Only because Comus lent me your copy yesterday;〃 said Youghal。  He 

threw back his handsome head and gave her a sidelong glance of 

quizzical amusement。  He knew that she hated his intimacy with 

Comus; and he was secretly rather proud of his influence over the 

boy; shallow and negative though he knew it to be。  It had been; on 

his part; an unsought intimacy; and it would probably fall to 

pieces the moment he tried seriously to take up the ROLE of mentor。  

The fact that Comus's mother openly disapproved of the friendship 

gave it perhaps its chief interest in the young politician's eyes。

Francesca turned her attention to her brother's end of the table。  

Henry Greech had willingly availed himself of the invitation to 

leave the subject of married life; and had launched forthwith into 

the equally well…worn theme of current politics。  He was not a 

person who was in much demand for public meetings; and the House 

showed no great impatience to hear his views on the topics of the 

moment; its impatience; indeed; was manifested rather in the 

opposite direction。  Hence he was prone to unburden himself of 

accumulated political wisdom as occasion presented itself … 

sometimes; indeed; to assume an occasion that was hardly visible to 

the naked intelligence。

〃Our opponents are engaged in a hopelessly uphill struggle; and 

they know it;〃 he chirruped; defiantly; 〃they've become possessed; 

like the Gadarene swine; with a whole legion of … 〃

〃Surely the Gadarene swine went downhill;〃 put in Lady Caroline in 

a gently enquiring voice。

Henry Greech hastily abandoned simile and fell back on platitude 

and the safer kinds of fact。

Francesca did not regard her brother's views on statecraft either 

in the light of gospel or revelation; as Comus once remarked; they 

more usually suggested exodus。  In the present instance she found 

distraction in a renewed scrutiny of the girl opposite her; who 

seemed to be only moderately interested in the conversational 

efforts of the diners on either side of her。  Comus who was looking 

and talking his best; was sitting at the further end of the table; 

and Francesca was quick to notice in which direction the girl's 

glances were continually straying。  Once or twice the eyes of the 

young people met and a swift flush of pleasure and a half…smile 

that spoke of good understanding came to the heiress's face。  It 

did not need the gift of the traditional intuition of her sex to 

enable Francesca to guess that the girl with the desirable banking 

account was already considerably attracted by the lively young 

Pagan who had; when he cared to practise it; such an art of winning 

admiration。  For the first time for many; many months Francesca saw 

her son's prospects in a rose…coloured setting; and she began; 

unconsciously; to wonder exactly how much wealth was summed up in 

the expressive label 〃almost indecently rich。〃  A wife with a 

really large fortune and a correspondingly big dower of character 

and ambition; might; perhaps; succeed in turning Comus's latent 

energies into a groove which would provide him; if not with a 

career; at least with an occupation; and the young serious face 

opposite looked as if its owner lacked neither character or 

ambition。  Francesca's speculations took a more personal turn。  Out 

of the well…filled coffers with which her imagination was toying; 

an inconsiderable sum might eventually be devoted to the leasing; 

or even perhaps the purchase of; the house in Blue Street when the 

present convenient arrangement should have come to an end; and 

Francesca and the Van der Meulen would not be obliged to seek fresh 


A woman's voice; talking in a discreet undertone on the other side 

of Courtenay Youghal; broke in on her bridge…building。

〃Tons of money and really very presentable。  Just the wife for a 

rising young politician。  Go in and win her before she's snapped up 

by some fortune hunter。〃

Youghal and his instructress in worldly wisdom were looking 

straight across the table at the Leonardo da Vinci girl with the 

grave reflective eyes and the over…emphasised air of repose。  

Francesca felt a quick throb of anger against her match…making 

neighbour; why; she asked herself; must some women; with no end or 

purpose of their own to serve; except the sheer love of meddling in 

the affairs of others; plunge their hands into plots and schemings 

of this sort; in which the happiness of more than one person was 

concerned?  And more clearly than ever she realised how thoroughly 

she detested Courtenay Youghal。  She had disliked him as an evil 

influence; setting before her son an ex
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