the crusade of the excelsior-第20部分
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hold of the Excelsior until she had left that port; in the hope
that it would be believed that I had fallen overboard。 I succeeded
in secreting myself; but was discovered at the same time that the
unexpected change in the ship's destination rendered concealment
unnecessary。 As we did not put in at Mazatlan; nobody suspected my
discovery in the hold to be anything but the accident that I gave
it out to be。 I felt myself saved the confrontation of the woman
at Mazatlan; but I knew she would pursue me to San Francisco。
〃The strange dispensation of Providence that brought us into this
unknown port gave me another hope of escape and oblivion。 While
you and the Commander were boarding the Excelsior; I slipped from
the cabin…window into the water; I was a good swimmer; and reached
the shore in safety。 I concealed myself in the ditch of the
Presidio until I saw the passengers' boats returning with them;
when I sought the safer shelter of this Mission。 I made my way
through a gap in the hedge and lay under your olive…trees; hearing
the voices of my companions; beyond the walls; till past midnight。
I then groped my way along the avenue of pear…trees till I came to
another wall; and a door that opened to my accidental touch。 I
entered; and found myself here。 You know the rest。〃
He had spoken with the rapid and unpent fluency of a man who cared
more to relieve himself of an oppressive burden than to impress his
auditor; yet the restriction of a foreign tongue had checked
repetition or verbosity。 Without imagination he had been eloquent;
without hopefulness he had been convincing。 Father Esteban rose;
holding both his hands。
〃My son; in the sanctuary which you have claimed there is no
divorce。 The woman who has ruined your life could not be your
wife。 As long as her first husband lives; she is forever his wife;
bound by a tie which no human law can sever!〃
An hour after mass Father Esteban had quietly installed Hurlstone
in a small cell…like apartment off the refectory。 The household of
the priest consisted of an old Indian woman of fabulous age and
miraculous propriety; two Indian boys who served at mass; a
gardener; and a muleteer。 The first three; who were immediately in
attendance upon the priest; were cognizant of a stranger's
presence; but; under instructions from the reverend Padre; were
loyally and superstitiously silent; the vocations of the gardener
and muleteer made any intrusion from them impossible。 A breakfast
of fruit; tortillas; chocolate; and red wine; of which Hurlstone
partook sparingly and only to please his entertainer; nevertheless
seemed to restore his strength; as it did the Padre's equanimity。
For the old man had been somewhat agitated during mass; and; except
that his early morning congregation was mainly composed of Indians;
muleteers; and small venders; his abstraction would have been
noticed。 With ready tact he had not attempted; by further
questioning; to break the taciturnity into which Hurlstone had
relapsed after his emotional confession and the priest's abrupt
half…absolution。 Was it possible he regretted his confidence; or
was it possible that his first free and untrammeled expression of
his wrongs had left him with a haunting doubt of their real
〃Lie down here; my son;〃 said the old ecclesiastic; pointing to a
small pallet in the corner; 〃and try to restore in the morning what
you have taken from the night。 Manuela will bring your clothes
when they are dried and mended; meantime; shift for yourself in
Pepito's serape and calzas。 I will betake me to the Comandante and
the Alcalde; to learn the dispositions of your party; when the ship
will sail; and if your absence is suspected。 Peace be with you;
son! Manuela; attend to the caballero; and see you chatter not。〃
Without doubting the substantial truth of his guest's story; the
good Padre Esteban was not unwilling to have it corroborated by
such details as he thought he could collect among the Excelsior's
passengers。 His own experience in the confessional had taught him
the unreliability of human evidence; and the vagaries of both
conscientious and unconscious suppression。 That a young; good…
looking; and accomplished caballero should have been the victim of
not one; but even many; erotic episodes; did not strike the holy
father as being peculiar; but that he should have been brought by a
solitary unfortunate attachment to despair and renunciation of the
world appeared to him marvelous。 He was not unfamiliar with the
remorse of certain gallants for peccadillos with other men's wives;
but this Americano's self…abasement for the sins of his own wife
as he foolishly claimed her to bewhom he hated and despised;
struck Father Esteban as a miracle open to suspicion。 Was there
anything else in these somewhat commonplace details of vulgar and
low intrigue than what he had told the priest? Were all these
Americano husbands as sensitive and as gloomily self…sacrificing
and expiating? It did not appear so from the manners and customs
of the others;from those easy matrons whose complacent husbands
had abandoned them to the long companionship of youthful cavaliers
on adventurous voyages; from those audacious virgins; who had the
freedom of married women。 Surely; this was not a pious and
sensitive race; passionately devoted to their domestic affections!
The young stranger must be either deceiving himor an exception to
his countrymen!
And if he was that exceptionwhat then? An idea which had sprung
up in Father Esteban's fancy that morning now took possession of it
with the tenacity of a growth on fertile virgin soil。 The good
Father had been devoted to the conversion of the heathen with the
fervor of a one…ideaed man。 But his successes had been among the
Indiansa guileless; harmless race; who too often confounded the
practical benefits of civilization with the abstract benefits of
the Church; and their instruction had been simple and coercive。
There had been no necessity for argument or controversy; the worthy
priest's skill in polemical warfare and disputation had never been
brought into play; the Comandante and Alcalde were as punctiliously
orthodox as himself; and the small traders and artisans were
hopelessly docile and submissive。 The march of science; which had
been stopped by the local fogs of Todos Santos some fifty years;
had not disturbed the simple Aesculapius of the province with
heterodox theories: he still purged and bled like Sangrado; and met
the priest at the deathbed of his victims with a pious satisfaction
that had no trace of skeptical contention。 In fact; the gentle
Mission of Todos Santos had hitherto presented no field for the
good Father's exalted ambition; nor the display of his powers as a
zealot。 And here was a splendid opportunity。
The conversion of this dark; impulsive; hysterical stranger would
be a gain to the fold; and a triumph worthy of his steel。 More
than that; if he had judged correctly of this young man's mind and
temperament; they seemed to contain those elements of courage and
sacrificial devotion that indicated the missionary priesthood。
With such a subaltern; what might not he; Father Esteban;
accomplish! Looking further into the future; what a glorious
successor might be left to his unfinished work on Todos Santos!
Buried in these reflections; Padre Esteban sauntered leisurely up
the garden; that gradually ascended the slight elevation on which
the greater part of the pueblo was built。 Through a low gateway in
the wall he passed on to the crest of the one straggling street of
Todos Santos。 On either side of him were ranged the low one…
storied; deep…windowed adobe fondas and artisans' dwellings; with
low…pitched roofs of dull red pipe…like tiles。 Absorbed in his
fanciful dreams; he did not at first notice that those dwellings
appeared deserted; and that even the Posada opposite him; whose
courtyard was usually filled with lounging muleteers; was empty and
abandoned。 Looking down the street towards the plaza; he became
presently aware of some undefined stirring in the peaceful hamlet。
There was an unusual throng in the square; and afar on that placid
surface of the bay from which the fog had lifted; the two or three
fishing…boats of Todos Santos were vaguely pulling。 But the
strange ship was gone。
A feeling of intense relief and satisfaction followed。 Father
Esteban pulled out his snuff…box and took a long and complacent
pinch。 But his relief was quickly changed to consternation as an
armed cavalcade rapidly wheeled out of the plaza and cantered
towards him; with the unmistakable spectacle of the male passengers
of the Excelsior riding two and two; and guarded by double files of
dragoons on each side。
At a sign from the priest the subaltern reined in his mustang;
halted the convoy; a
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