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10,000 dreams interpreted-第94部分

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with your friends by giving yourself up to foolish pleasures。


To dream of carrying an umbrella; denotes that trouble and annoyances

will beset you。

To see others carrying them; foretells that you will be appealed

to for aid by charity。

To borrow one; you will have a misunderstanding; perhaps; with a warm friend。

To lend one; portends injury from false friends。  To lose one;

denotes trouble with some one who holds your confidence。

To see one torn to pieces; or broken; foretells that you will

be misrepresented and maligned。

To carry a leaky one; denotes that pain and displeasure will be felt by you

towards your sweetheart or companions。

To carry a new umbrella over you in a clear shower; or sunshine;

omens exquisite pleasure and prosperity。


If you see your uncle in a dream; you will have news of a sad character soon。

To dream you see your uncle prostrated in mind; and repeatedly

have this dream; you will have trouble with your relations

which will result in estrangement; at least for a time。

To see your uncle dead; denotes that you have formidable enemies。

To have a misunderstanding with your uncle; denotes

that your family relations will be unpleasant; and illness

will be continually present。


To dream of being in an underground habitation; you are in danger

of losing reputation and fortune。

To dream of riding on an underground railway; foretells that you

will engage in some peculiar speculation which will contribute

to your distress and anxiety。

'233' See Cars; etc。


To dream that you are undressing; foretells; scandalous gossip

will overshadow you。

For a woman to dream that she sees the ruler of her country undressed;

signifies sadness will overtake anticipated pleasures。

She will suffer pain through the apprehension of evil to those

dear to her。

To see others undressed; is an omen of stolen pleasures;

which will rebound with grief。


To dream that you are unfortunate; is significant of loss to yourself;

and trouble for others。


To see a uniform in your dream; denotes that you will have influential

friends to aid you in obtaining your desires。

For a young woman to dream that she wears a uniform;

foretells that she will luckily confer her favors upon

a man who appreciated them; and returns love for passion。

If she discards it; she will be in danger of public scandal

by her notorious love for adventure。

To see people arrayed in strange uniforms; foretells the disruption

of friendly relations with some other Power by your own government。

This may also apply to families or friends。  To see a friend

or relative looking sad while dressed in uniform; or as a soldier;

predicts ill fortune or continued absence。

_United States Mail Box_。

To see a United States mail box; in a dream; denotes that you

are about to enter into transactions which will be claimed

to be illegal。

To put a letter in one; denotes you will be held responsible

for some irregularity of another。


To dream of meeting unknown persons; foretells change for good;

or bad as the person is good looking; or ugly; or deformed。

To feel that you are unknown; denotes that strange things will cast

a shadow of ill luck over you。

'234' See Mystery。


To dream that you are supporting an urgent petition; is a sign that you

will engage in some affair which will need fine financiering to carry

it through successfully。


To dream of a urinal; disorder will predominate in your home。


To dream of seeing urine; denotes ill health will make you disagreeable

and unpleasant with your friends。

To dream that you are urinating; is an omen of bad luck;

and trying seasons to love。


To dream of an urn; foretells you will prosper in some respects;

and in others disfavor will be apparent。  To see broken urns;

unhappiness will confront you。


To find yourself a usurer in your dreams; foretells that you will

be treated with coldness by your associates; and your business

will decline to your consternation。

If others are usurers; you will discard some former friend

on account of treachery。


To dream that you are a usurper; foretells you will have trouble

in establishing a good title to property。

If others are trying to usurp your rights; there will be a struggle

between you and your competitors; but you will eventually win。

For a young woman to have this dream; she will be a party to a spicy rivalry;

in which she will win。


‘‘_Where there is no vision; the people perish; but he that keepeth the law;

happy is he_。''Prov。  xxix。; 18。


To dream of being vaccinated; foretells that your susceptibility

to female charms will be played upon to your sorrow。

To dream that others are vaccinated; shows you will fail to find contentment

where it is sought; and your affairs will suffer decline in consequence。

For a young woman to be vaccinated on her leg; foreshadows her

undoing through treachery。


To dream that you are a vagrant; portends poverty and misery。

To see vagrants is a sign of contagion invading your community。

To give to a vagrant; denotes that your generosity will be applauded。


To dream that you are sending valentines; foretells that you

will lose opportunities of enriching yourself。

For a young woman to receive one; denotes that she will marry a weak;

but ardent lover against the counsels of her guardians。


To find yourself walking through green and pleasant valleys;

foretells great improvements in business; and lovers will be happy

and congenial。  If the valley is barren; the reverse is predicted。

If marshy; illness or vexations may follow。

_Vapor Bath_。

To dream of a vapor bath; you will have fretful people for companions;

unless you dream of emerging from one; and then you will find that your

cares will be temporary。


To dream of varnishing anything; denotes that you will seek to win

distinction by fraudulent means。

To see others varnishing; foretells that you are threatened with danger

from the endeavor of friends to add to their own possessions。


To dream of a vase; denotes that you will enjoy sweetest pleasure

and contentment in the home life。

To drink from a vase; you will soon thrill with the delights

of stolen love。

To see a broken vase; foretells early sorrow。  For a young woman

to receive one; signifies that she will soon obtain her dearest wish。


To see a vat in your dreams; foretells anguish and suffering from the hands

of cruel persons; into which you have unwittingly fallen。


To dream of the vatican; signifies unexpected favors will fall within

your grasp。  You will form the acquaintance of distinguished people;

if you see royal personages speaking to the Pope。


To dream of a vault; denotes bereavement and other misfortune。

To see a vault for valuables; signifies your fortune will

surprise many; as your circumstances will appear to be meagre。

To see the doors of a vault open; implies loss and treachery

of people whom you trust。


To dream of eating vegetables; is an omen of strange luck。

You will think for a time that you are tremendously successful;

but will find to your sorrow that you have been grossly imposed upon。

Withered; or decayed vegetables; bring unmitigated woe and sadness。

For a young woman to dream that she is preparing vegetables for dinner;

foretells that she will lose the man she desired through pique;

but she will win a well…meaning and faithful husband。

Her engagements will be somewhat disappointing。


To ride in a vehicle while dreaming; foretells threatened loss; or illness。

To be thrown from one; foretells hasty and unpleasant news。

To see a broken one; signals failure in important affairs。

To buy one; you will reinstate yourself in your former position。

To sell one; denotes unfavorable change in affairs。


To dream that you wear a veil; denotes that you will not be perfectly sincere

with your lover; and you will be forced to use stratagem to retain him。

To see others wearing veils; you will be maligned and defamed

by apparent friends。

An old; or torn veil; warns you that deceit is being thrown around

you with sinister design。

For a young woman to dream that she loses her veil; denotes that her lover

sees through her deceitful ways and is likely to retaliate with the same。

To dream of seeing a bridal veil; foretells that you will make a
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