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indian heroes & great chieftains

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indian heroes & great chieftains封面
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftainsby Charles A. EastmanCONTENTS1. RED CLOUD2. SPOTTED TAIL3. LITTLE CROW4. TAMAHAY5. GALL6. CRAZY HORSE7. SITTING BULL8. RAIN-IN-THE-FACE9. TWO STRIKE10. AMERICAN HORSE11. DULL KNIFE12. ROMAN NOSE13. CHIEF JOSEPH14. LITTLE WOLF15. HOLE-IN-THE-DAYRED CLOUDEVERY age, every race, has its leaders and heroes. There were oversixty distinct tribes of Indians on this continent, each of whichboasted its notable men. The names and deeds of some of these menwill live in American history, yet in the true sense they are...


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