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autobiography and selected essays-第8部分

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stopped me; and heaped coals of fire on my head by telling me that

he had tried to get me one of the resident appointments; much

coveted by the assistant surgeons; but that the Admiralty had put

in another man。  〃However;〃 said he; 〃I mean to keep you here till

I can get you something you will like;〃 and turned upon his heel

without waiting for the thanks I stammered out。  That explained how

it was I had not been packed off to the West Coast of Africa like

some of my juniors; and why; eventually; I remained altogether

seven months at Haslar。

After a long interval; during which 〃Old John〃 ignored my existence

almost as completely as before; he stopped me again as we met in a

casual way; and describing the service on which the Rattlesnake was

likely to be employed; said that Captain Owen Stanley; who was to

command the ship; had asked him to recommend an assistant surgeon

who knew something of science; would I like that?  Of course I

jumped at the offer。  〃Very well; I give you leave; go to London at

once and see Captain Stanley。〃  I went; saw my future commander;

who was very civil to me; and promised to ask that I should be

appointed to his ship; as in due time I was。  It is a singular

thing that; during the few months of my stay at Haslar; I had among

my messmates two future Directors…General of the Medical Service of

the Navy (Sir Alexander Armstrong and Sir John Watt…Reid); with the

present President of the College of Physicians and my kindest of

doctors; Sir Andrew Clark。

Life on board Her Majesty's ship in those days was a very different

affair from what it is now; and ours was exceptionally rough; as we

were often many months without receiving letters or seeing any

civilised people but ourselves。  In exchange; we had the interest

of being about the last voyagers; I suppose; to whom it could be

possible to meet with people who knew nothing of fire…armsas we

did on the south coast of New Guineaand of making acquaintance

with a variety of interesting savage and semi…civilised people。

But; apart from experience of this kind and the opportunities

offered for scientific work; to me; personally; the cruise was

extremely valuable。  It was good for me to live under sharp

discipline; to be down on the realities of existence by living on

bare necessaries; to find out how extremely well worth living life

seemed to be when one woke up from a night's rest on a soft plank;

with the sky for canopy and cocoa and weevilly biscuit the sole

prospect for breakfast; and; more especially; to learn to work for

the sake of what I got for myself out of it; even if it all went to

the bottom and I along with it。  My brother officers were as good

fellows as sailors ought to be and generally are; but; naturally;

they neither knew nor cared anything about my pursuits; nor

understood why I should be so zealous in pursuit of the objects

which my friends; the middies;'10' christened 〃Buffons;〃 after the

title conspicuous on a volume of the Suites a Buffon;'11' which

stood on my shelf in the chart room。

During the four years of our absence; I sent home communication

after communication to the 〃Linnean Society;〃'12' with the same

result as that obtained by Noah when he sent the raven out of his ark。

Tired at last of hearing nothing about them; I determined to do or

die; and in 1849 I drew up a more elaborate paper and forwarded it

to the Royal Society。'13'  This was my dove; if I had only known it。

But owing to the movements of the ship; I heard nothing of that

either until my return to England in the latter end of the year

1850; when I found that it was printed and published; and that a

huge packet of separate copies awaited me。  When I hear some of my

young friends complain of want of sympathy and encouragement; I am

inclined to think that my naval life was not the least valuable

part of my education。

Three years after my return were occupied by a battle between my

scientific friends on the one hand and the Admiralty on the other;

as to whether the latter ought; or ought not; to act up to the

spirit of a pledge they had given to encourage officers who had

done scientific work by contributing to the expense of publishing

mine。  At last the Admiralty; getting tired; I suppose; cut short

the discussion by ordering me to join a ship; which thing I

declined to do; and as Rastignac;'14' in the Pere Goriot '15' says

to Paris; I said to London 〃a nous deux。〃  I desired to obtain a

Professorship of either Physiology or Comparative Anatomy; and as

vacancies occurred I applied; but in vain。  My friend; Professor

Tyndall;'16' and I were candidates at the same time; he for the Chair

of Physics and I for that of Natural History in the University of

Toronto; which; fortunately; as it turned out; would not look at

either of us。  I say fortunately; not from any lack of respect for

Toronto; but because I soon made up my mind that London was the

place for me; and hence I have steadily declined the inducements to

leave it; which have at various times been offered。  At last; in

1854; on the translation of my warm friend Edward Forbes; to

Edinburgh; Sir Henry de la Beche; the Director…General of the

Geological Survey; offered me the post Forbes vacated of

Paleontologist and Lecturer on Natural History。  I refused the

former point blank; and accepted the latter only provisionally;

telling Sir Henry that I did not care for fossils; and that I

should give up Natural History as soon as I could get a

physiological post。  But I held the office for thirty…one years;

and a large part of my work has been paleontological。

At that time I disliked public speaking; and had a firm conviction

that I should break down every time I opened my mouth。  I believe I

had every fault a speaker could have (except talking at random or

indulging in rhetoric); when I spoke to the first important

audience I ever addressed; on a Friday evening at the Royal

Institution; in 1852。  Yet; I must confess to having been guilty;

malgre moi; of as much public speaking as most of my

contemporaries; and for the last ten years it ceased to be so much

of a bugbear to me。  I used to pity myself for having to go through

this training; but I am now more disposed to compassionate the

unfortunate audiences; especially my ever friendly hearers at the

Royal Institution; who were the subjects of my oratorical


The last thing that it would be proper for me to do would be to

speak of the work of my life; or to say at the end of the day

whether I think I have earned my wages or not。  Men are said to be

partial judges of themselves。  Young men may be; I doubt if old men

are。  Life seems terribly foreshortened as they look back and the

mountain they set themselves to climb in youth turns out to be a

mere spur of immeasurably higher ranges when; by failing breath;

they reach the top。  But if I may speak of the objects I have had

more or less definitely in view since I began the ascent of my

hillock; they are briefly these: To promote the increase of natural

knowledge and to forward the application of scientific methods of

investigation to all the problems of life to the best of my

ability; in the conviction which has grown with my growth and

strengthened with my strength; that there is no alleviation for the

sufferings of mankind except veracity of thought and of action; and

the resolute facing of the world as it is when the garment of make…

believe by which pious hands have hidden its uglier features is

stripped off。

It is with this intent that I have subordinated any reasonable; or

unreasonable; ambition for scientific fame which I may have

permitted myself to entertain to other ends; to the popularization

of science; to the development and organisation of scientific

education; to the endless series of battles and skirmishes over

evolution; and to untiring opposition to that ecclesiastical

spirit;'17' that clericalism; which in England; as everywhere else;

and to whatever denomination it may belong; is the deadly enemy of


In striving for the attainment of these objects; I have been but

one among many; and I shall be well content to be remembered; or

even not remembered; as such。  Circumstances; among which I am

proud to reckon the devoted kindness of many friends; have led to

my occupation of various prominent positions; among which the

Presidency of the Royal Society is the highest。  It would be mock

modesty on my part; with these and other scientific honours which

have been bestowed upon me; to pretend that I have not succeeded in

the career which I have followed; rather because I was driven into

it than of my own free will; but I am afraid I should not count

even these things as marks of success if I could not hope that I

had somewhat helped that movement of opinion which has been called

the New Reformation。'18'

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