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the man of the forest-第21部分

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〃Hey; Milt; I forgot about thet darned pet cougar of yours
an' the rest of your menagerie。  Reckon they won't scare the
girls?  Especially old Tom?〃

〃You won't see Tom till I get home;〃 replied Dale。

〃Ain't he corralled or tied up?〃

〃No。  He has the run of the place。〃

〃Wal; good…by; then; an' rustle along。〃

Dale nodded to the girls; and; turning his horse; he drove
the pack…train before him up the open space between the
stream and the wooded slope。

Roy stepped off his horse with that single action which
appeared such a feat to Helen。

〃Guess I'd better cinch up;〃 he said; as he threw a stirrup
up over the pommel of his saddle。  〃You girls are goin' to
see wild country。〃

〃Who's old Tom?〃 queried Bo; curiously。

〃Why; he's Milt's pet cougar。〃

〃Cougar?  That's a panther  a mountain…lion; didn't he

〃Shore is。  Tom is a beauty。  An' if he takes a likin' to you
he'll love you; play with you; maul you half to death。〃

Bo was all eyes。

〃Dale has other pets; too?〃 she questioned; eagerly。

〃I never was up to his camp but what it was overrun with
birds an' squirrels an' vermin of all kinds; as tame as tame
as cows。  Too darn tame; Milt says。  But I can't figger thet。
You girls will never want to leave thet senaca of his。〃

〃What's a senaca?〃 asked Helen; as she shifted her foot to
let him tighten the cinches on her saddle。

〃Thet's Mexican for park; I guess;〃 he replied。  〃These
mountains are full of parks; an'; say; I don't ever want to
see no prettier place till I get to heaven。 。 。 。  There;
Ranger; old boy; thet's tight。〃

He slapped the horse affectionately; and; turning to his
own; he stepped and swung his long length up。

〃It ain't deep crossin' here。  Come on;〃 he called; and
spurred his bay。

The stream here was wide and it looked deep; but turned out
to be deceptive。

〃Wal; girls; here beginneth the second lesson;〃 he drawled;
cheerily。  〃Ride one behind the other  stick close to me 
do what I do  an' holler when you want to rest or if
somethin' goes bad。〃

With that he spurred into the thicket。  Bo went next and
Helen followed。  The willows dragged at her so hard that she
was unable to watch Roy; and the result was that a
low…sweeping branch of a tree knocked her hard on the head。
It hurt and startled her; and roused her mettle。  Roy was
keeping to the easy trot that covered ground so well; and he
led up a slope to the open pine forest。  Here the ride for
several miles was straight; level; and open。  Helen liked the
forest to…day。  It was brown and green; with patches of gold
where the sun struck。  She saw her first bird  big blue
grouse that whirred up from under her horse; and little
checkered gray quail that appeared awkward on the wing。
Several times Roy pointed out deer flashing gray across some
forest aisle; and often when he pointed Helen was not quick
enough to see。

Helen realized that this ride would make up for the hideous
one of yesterday。  So far she had been only barely conscious
of sore places and aching bones。  These she would bear with。
She loved the wild and the beautiful; both of which
increased manifestly with every mile。  The sun was warm; the
air fragrant and cool; the sky blue as azure and so deep
that she imagined that she could look far up into it。

Suddenly Roy reined in so sharply that he pulled the bay up

〃Look!〃 he called; sharply。

Bo screamed。

〃Not thet way!  Here!  Aw; he's gone!〃

〃Nell!  It was a bear!  I saw it!  Oh!  not like circus bears at
all!〃 cried Bo。

Helen had missed her opportunity。

〃Reckon he was a grizzly; an' I'm jest as well pleased thet
he loped off;〃 said Roy。  Altering his course somewhat; he
led to an old rotten log that the bear had been digging in。
〃After grubs。  There; see his track。  He was a whopper shore

They rode on; out to a high point that overlooked canuon and
range; gorge and ridge; green and black as far as Helen
could see。  The ranges were bold and long; climbing to the
central uplift; where a number of fringed peaks raised their
heads to the vast bare dome of Old Baldy。  Far as vision
could see; to the right lay one rolling forest of pine;
beautiful and serene。  Somewhere down beyond must have lain
the desert; but it was not in sight。

〃I see turkeys 'way down there;〃 said Roy; backing away。
〃We'll go down and around an' mebbe I'll get a shot。〃

Descent beyond a rocky point was made through thick brush。
This slope consisted of wide benches covered with copses and
scattered pines and many oaks。  Helen was delighted to see
the familiar trees; although these were different from
Missouri oaks。  Rugged and gnarled; but not tall; these trees
spread wide branches; the leaves of which were yellowing。
Roy led into a grassy glade; and; leaping off his horse;
rifle in hand; he prepared to shoot at something。  Again Bo
cried out; but this time it was in delight。  Then Helen saw
an immense flock of turkeys; apparently like the turkeys she
knew at home; but these had bronze and checks of white; and
they looked wild。  There must have been a hundred in the
flock; most of them hens。  A few gobblers on the far side
began the flight; running swiftly off。  Helen plainly heard
the thud of their feet。  Roy shot once  twice  three
times。  Then rose a great commotion。  and thumping; and a loud
roar of many wings。  Dust and leaves whirling in the air were
left where the turkeys had been。

〃Wal; I got two;〃 said Roy; and he strode forward to pick up
his game。  Returning; he tied two shiny; plump gobblers back
of his saddle and remounted his horse。  〃We'll have turkey
to…night; if Milt gets to camp in time。〃

The ride was resumed。  Helen never would have tired riding
through those oak groves; brown and sear and yellow; with
leaves and acorns falling。

〃Bears have been workin' in here already;〃 said Roy。  〃I see
tracks all over。  They eat acorns in the fall。  An' mebbe
we'll run into one yet。〃

The farther down he led the wilder and thicker grew the
trees; so that dodging branches was no light task。  Ranger
did not seem to care how close he passed a tree or under a
limb; so that he missed them himself; but Helen thereby got
some additional bruises。  Particularly hard was it; when
passing a tree; to get her knee out of the way in time。

Roy halted next at what appeared a large green pond full of
vegetation and in places covered with a thick scum。  But it
had a current and an outlet; proving it to be a huge;
spring。  Roy pointed down at a muddy place。

〃Bear…wallow。  He heard us comin'。  Look at thet little track。
Cub track。  An' look at these scratches on this tree; higher
'n my head。  An old she…bear stood up; an' scratched them。〃

Roy sat his saddle and reached up to touch fresh marks on
the tree。

〃Woods's full of big bears;〃 he said; grinning。  〃An' I take
it particular kind of this old she rustlin' off with her
cub。  She…bears with cubs are dangerous。〃

The next place to stir Helen to enthusiasm was the glen at
the bottom of this canuon。  Beech…trees; maples; aspens;
overtopped by lofty pines; made dense shade over a brook
where trout splashed on the brown; swirling current; and
leaves drifted down; and stray flecks of golden sunlight
lightened the gloom。  Here was hard riding to and fro across
the brook; between huge mossy boulders; and between aspens
so close together that Helen could scarce squeeze her knees

Once more Roy climbed out of that canuon; over a ridge into
another; down long wooded slopes and through scrub…oak
thickets; on and on till the sun stood straight overhead。
Then he halted for a short rest; unsaddled the horses to let
them roll; and gave the girls some cold lunch that he had
packed。  He strolled off with his gun; and; upon returning;
resaddled and gave the word to start。

That was the last of rest and easy traveling for the girls。
The forest that he struck into seemed ribbed like a
washboard with deep ravines so steep of slope as to make
precarious travel。  Mostly he kept to the bottom where dry
washes afforded a kind of trail。  But it was necessary to
cross these ravines when they were too long to be headed;
and this crossing was work。

The locust thickets characteristic of these slopes were
thorny and close knit。  They tore and scratched and stung
both horses and riders。  Ranger appeared to be the most
intelligent of the horses and suffered less。  Bo's white
mustang dragged her through more than one brambly place。  On
the other hand; some of these steep slopes; were
comparatively free of underbrush。  Great firs and pines
loomed up on all sides。  The earth was soft and the hoofs
sank deep。  Toward the bottom of a descent Ranger would brace
his front feet and then slide down on his haunches。  This
mode facilitated travel; but it frightened Helen。  The climb
out then on the other side had to be done on foot。

After half a dozen slopes surmounted in this way Helen's
strength was spent and her breath was gone。  She felt
light…headed。  She could not get enough air。  Her feet felt
like lead; and her riding…coat was a burden。  A hundred
times; hot and wet and throbbing; she was compelled to stop。
Always she had been 
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