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dream days-第14部分

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did of a round sponge…bath on a bald deal towel…horse placed flat

on the floor。  Even to myself much of the recent raft…glamour

seemed to have departed as I half…mechanically stepped inside and

curled myself up in it for a solitary voyage。  Once I was

in; however; the old magic and mystery returned in full flood;

when I discovered that the inequalities of the towel…horse caused

the bath to rock; slightly; indeed; but easily and incessantly。 

A few minutes of this delightful motion; and one was fairly

launched。  So those women below didn't want us?  Well; there were

other women; and other places; that did。  And this was going to

be no scrambling raft…affair; but a full…blooded voyage of the

Man; equipped and purposeful; in search of what was his rightful


Whither should I shape my course; and what sort of vessel should

I charter for the voyage?  The shipping of all England was mine

to pick from; and the far corners of the globe were my rightful

inheritance。  A frigate; of course; seemed the natural vehicle

for a boy of spirit to set out in。  And yet there was something

rather 〃uppish〃 in commanding a frigate at the very first

set…off; and little spread was left for the ambition。  Frigates;

too; could always be acquired later by sheer adventure; and your

real hero generally saved up a square…rigged ship for the final

achievement and the rapt return。  No; it was a schooner that I

was aboard ofa schooner whose masts raked devilishly as the

leaping seas hissed along her low black gunwale。  Many

hairbrained youths started out on a mere cutter; but I was

prudent; and besides I had some inkling of the serious affairs

that were ahead。

I have said I was already on board; and; indeed; on this occasion

I was too hungry for adventure to linger over what would have

been a special delight at a period of more leisurethe dangling

about the harbour; the choosing your craft; selecting your

shipmates; stowing your cargo; and fitting up your private cabin

with everything you might want to put your hand on in any

emergency whatever。  I could not wait for that。  Out beyond

soundings the big seas were racing westward and calling me;

albatrosses hovered motionless; expectant of a comrade; and a

thousand islands held each of them a fresh adventure; stored up;

hidden away; awaiting production; expressly saved for me。  We

were humming; close…hauled; down the Channel; spray in the eyes

and the shrouds thrilling musically; in much less time than the

average man would have taken to transfer his Gladstone bag and

his rugs from the train to a sheltered place on the promenade…

deck of the tame daily steamer。

So long as we were in pilotage I stuck manfully to the wheel。 

The undertaking was mine; and with it all its responsibilities;

and there was some tricky steering to be done as we sped by

headland and bay; ere we breasted the great seas outside and

the land fell away behind us。  But as soon as the Atlantic

had opened out I began to feel that it would be rather nice to

take tea by myself in my own cabin; and it therefore became

necessary to invent a comrade or two; to take their turn at the


This was easy enough。  A friend or two of my own age; from among

the boys I knew; a friend or two from characters in the books I

knew; and a friend or two from No…man's…land; where every

fellow's a born sailor; and the crew was complete。  I addressed

them on the poop; divided them into watches; gave instructions I

should be summoned on the first sign of pirates; whales; or

Frenchmen; and retired below to a well…earned spell of


That was the right sort of cabin that I stepped into; shutting

the door behind me with a click。  Of course; fire…arms were the

first thing I looked for; and there they were; sure enough;

in their racks; dozens of 'emdouble…barrelled guns; and

repeating…rifles; and long pistols; and shiny plated revolvers。 

I rang up the steward and ordered tea; with scones; and jam in

its native potsnone of your finicking shallow glass dishes;

and; when properly streaked with jam; and blown out with tea; I

went through the armoury; clicked the rifles and revolvers;

tested the edges of the cutlasses with my thumb; and filled the

cartridge…belts chock…full。  Everything was there; and of the

best quality; just as if I had spent a whole fortnight knocking

about Plymouth and ordering things。  Clearly; if this cruise came

to grief; it would not be for want of equipment。

Just as I was beginning on the lockers and the drawers; the watch

reported icebergs on both bowsand; what was more to the point;

coveys of Polar bears on the icebergs。  I grasped a rifle or two;

and hastened on deck。  The spectacle was indeed

magnificentit generally is; with icebergs on both bows; and

these were exceptionally enormous icebergs。  But I hadn't come

there to paint Academy pictures; so the captain's gig was in the

water and manned almost ere the boatswain's whistle had ceased

sounding; and we were pulling hard for the Polar bearsmyself

and the rifles in the stern…sheets。

I have rarely enjoyed better shooting than I got during that

afternoon's tramp over the icebergs。  Perhaps I was in specially

good form; perhaps the bears 〃rose〃 well。  Anyhow; the bag was a

portentous one。  In later days; on reading of the growing

scarcity of Polar bears; my conscience has pricked me; but that

afternoon I experienced no compunction。  Nevertheless; when the

huge pile of skins had been hoisted on board; and a stiff grog

had been served out to the crew of the captain's gig; I

ordered the schooner's head to be set due south。  For icebergs

were played out; for the moment; and it was getting to be time

for something more tropical。

Tropical was a mild expression of what was to come; as was

shortly proved。  It was about three bells in the next day's

forenoon watch when the look…out man first sighted the pirate

brigantine。  I disliked the looks of her from the first; and;

after piping all hands to quarters; had the brass carronade on

the fore…deck crammed with grape to the muzzle。

This proved a wise precaution。  For the flagitious pirate craft;

having crept up to us under the colours of the Swiss Republic; a

state with which we were just then on the best possible terms;

suddenly shook out the skull…and…cross…bones at her masthead; and

let fly with round…shot at close quarters; knocking into pieces

several of my crew; who could ill be spared。  The sight of

their disconnected limbs aroused my ire to its utmost height; and

I let them have the contents of the brass carronade; with ghastly

effect。  Next moment the hulls of the two ships were grinding

together; the cold steel flashed from its scabbard; and the

death…grapple had begun。

In spite of the deadly work of my grape…gorged carronade; our foe

still outnumbered us; I reckoned; by three to one。  Honour

forbade my fixing it at a lower figurethis was the minimum rate

at which one dared to do business with pirates。  They were stark

veterans; too; every man seamed with ancient sabre…cuts; whereas

my crew had many of them hardly attained the maturity which is

the gift of ten long summersand the whole thing was so sudden

that I had no time to invent a reinforcement of riper years。  It

was not surprising; therefore; that my dauntless boarding…

party; axe in hand and cutlass between teeth; fought their way to

the pirates' deck only to be repulsed again and yet again; and

that our planks were soon slippery with our own ungrudged and

inexhaustible blood。  At this critical point in the conflict; the

bo'sun; grasping me by the arm; drew my attention to a

magnificent British man…of…war; just hove to in the offing; while

the signalman; his glass at his eye; reported that she was

inquiring whether we wanted any assistance or preferred to go

through with the little job ourselves。

This veiled attempt to share our laurels with us; courteously as

it was worded; put me on my mettle。  Wiping the blood out of my

eyes; I ordered the signalman to reply instantly; with the half…

dozen or so of flags that he had at his disposal; that much as we

appreciated the valour of the regular service; and the delicacy

of spirit that animated its commanders; still this was an

orthodox case of the young gentleman…adventurer versus the

unshaved pirate; and Her Majesty's Marine had nothing to do but

to form the usual admiring and applauding background。  Then;

rallying round me the remnant of my faithful crew; I selected a

fresh cutlass (I had worn out three already) and plunged once

more into the pleasing carnage。

The result was not long doubtful。  Indeed; I could not allow it

to be; as I was already getting somewhat bored with the pirate

business; and was wanting to get on to something more southern

and sensuous。  All serious resistance came to an end as soon as I

had reached the quarter…deck and cut down the pirate
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