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their general had added to the Roman empire。 Antony was in Armenia when this answer came to him; and immediately sent Canidius with sixteen legions towards the sea; but he; in the company of Cleopatra; went to Ephesus; whither ships were coming in from all quarters to form the navy; consisting; vessels of burden included; of eight hundred vessels; of which Cleopatra furnished two hundred; together with twenty thousand talents; and provision for the whole army during the war。 Antony; on the advice of Domitius and some others; bade Cleopatra return into Egypt; there to expect the event of the war; but she; dreading some new reconciliation by Octavia's means; prevailed with Canidius; by a large sum of money; to speak in her favour with Antony; pointing out to him that it was not just that one that bore so great a part in the charge of the war should be robbed of her share of glory in the carrying it on; nor would it be politic to disoblige the Egyptians; who were so considerable a part of his naval forces; nor did he see how she was inferior in prudence to any of the kings that were serving with him; she had long governed a great kingdom by herself alone; and long lived with him; and gained experience in public affairs。 These arguments (so the fate that destined all to Caesar would have it) prevailed; and when all their forces had met; they sailed together to Samos; and held high festivities。 For; as it was ordered that all kings; princes; and governors; all nations and cities within the limits of Syria; the Maeotid Lake; Armenia; and Illyria; should bring or cause to be brought all munitions necessary for war; so was it also proclaimed that all stage…players should make their appearance at Samos; so that; while pretty nearly the whole world was filled with groans and lamentations; this one island for some days resounded with piping and harping; theatres filling; and choruses playing。 Every city sent an ox as its contribution to the sacrifice; and the kings that accompanied Antony competed who should make the most magnificent feasts and the greatest presents; and men began to ask themselves; what would be done to celebrate the victory; when they went to such an expense of festivity at the opening of the war。 This over; he gave Priene to his players for a habitation; and set sail for Athens; where fresh sports and play…acting employed him。 Cleopatra; jealous of the honours Octavia had received at Athens (for Octavia was much beloved by the Athenians); courted the favour of the people with all sorts of attentions。 The Athenians; in requital; having decreed her public honours; deputed several of the citizens to wait upon her at her house; amongst whom went Antony as one; he being an Athenian citizen; and he it was that made the speech。 He sent orders to Rome to have Octavia removed out of his house。 She left it; we are told; accompanied by all his children; except the eldest by Fulvia; who was then with his father; weeping and grieving that she must be looked upon as one of the causes of the war。 But the Romans pitied; not so much her; as Antony himself; and more particularly those who had seen Cleopatra; whom they could report to have no way the advantage of Octavia either in youth or in beauty。 The speed and extent of Antony's preparations alarmed Caesar; who feared he might be forced to fight the decisive battle that summer。 For he wanted many necessaries; and the people grudged very much to pay the taxes; freemen being called upon to pay a fourth part of their incomes; and freed slaves an eighth of their property; so that there were loud outcries against him; and disturbances throughout all Italy。 And this is looked upon as one of the greatest of Antony's oversights; that he did not then press the war。 For he allowed time at once for Caesar to make his preparations and for the commotions to pass over。 For while people were having their money called for; they were mutinous and violent; but; having paid it; they held their peace。 Titius and Plancus; men of consular dignity and friends to Antony; having been ill…used by Cleopatra; whom they had most resisted in her design of being present in the war; came over to Caesar and gave information of the contents of Antony's will; with which they were acquainted。 It was deposited in the hands of the vestal virgins; who refused to deliver it up; and sent Caesar word; if he pleased; he should come and seize it himself; which he did。 And; reading it over to himself; he noted those places that were most for his purpose; and; having summoned the senate; read them publicly。 Many were scandalized at the proceeding; thinking it out of reason and equity to call a man to account for what was not to be until after his death。 Caesar specially pressed what Antony said in his will about his burial; for he had ordered that even if he died in the city of Rome; his body; after being carried in state through the forum; should be sent to Cleopatra at Alexandria。 Calvisius; a dependant of Caesar's; urged other charges in connection with Cleopatra against Antony; that he had given her the library of Pergamus; containing two hundred thousand distinct volumes; that at a great banquet; in the presence of many guests; he had risen up and rubbed her feet; to fulfil some wager or promise; that he had suffered the Ephesians to salute her as their queen; that he had frequently at the public audience of kings and princes received amorous messages written in tablets made of onyx and crystal; and read them openly on the tribunal; that when Furnius; a man of great authority and eloquence among the Romans; was pleading; Cleopatra happening to pass by in her chair; Antony started up and left them in the middle of their cause; to follow at her side and attend her home。 Calvisius; however; was looked upon as the inventor of most of these stories。 Antony's friends went up and down the city to gain him credit; and sent one of themselves; Geminius; to him; to beg him to take heed and not allow himself to be deprived by vote of his authority; and proclaimed a public enemy to the Roman state。 But Geminius no sooner arrived in Greece but he was looked upon as one of Octavia's spies; at their suppers he was made a continual butt for mockery; and was put to sit in the least honourable places; all of which he bore very well; seeking only an occasion of speaking with Antony。 So at supper; being told to say what business he came about; he answered he would keep the rest for a soberer hour; but one thing he had to say; whether full or fasting; that all would go well if Cleopatra would return to Egypt。 And on Antony showing his anger at it; 〃You have done well; Geminius;〃 said Cleopatra; 〃to tell your secret without being put to the rack。〃 So Geminius; after a few days; took occasion to make his escape and go to Rome。 Many more of Antony's friends were driven from him by the insolent usage they had from Cleopatra's flatterers; amongst whom were Marcus Silanus and Dellius the historian。 And Dellius says he was afraid of his life; and that Glaucus; the physician; informed him of Cleopatra's design against him。 She was angry with him for having said that Antony's friends were served with sour wine; while at Rome Sarmentus; Caesar's little page (his delicia; as the Romans call it); drank Falernian。 As soon as Caesar had completed his preparations; he had a decree made declaring war on Cleopatra; and depriving Antony of the authority which he had let a woman exercise in his place。 Caesar added that he had drunk potions that had bereaved him of his senses; and that the generals they would have to fight with would be Mardion the eunuch; Pothinus; Iras; Cleopatra's hairdressing girl; and Charmion; who were Antony's chief state…councillors。 These prodigies are said to have announced the war。 Pisaurum; where Antony had settled a colony; on the Adriatic sea; was swallowed up by an earthquake; sweat ran from one of the marble statues of Antony at Alba for many days together; and though frequently wiped off; did not stop。 When he himself was in the city of Patrae; the temple of Hercules was struck by lightning; and; at Athens; the figure of Bacchus was torn by a violent wind out of the Battle of the Giants; and laid flat upon the theatre; with both which deities Antony claimed connection; professing to be descended from Hercules; and from his imitating Bacchus in his way of living having received the name of young Bacchus。 The same whirlwind at Athens also brought down; from amongst many others which were not disturbed; the colossal statues of Fumenes and Attalus; which were inscribed with Antony's name。 And in Cleopatra's admiral…galley; which was called the Antonias; a most inauspicious omen occurred。 Some swallows had built in the stern of the galley; but other swallows came; beat the first away; and destroyed their nests。 When the armaments gathered for the war; Antony had no less than five hundred ships of war; including numerous galleys of eight and ten banks of oars; as richly ornamented as if they were meant for a triumph。 He had a hundred thousand foot and twelve thousand horse。 He had vassal kings attending; Bocchus of Libya; Tarcondemus of the Upper Cilicia; Archelaus of Cappadocia; Philadelphus of Paphlagonia; Mithridates of Commagene;
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