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the pension beaurepas-第6部分

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〃Yes;〃 said Aurora; with a laugh; 〃my dress was cut in Franceat

〃Well; you've got a lovely figure; any way;〃 pursued her companion。

〃Ah;〃 said the young girl; 〃at Avranches; too; my figure was
admired。〃  And she looked at me askance; with a certain coquetry。
But I was an innocent youth; and I only looked back at her;
wondering。  She was a great deal nicer than Miss Ruck; and yet Miss
Ruck would not have said that。  〃I try to be like an American girl;〃
she continued; 〃I do my best; though mamma doesn't at all encourage
it。  I am very patriotic。  I try to copy them; though mamma has
brought me up a la francaise; that is; as much as one can in
pensions。  For instance; I have never been out of the house without
mamma; oh; never; never。  But sometimes I despair; American girls are
so wonderfully frank。  I can't be frank; like that。  I am always
afraid。  But I do what I can; as you see。  Excusez du peu!〃

I thought this young lady at least as outspoken as most of her
unexpatriated sisters; there was something almost comical in her
despondency。  But she had by no means caught; as it seemed to me; the
American tone。  Whatever her tone was; however; it had a fascination;
there was something dainty about it; and yet it was decidedly

The young ladies began to stroll about the garden again; and I
enjoyed their society until M。 Pigeonneau's festival came to an end。


Mr。 Ruck did not take his departure for Appenzell on the morrow; in
spite of the eagerness to witness such an event which he had
attributed to Mrs。 Church。  He continued; on the contrary; for many
days after; to hang about the garden; to wander up to the banker's
and back again; to engage in desultory conversation with his fellow…
boarders; and to endeavour to assuage his constitutional restlessness
by perusal of the American journals。  But on the morrow I had the
honour of making Mrs。 Church's acquaintance。  She came into the
salon; after the midday breakfast; with her German octavo under her
arm; and she appealed to me for assistance in selecting a quiet

〃Would you very kindly;〃 she said; 〃move that large fauteuil a little
more this way?  Not the largest; the one with the little cushion。
The fauteuils here are very insufficient; I must ask Madame Beaurepas
for another。  Thank you; a little more to the left; please; that will
do。  Are you particularly engaged?〃 she inquired; after she had
seated herself。  〃If not; I should like to have some conversation
with you。  It is some time since I have met a young American of your…
…what shall I call it?your affiliations。  I have learned your name
from Madame Beaurepas; I think I used to know some of your people。  I
don't know what has become of all my friends。  I used to have a
charming little circle at home; but now I meet no one I know。  Don't
you think there is a great difference between the people one meets
and the people one would like to meet?  Fortunately; sometimes;〃
added my interlocutress graciously; 〃it's quite the same。  I suppose
you are a specimen; a favourable specimen;〃 she went on; 〃of young
America。  Tell me; now; what is young America thinking of in these
days of ours?  What are its feelings; its opinions; its aspirations?
What is its IDEAL?〃  I had seated myself near Mrs。 Church; and she
had pointed this interrogation with the gaze of her bright little
eyes。  I felt it embarrassing to be treated as a favourable specimen
of young America; and to be expected to answer for the great
republic。  Observing my hesitation; Mrs。 Church clasped her hands on
the open page of her book and gave an intense; melancholy smile。
〃HAS it an ideal?〃 she softly asked。  〃Well; we must talk of this;〃
she went on; without insisting。  〃Speak; for the present; for
yourself simply。  Have you come to Europe with any special design?〃

〃Nothing to boast of;〃 I said。  〃I am studying a little。〃

〃Ah; I am glad to hear that。  You are gathering up a little European
culture; that's what we lack; you know; at home。  No individual can
do much; of coarse。  But you must not be discouraged; every little

〃I see that you; at least; are doing your part;〃 I rejoined
gallantly; dropping my eyes on my companion's learned volume。

〃Yes; I frankly admit that I am fond of study。  There is no one;
after all; like the Germans。  That is; for facts。  For opinions I by
no means always go with them。  I form my opinions myself。  I am sorry
to say; however;〃 Mrs。 Church continued; 〃that I can hardly pretend
to diffuse my acquisitions。  I am afraid I am sadly selfish; I do
little to irrigate the soil。  I belongI frankly confess itto the
class of absentees。〃

〃I had the pleasure; last evening;〃 I said; 〃of making the
acquaintance of your daughter。  She told me you had been a long time
in Europe。〃

Mrs。 Church smiled benignantly。  〃Can one ever be too long?  We shall
never leave it。〃

〃Your daughter won't like that;〃 I said; smiling too。

〃Has she been taking you into her confidence?  She is a more sensible
young lady than she sometimes appears。  I have taken great pains with
her; she is reallyI may be permitted to say itsuperbly educated。〃

〃She seemed to me a very charming girl;〃 I rejoined。  〃And I learned
that she speaks four languages。〃

〃It is not only that;〃 said Mrs。 Church; in a tone which suggested
that this might be a very superficial species of culture。  〃She has
made what we call de fortes etudessuch as I suppose you are making
now。  She is familiar with the results of modern science; she keeps
pace with the new historical school。〃

〃Ah;〃 said I; 〃she has gone much farther than I!〃

〃You doubtless think I exaggerate; and you force me; therefore; to
mention the fact that I am able to speak of such matters with a
certain intelligence。〃

〃That is very evident;〃 I said。  〃But your daughter thinks you ought
to take her home。〃  I began to fear; as soon as I had uttered these
words; that they savoured of treachery to the young lady; but I was
reassured by seeing that they produced on her mother's placid
countenance no symptom whatever of irritation。

〃My daughter has her little theories;〃 Mrs。 Church observed; 〃she
has; I may say; her illusions。  And what wonder! What would youth be
without its illusions?  Aurora has a theory that she would be happier
in New York; in Boston; in Philadelphia; than in one of the charming
old cities in which our lot is cast。  But she is mistaken; that is

all。  We must allow our children their illusions; must we not?  But
we must watch over them。〃

Although she herself seemed proof against discomposure; I found
something vaguely irritating in her soft; sweet positiveness。

〃American cities;〃 I said; 〃are the paradise of young girls。〃

〃Do you mean;〃 asked Mrs。 Church; 〃that the young girls who come from
those places are angels?〃

〃Yes;〃 I said; resolutely。

〃This young ladywhat is her odd name?with whom my daughter has
formed a somewhat precipitate acquaintance:  is Miss Ruck an angel?
But I won't force you to say anything uncivil。  It would be too cruel
to make a single exception。〃

〃Well;〃 said I; 〃at any rate; in America young girls have an easier
lot。  They have much more liberty。〃

My companion laid her hand for an instant on my arm。  〃My dear young
friend; I know America; I know the conditions of life there; so well。
There is perhaps no subject on which I have reflected more than on
our national idiosyncrasies。〃

〃I am afraid you don't approve of them;〃 said I; a little brutally。

Brutal indeed my proposition was; and Mrs。 Church was not prepared to
assent to it in this rough shape。  She dropped her eyes on her book;
with an air of acute meditation。  Then; raising them; 〃We are very
crude;〃 she softly observed〃we are very crude。〃  Lest even this
delicately…uttered statement should seem to savour of the vice that
she deprecated; she went on to explain。  〃There are two classes of
minds; you knowthose that hold back; and those that push forward。
My daughter and I are not pushers; we move with little steps。  We
like the old; trodden paths; we like the old; old world。〃

〃Ah;〃 said I; 〃you know what you like; there is a great virtue in

〃Yes; we like Europe; we prefer it。  We like the opportunities of
Europe; we like the REST。  There is so much in that; you know。  The
world seems to me to be hurrying; pressing forward so fiercely;
without knowing where it is going。  'Whither?' I often ask; in my
little quiet way。  But I have yet to learn that any one can tell me。〃

〃You're a great conservative;〃 I observed; while I wondered whether I
myself could answer this inquiry。

Mrs。 Church gave me a smile which was equivalent to a confession。  〃I
wish to retain a LITTLEjust a little。  Surely; we have done so
much; we might rest a while; we might pause。  That is all my feeling…
…just to stop a little; to wait! I have seen so many changes。  I wish
to draw in; to draw into hold back; to hold back。〃

〃You shouldn't hold your daughter back!〃 I answered; laughing and
getting up。  I got up; not by way of terminating our interview; for I
perceived Mrs。 Church's exposition of her views to be by no means
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