rip van winkle-第3部分
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tail。 They all had beards; of various shapes and colors。 There was one
who seemed to be the commander。 He was a stout old gentleman; with a
weather…beaten countenance; he wore a laced doublet; broad belt and
hanger; high crowned hat and feather; red stockings; and high…heeled
shoes; with roses in them。 The whole group reminded Rip of the figures
in an old Flemish painting; in the parlor of Dominie Van Shaick; the
village parson; and which had been brought over from Holland at the
time of the settlement。
What seemed particularly odd to Rip was; that though these folks
were evidently amusing themselves; yet they maintained the gravest
faces; the most mysterious silence; and were; withal; the most
melancholy party of pleasure he had ever witnessed。 Nothing
interrupted the stillness of the scene but the noise of the balls;
which; whenever they were rolled; echoed along the mountains like
rumbling peals of thunder。
As Rip and his companion approached them; they suddenly desisted
from their play; and stared at him with such fixed statue…like gaze;
and such strange; uncouth; lack…lustre countenances; that his heart
turned within him; and his knees smote together。 His companion now
emptied the contents of the keg into large flagons; and made signs
to him to wait upon the company。 He obeyed with fear and trembling;
they quaffed the liquor in profound silence; and then returned to
their game。
By degrees Rip's awe and apprehension subsided。 He even ventured;
when no eye was fixed upon him; to taste the beverage; which he
found had much of the flavor of excellent Hollands。 He was naturally a
thirsty soul; and was soon tempted to repeat the draught。 One taste
provoked another; and he reiterated his visits to the flagon so
often that at length his senses were overpowered; his eyes swam in his
head; his head gradually declined; and he fell into a deep sleep。
On waking; he found himself on the green knoll whence he had first
seen the old man of the glen。 He rubbed his eyes… it was a bright
sunny morning。 The birds were hopping and twittering among the bushes;
and the eagle was wheeling aloft; and breasting the pure mountain
breeze。 〃Surely;〃 thought Rip; 〃I have not slept here all night。〃 He
recalled the occurrences before he fell asleep。 The strange man with a
keg of liquor… the mountain ravine… the wild retreat among the
rocks… the wobegone party at nine…pins… the flagon… 〃Oh! that
flagon! that wicked flagon!〃 thought Rip… 〃what excuse shall I make to
Dame Van Winkle!〃
He looked round for his gun; but in place of the clean well…oiled
fowling…piece; he found an old firelock lying by him; the barrel
incrusted with rust; the lock falling off; and the stock worm…eaten。
He now suspected that the grave roysterers of the mountain had put a
trick upon him; and; having dosed him with liquor; had robbed him of
his gun。 Wolf; too; had disappeared; but he might have strayed away
after a squirrel or partridge。 He whistled after him and shouted his
name; but all in vain; the echoes repeated his whistle and shout;
but no dog was to be seen。
He determined to revisit the scene of the last evening's gambol; and
if he met with any of the party; to demand his dog and gun。 As he rose
to walk; he found himself stiff in the joints; and wanting in his
usual activity。 〃These mountain beds do not agree with me;〃 thought
Rip; 〃and if this frolic should lay me up with a fit of the
rheumatism; I shall have a blessed time with Dame Van Winkle。〃 With
some difficulty he got down into the glen: he found the gully up which
he and his companion had ascended the preceding evening; but to his
astonishment a mountain stream was now foaming down it; leaping from
rock to rock; and filling the glen with babbling murmurs。 He; however;
made shift to scramble up its sides; working his toilsome way
through thickets of birch; sassafras; and witch…hazel; and sometimes
tripped up or entangled by the wild grapevines that twisted their
coils or tendrils from tree to tree; and spread a kind of network in
his path。
At length he reached to where the ravine had opened through the
cliffs to the amphitheatre; but no traces of such opening remained。
The rocks presented a high impenetrable wall over which the torrent
came tumbling in a sheet of feathery foam; and fell into a broad
deep basin; black from the shadows of the surrounding forest。 Here;
then; poor Rip was brought to a stand。 He again called and whistled
after his dog; he was only answered by the cawing of a flock of idle
crows; sporting high in air about a dry tree that overhung a sunny
precipice; and who; secure in their elevation; seemed to look down and
scoff at the poor man's perplexities。 What was to be done? the morning
was passing away; and Rip felt famished for want of his breakfast。
He grieved to give up his dog and gun; he dreaded to meet his wife;
but it would not do to starve among the mountains。 He shook his
head; shouldered the rusty firelock; and; with a heart full of trouble
and anxiety; turned his steps homeward。
As he approached the village he met a number of people; but none
whom he knew; which somewhat surprised him; for he had thought himself
acquainted with every one in the country round。 Their dress; too;
was of a different fashion from that to which he was accustomed。
They all stared at him with equal marks of surprise; and whenever they
cast their eyes upon him; invariably stroked their chins。 The constant
recurrence of this gesture induced Rip; involuntarily; to do the same;
when; to his astonishment; he found his beard had grown a foot long!
He had now entered the skirts of the village。 A troop of strange
children ran at his heels; hooting after him; and pointing at his gray
beard。 The dogs; too; not one of which he recognized for an old
acquaintance; barked at him as he passed。 The very village was
altered; it was larger and more populous。 There were rows of houses
which he had never seen before; and those which had been his
familiar haunts had disappeared。 Strange names were over the doors…
strange faces at the windows… every thing was strange。 His mind now
misgave him; he began to doubt whether both he and the world around
him were not bewitched。 Surely this was his native village; which he
had left but the day before。 There stood the Kaatskill mountains…
there ran the silver Hudson at a distance… there was every hill and
dale precisely as it had always been… Rip was sorely perplexed…
〃That flagon last night;〃 thought he; 〃has addled my poor head sadly!〃
It was with some difficulty that he found the way to his own
house; which he approached with silent awe; expecting every moment
to hear the shrill voice of Dame Van Winkle。 He found the house gone
to decay… the roof fallen in; the windows shattered; and the doors off
the hinges。 A half…starved dog that looked like Wolf was skulking
about it。 Rip called him by name; but the cur snarled; showed his
teeth; and passed on。 This was an unkind cut indeed… 〃My very dog;〃
sighed poor Rip; 〃has forgotten me!〃
He entered the house; which; to tell the truth; Dame Van Winkle
had always kept in neat order。 It was empty; forlorn; and apparently
abandoned。 This desolateness overcame all his connubial fears… he
called loudly for his wife and children… the lonely chambers rang
for a moment with his voice; and then all again was silence。
He now hurried forth; and hastened to his old resort; the village
inn… but it too was gone。 A large rickety wooden building stood in its
place; with great gaping windows; some of them broken and mended
with old hats and petticoats; and over the door was painted; 〃The
Union Hotel; by Jonathan Doolittle。〃 Instead of the great tree that
used to shelter the quiet little Dutch inn of yore; there now was
reared a tall naked pole; with something on the top that looked like a
red night…cap; and from it was fluttering a flag; on which was a
singular assemblage of stars and stripes… all this was strange and
incomprehensible。 He recognized on the sign; however; the ruby face of
King George; under which he had smoked so many a peaceful pipe; but
even this was singularly metamorphosed。 The red coat was changed for
one of blue and buff; a sword was held in the hand instead of a
sceptre; the head was decorated with a cocked hat; and underneath
was painted in large characters; GENERAL WASHINGTON。
There was; as usual; a crowd of folk about the door; but none that
Rip recollected。 The very character of the people seemed changed。
There was a busy; bustling; disputatious tone about it; instead of the
accustomed phlegm and drowsy tranquillity。 He looked in vain for the
sage Nicholas Vedder; with his broad face; double chin; and fair
long pipe; uttering clouds of tobacco…smoke instead of idle
speeches; or Van Bummel; the schoolmaster; doling forth the contents
of an ancient newspaper。 In place of these; a lean; bilious…looking
fellow; with his pockets full of handbills; was haranguing
vehemently about rights of citizens… elections… members of congress…
liberty… Bunker's Hill… h
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