the augsburg confession-第1部分
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The Augsburg Confession
The Confession of Faith:
Which Was Submitted to His Imperial Majesty Charles V
At the Diet of Augsburg in the Year 1530
by Philip Melanchthon; 1497…1560
Preface to the Emperor Charles V。
Most Invincible Emperor; Caesar Augustus; Most Clement Lord:
Inasmuch as Your Imperial Majesty has summoned a Diet of the
Empire here at Augsburg to deliberate concerning measures against
the Turk; that most atrocious; hereditary; and ancient enemy of
the Christian name and religion; in what way; namely; effectually
to withstand his furor and assaults by strong and lasting
military provision; and then also concerning dissensions in the
matter of our holy religion and Christian Faith; that in this
matter of religion the opinions and judgments of the parties
might be heard in each other's presence; and considered and
weighed among ourselves in mutual charity; leniency; and
kindness; in order that; after the removal and correction of such
things as have been treated and understood in a different manner
in the writings on either side; these matters may be settled and
brought back to one simple truth and Christian concord; that for
the future one pure and true religion may be embraced and
maintained by us; that as we all are under one Christ and do
battle under Him; so we may be able also to live in unity and
concord in the one Christian Church。
And inasmuch as we; the undersigned Elector and Princes; with
others joined with us; have been called to the aforesaid Diet the
same as the other Electors; Princes; and Estates; in obedient
compliance with the Imperial mandate; we have promptly come to
Augsburg; and what we do not mean to say as boasting we
were among the first to be here。
Accordingly; since even here at Augsburg at the very beginning
of the Diet; Your Imperial Majesty caused to be proposed to the
Electors; Princes; and other Estates of the Empire; amongst other
things; that the several Estates of the Empire; on the strength
of the Imperial edict; should set forth and submit their opinions
and judgments in the German and the Latin language; and since on
the ensuing Wednesday; answer was given to Your Imperial Majesty;
after due deliberation; that we would submit the Articles of our
Confession for our side on next Wednesday; therefore; in
obedience to Your Imperial Majesty's wishes; we offer; in this
matter of religion; the Confession of our preachers and of
ourselves; showing what manner of doctrine from the Holy
Scriptures and the pure Word of God has been up to this time set
forth in our lands; dukedoms; dominions; and cities; and taught
in our churches。
And if the other Electors; Princes; and Estates。 of the Empire
will; according to the said Imperial proposition; present similar
writings; to wit; in Latin and German; giving their opinions in
this matter of religion; we; with the Princes and friends
aforesaid; here before Your Imperial Majesty; our most clement
Lord are prepared to confer amicably concerning all possible ways
and means; in order that we may come together; as far as this may
be honorably done; and; the matter between us on both sides being
peacefully discussed without offensive strife; the dissension;
by God's help; may be done away and brought back to one true
accordant religion; for as we all are under one Christ and do
battle under Him; we ought to confess the one Christ; after the
tenor of Your Imperial Majesty's edict; and everything ought to
be conducted according to the truth of God; and this it is what;
with most fervent prayers; we entreat of God。
However; as regards the rest of the Electors; Princes; and
Estates; who constitute the other part; if no progress should be
made; nor some result be attained by this treatment of the cause
of religion after the manner in which Your Imperial Majesty has
wisely held that it should be dealt with and treated namely; by
such mutual presentation of writings and calm conferring together
among ourselves; we at least leave with you a clear testimony;
that we here in no wise are holding back from anything that could
bring about Christian concord; such as could be effected with
God and a good conscience; as also Your Imperial Majesty and;
next; the other Electors and Estates of the Empire; and all who
are moved by sincere love and zeal for religion; and who will
give an impartial hearing to this matter; will graciously deign
to take notice and to understand this from this Confession of
ours and of our associates。
Your Imperial Majesty also; not only once but often; graciously
signified to the Electors Princes; and Estates of the Empire; and
at the Diet of Spires held A。 D。 1526; according to the form of
Your Imperial instruction and commission given and prescribed;
caused it to be stated and publicly proclaimed that Your Majesty;
in dealing with this matter of religion; for certain reasons
which were alleged in Your Majesty's name; was not willing to
decide and could not determine anything; but that Your Majesty
would diligently use Your Majesty's office with the Roman Pontiff
for the convening of a General Council。 The same matter was thus
publicly set forth at greater length a year ago at the last Diet
which met at Spires。 There Your Imperial Majesty; through His
Highness Ferdinand; King of Bohemia and Hungary; our friend and
clement Lord; as well as through the Orator and Imperial
Commissioners caused this; among other things; to be submitted:
that Your Imperial Majesty had taken notice of; and pondered; the
resolution of Your Majesty's Representative in the Empire; and
of the President and Imperial Counselors; and the Legates from
other Estates convened at Ratisbon; concerning the calling of a
Council; and that your Imperial Majesty also judged it to be
expedient to convene a Council; and that Your Imperial Majesty
did not doubt the Roman Pontiff could be induced to hold a
General Council; because the matters to be adjusted between Your
Imperial Majesty and the Roman Pontiff were nearing agreement and
Christian reconciliation; therefore Your Imperial Majesty himself
signified that he would endeavor to secure the said Chief
Pontiff's consent for convening; together with your Imperial
Majesty such General Council; to be published as soon as possible
by letters that were to be sent out。
If the outcome; therefore; should be such that the differences
between us and the other parties in the matter of religion should
not be amicably and in charity settled; then here; before Your
Imperial Majesty we make the offer in all obedience; in addition
to what we have already done; that we will all appear and defend
our cause in such a general; free Christian Council; for the
convening of which there has always been accordant action and
agreement of votes in all the Imperial Diets held during Your
Majesty's reign; on the part of the Electors; Princes; and other
Estates of the Empire。 To the assembly of this General Council;
and at the same time to Your Imperial Majesty; we have; even
before this; in due manner and form of law; addressed ourselves
and made appeal in this matter; by far the greatest and gravest。
To this appeal; both to Your Imperial Majesty and to a Council;
we still adhere; neither do we intend nor would it be possible
for us; to relinquish it by this or any other document; unless
the matter between us and the other side; according to the tenor
of the latest Imperial citation should be amicably and charitably
settled; allayed; and brought to Christian concord; and regarding
this we even here solemnly and publicly testify。
Article I: Of God。
Our Churches; with common consent; do teach that the decree of
the Council of Nicaea concerning the Unity of the Divine Essence
and concerning the Three Persons; is true and to be believed
without any doubting; that is to say; there is one Divine Essence
which is called and which is God: eternal; without body; without
parts; of infinite power; wisdom; and goodness; the Maker and
Preserver of all things; visible and invisible; and yet there are
three Persons; of the same essence and power; who also are
coeternal; the Father the Son; and the Holy Ghost。 And the term
〃person〃 they use as the Fathers have used it; to signify; not
a part or quality in another; but that which subsists of itself。
They condemn all heresies which have sprung up against this
article; as the Manichaeans; who assumed two principles; one Good
and the other Evil… also the Valentinians; Arians; Eunomians;
Mohammedans; and all such。 They condemn also the Samosatenes; old
and new; who; contending that there is but one Person;
sophistically and impiously argue that the Word and the Holy
Ghost are not distinct Persons; but that 〃Word〃 s
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