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with him but in the intervals of my passion; however; at length
I began; and expressing myself with wonder at my being so
happy to have the trust of what I had left; put into the hands
of my own child; I told him ;that as to the inheritance of it; I
had no child but him in the world; and was now past having
any if I should marry; and therefore would desire him to get
a writing drawn; which I was ready to execute; by which I
would; after me; give it wholly to him and to his heirs。 And
in the meantime; smiling; I asked him what made him continue
a bachelor so long。 His answer was kind and ready; that
Virginia did not yield any great plenty of wives; and that since
I talked of going back to England; I should send him a wife
from London。
This was the substance of our first day's conversation; the
pleasantest day that ever passed over my head in my life; and
which gave me the truest satisfaction。 He came every day
after this; and spent great part of his time with me; and carried
me about to several of his friends' houses; where I was
entertained with great respect。 Also I dines several times at
his own house; when he took care always to see his half…dead
father so out of the way that I never saw him; or he me。 I
made him one present; and it was all I had of value; and that
was one of the gold watches; of which I mentioned above;
that I had two in my chest; and this I happened to have with
me; and I gave it him at his third visit。 I told him I had nothing
of any value to bestow but that; and I desired he would now
and then kiss it for my sake。 I did not indeed tell him that I
had stole it from a gentlewoman's side; at a meeting…house in
London。 That's by the way。
He stood a little while hesitating; as if doubtful whether to
take it or no; but I pressed it on him; and made him accept it;
and it was not much less worth than his leather pouch full of
Spanish gold; no; though it were to be reckoned as if at London;
whereas it was worth twice as much there; where I gave it him。
At length he took it; kissed it; told me the watch should be a
debt upon him that he would be paying as long as I lived。
A few days after he brought the writings of gift; and the
scrivener with them; and I signed them very freely; and
delivered them to him with a hundred kisses; for sure nothing
ever passed between a mother and a tender; dutiful child with
more affection。 The next day he brings me an obligation
under his hand and seal; whereby he engaged himself to
manage and improve the plantation for my account; and with
his utmost skill; and to remit the produce to my order wherever
I should be; and withal; to be obliged himself to make up the
produce #100 a year to me。 When he had done so; he told me
that as I came to demand it before the crop was off; I had a
right to produce of the current year; and so he paid me #100
in Spanish pieces of eight; and desired me to give him a receipt
for it as in full for that year; ending at Christmas following;
this being about the latter end of August。
I stayed here about five weeks; and indeed had much ado to
get away then。 Nay; he would have come over the bay with
me; but I would by no means allow him to it。 However; he
would send me over in a sloop of his own; which was built
like a yacht; and served him as well for pleasure as business。
This I accepted of; and so; after the utmost expressions both
of duty and affection; he let me come away; and I arrived safe
in two days at my friend's the Quaker's。
I brought over with me for the use of our plantation; three
horses; with harness and saddles; some hogs; two cows; and
a thousand other things; the gift of the kindest and tenderest
child that ever woman had。 I related to my husband all the
particulars of this voyage; except that I called my son my
cousin; and first I told him that I had lost my watch; which
he seemed to take as a misfortune; but then I told him how
kind my cousin had been; that my mother had left me such a
plantation; and that he had preserved it for me; in hopes some
time or other he should hear from me; then I told him that I
had left it to his management; that he would render me a
faithful account of its produce; and then I pulled him out the
#100 in silver; as the first year's produce; and then pulling
out the deerskin purse with the pistoles; 'And here; my dear;'
says I; 'is the gold watch。' My husbandso is Heaven's
goodness sure to work the same effects in all sensible minds
where mercies touch the heartlifted up both hands; and with
an ecstacy of joy; 'What is God a…doing;' says he; 'for such an
ungrateful dog as I am!' Then I let him know what I had
brought over in the sloop; besides all this; I mean the horses;
hogs; and cows; and other stores for our plantation; all which
added to his surprise; and filled his heart with thankfulness;
and from this time forward I believe he was as sincere a penitent;
and as thoroughly a reformed man; as ever God's goodness
brought back from a profligate; a highwayman; and a robber。
I could fill a larger history than this with the evidence of this
truth; and but that I doubt that part of the story will not be
equally diverting as the wicked part; I have had thoughts of
making a volume of it by itself。
As for myself; as this is to be my own story; not my husband's;
I return to that part which related to myself。 We went on with
our plantation; and managed it with the help and diversion of
such friends as we got there by our obliging behaviour; and
especially the honest Quaker; who proved a faithful; generous;
and steady friend to us; and we had very good success; for
having a flourishing stock to begin with; as I have said; and
this being now increased by the addition of #150 sterling in
money; we enlarged our number of servants; built us a very
good house; and cured every year a great deal of land。 The
second year I wrote to my old governess; giving her part with
us of the joy of our success; and order her how to lay out the
money I had left with her; which was #250 as above; and to
send it to us in goods; which she performed with her usual
kindness and fidelity; and this arrived safe to us。
Here we had a supply of all sorts of clothes; as well for my
husband as for myself; and I took especial care to buy for
him all those things that I knew he delighted to have; as two
good long wigs; two silver…hilted swords; three or four fine
fowling…pieces; a find saddle with holsters and pistols very
handsome; with a scarlet cloak; and; in a word; everything I
could think of to oblige him; and to make him appear; as he
really was; a very fine gentleman。 I ordered a good quantity
of such household stuff as we yet wanted; with linen of all
sorts for us both。 As for myself; I wanted very little of clothes
or linen; being very well furnished before。 The rest of my
cargo consisted in iron…work of all sorts; harness for horses;
tools; clothes for servants; and woollen cloth; stuffs; serges;
stockings; shoes; hats; and the like; such as servants wear;
and whole pieces also to make up for servants; all by direction
of the Quaker; and all this cargo arrived safe; and in good
condition; with three woman…servants; lusty wenches; which
my old governess had picked for me; suitable enough to the
place; and to the work we had for them to do; one of which
happened to come double; having been got with child by one
of the seamen in the ship; as she owned afterwards; before
the ship got so far as Gravesend; so she brought us a stout
boy; about seven months after her landing。
My husband; you may suppose; was a little surprised at the
arriving of all this cargo from England; and talking with me
after he saw the account of this particular; 'My dear;' says he;
'what is the meaning of all this? I fear you will run us too
deep in debt: when shall we be able to make return for it all?'
I smiled; and told him that is was all paid for; and then I told
him; that what our circumstances might expose us to; I had
not taken my whole stock with me; that I had reserved so
much in my friend's hands; which now we were come over
safe; and was settled in a way to live; I had sent for; as he
might see。
He was amazed; and stood a while telling upon his fingers;
but said nothing。 At last he began thus: 'Hold; let's see;' says
he; telling upon his fingers still; and first on his thumb; 'there's
#246 in money at first; then two gold watches; diamond rings;
and plate;' says he; upon the forefinger。 Then upon the next
finger; 'Here's a plantation on York River; #100 a year; then
#150 in money; then a sloop load of horses; cows; hogs; and
stores'; and so on to the thumb again。 'And now;' says he; 'a
cargo cost #250 in England; and worth here twice the money。'
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