mr. gladstone and genesis-第5部分
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with no form of the nebular hypothesis which involves anything
analogous to this process。
I have said enough to explain some of the difficulties which
arise in my mind; when I try to ascertain whether there is any
foundation for the contention that the statements contained in
the first two verses of Genesis are supported by the nebular
hypothesis。 The result does not appear to me to be exactly
favourable to that contention。 The nebular hypothesis assumes
the existence of matter; having definite properties; as its
foundation。 Whether such matter was created a few thousand years
ago; or whether it has existed through an eternal series of
metamorphoses of which our present universe is only the last
stage; are alternatives; neither of which is scientifically
untenable; and neither scientifically demonstrable。 But science
knows nothing of any stage in which the universe could be said;
in other than a metaphorical and popular sense; to be formless
or empty; or in any respect less the seat of law and order than
it is now。 One might as well talk of a fresh…laid hen's egg
being 〃without form and void;〃 because the chick therein is
potential and not actual; as apply such terms to the nebulous
mass which contains a potential solar system。
Until some further enlightenment comes to me; then; I confess
myself wholly unable to understand the way in which the nebular
hypothesis is to be converted into an ally of the
〃Mosaic writer。〃
But Mr。 Gladstone informs us that Professor Dana and Professor
Guyot are prepared to prove that the 〃first or cosmogonical
portion of the Proem not only accords with; but teaches; the
nebular hypothesis。〃 There is no one to whose authority on
geological questions I am more readily disposed to bow than that
of my eminent friend Professor Dana。 But I am familiar with what
he has previously said on this topic in his well…known and
standard work; into which; strangely enough; it does not seem to
have occurred to Mr。 Gladstone to look before he set out upon
his present undertaking; and unless Professor Dana's latest
contribution (which I have not yet met with) takes up altogether
new ground; I am afraid I shall not be able to extricate myself;
by its help; from my present difficulties。
It is a very long time since I began to think about the
relations between modern scientifically ascertained truths and
the cosmogonical speculations of the writer of Genesis; and; as
I think that Mr。 Gladstone might have been able to put his case
with a good deal more force; if he had thought it worth while to
consult the last chapter of Professor Dana's admirable 〃Manual
of Geology;〃 so I think he might have been made aware that he
was undertaking an enterprise of which he had not counted the
cost; if he had chanced upon a discussion of the subject which I
published in 1877。
Finally; I should like to draw the attention of those who take
interest in these topics to the weighty words of one of the most
learned and moderate of Biblical critics:
〃A propos de cette premiere page de la Bible; on a coutume de
nos jours de disserter; a perte de vue; sur l'accord du recit
mosaique avec les sciences naturelles; et comme celles…ci tout
eloignees qu'elles sont encore de la perfection absolue; ont
rendu populaires et en quelque sorte irrefragables un certain
nombre de faits generaux ou de theses fondamentales de la
cosmologie et de la geologie; c'est le texte sacre qu'on
s'evertue a torturer pour le faire concorder avec
ces donnees。〃
In my paper on the 〃Interpreters of Nature and the Interpreters
of Genesis;〃 while freely availing myself of the rights of a
scientific critic; I endeavoured to keep the expression of my
views well within those bounds of courtesy which are set by
self…respect and consideration for others。 I am therefore glad
to be favoured with Mr。 Gladstone's acknowledgment of the
success of my efforts。 I only wish that I could accept all the
products of Mr。 Gladstone's gracious appreciation; but there is
one about which; as a matter of honesty; I hesitate。 In fact; if
I had expressed my meaning better than I seem to have done; I
doubt if the particular proffer of Mr。 Gladstone's thanks would
have been made。
To my mind; whatever doctrine professes to be the result of the
application of the accepted rules of inductive and deductive
logic to its subject…matter; and which accepts; within the
limits which it sets to itself; the supremacy of reason; is
Science。 Whether the subject…matter consists of realities or
unrealities; truths or falsehoods; is quite another question。 I
conceive that ordinary geometry is science; by reason of its
method; and I also believe that its axioms; definitions; and
conclusions are all true。 However; there is a geometry of four
dimensions; which I also believe to be science; because its
method professes to be strictly scientific。 It is true that I
cannot conceive four dimensions in space; and therefore; for me;
the whole affair is unreal。 But I have known men of great
intellectual powers who seemed to have no difficulty either in
conceiving them; or; at any rate; in imagining how they could
conceive them; and; therefore; four…dimensioned geometry comes
under my notion of science。 So I think astrology is a science;
in so far as it professes to reason logically from principles
established by just inductive methods。 To prevent
misunderstanding; perhaps I had better add that I do not believe
one whit in astrology; but no more do I believe in Ptolemaic
astronomy; or in the catastrophic geology of my youth; although
these; in their day; claimedand; to my mind; rightly claimed
the name of science。 If nothing is to be called science but that
which is exactly true from beginning to end; I am afraid there
is very little science in the world outside mathematics。
Among the physical sciences; I do not know that any could claim
more than that it is true within certain limits; so narrow that;
for the present at any rate; they may be neglected。 If such is
the case; I do not see where the line is to be drawn between
exactly true; partially true; and mainly untrue forms of
science。 And what I have said about the current theology at the
end of my paper 'supra pp。 160…163' leaves; I think; no
doubt as to the category in which I rank it。 For all that; I
think it would be not only unjust; but almost impertinent; to
refuse the name of science to the 〃Summa〃 of St。 Thomas or to
the 〃Institutes〃 of Calvin。
In conclusion; I confess that my supposed 〃unjaded appetite〃 for
the sort of controversy in which it needed not Mr。 Gladstone's
express declaration to tell us he is far better practised than I
am (though probably; without another express declaration; no one
would have suspected that his controversial fires are burning
low) is already satiated。
In 〃Elysium〃 we conduct scientific discussions in a different
medium; and we are liable to threatenings of asphyxia in that
〃atmosphere of contention〃 in which Mr。 Gladstone has been able
to live; alert and vigorous beyond the common race of men; as if
it were purest mountain air。 I trust that he may long continue
to seek truth; under the difficult conditions he has chosen for
the search; with unabated energyI had almost said fire
May age not wither him; nor custom stale
His infinite variety。
But Elysium suits my less robust constitution better; and I beg
leave to retire thither; not sorry for my experience of the
other regionno one should regret experiencebut determined
not to repeat it; at any rate in reference to the 〃plea
for revelation。〃
It has been objected to my argument from Leviticus (suprà
p。 170) that the Hebrew words translated by 〃creeping things〃 in
Genesis i。 24 and Leviticus xi。 29; are different; namely;
〃reh…mes〃 in the former; 〃sheh…retz〃 in the latter。 The obvious
reply to this objection is that the question is not one of words
but of the meaning of words。 To borrow an illustration from our
own language; if 〃crawling things〃 had been used by the
translators in Genesis and 〃creeping things〃 in Leviticus; it
would not have been necessarily implied that they intended to
denote different groups of animals。 〃Sheh…retz〃 is employed in a
wider sense than 〃reh…mes。〃 There are 〃sheh…retz〃 of the waters
of the earth; of the air; and of the land。 Leviticus speaks of
land reptiles; among other animals; as 〃sheh…retz〃;
Genesis speaks of all creeping land animals; among which land
reptiles are necessarily included; as 〃reh…mes。〃
Our translators; therefore; have given the true sense when they
render both 〃sheh…retz〃 and 〃reh…mes〃 by 〃creeping things。〃
Having taken a good deal of trouble to show what Genesis i。…ii。
4 does not mean; in the precedin
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