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the essays of montaigne, v2-第3部分

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For all passions that suffer themselves to be relished and digested are
but moderate:

               〃Curae leves loquuntur; ingentes stupent。〃

     '〃Light griefs can speak: deep sorrows are dumb。〃
     Seneca; Hippolytus; act ii。 scene 3。'

A surprise of unexpected joy does likewise often produce the same effect:

               〃Ut me conspexit venientem; et Troja circum
               Arma amens vidit; magnis exterrita monstris;
               Diriguit visu in medio; calor ossa reliquit;
               Labitur; et longo vix tandem tempore fatur。〃

     '〃When she beheld me advancing; and saw; with stupefaction; the
     Trojan arms around me; terrified with so great a prodigy; she
     fainted away at the very sight: vital warmth forsook her limbs: she
     sinks down; and; after a long interval; with difficulty speaks。〃…
     AEneid; iii。 306。'

Besides the examples of the Roman lady; who died for joy to see her son
safe returned from the defeat of Cannae; and of Sophocles and of
Dionysius the Tyrant; 'Pliny; vii。  53。  Diodorus Siculus; however (xv。
c。 20); tells us that Dionysius 〃was so overjoyed at the news that he
made a great sacrifice upon it to the gods; prepared sumptuous feasts; to
which he invited all his friends; and therein drank so excessively that
it threw him into a very bad distemper。〃'who died of joy; and of
Thalna; who died in Corsica; reading news of the honours the Roman Senate
had decreed in his favour; we have; moreover; one in our time; of Pope
Leo X。; who upon news of the taking of Milan; a thing he had so ardently
desired; was rapt with so sudden an excess of joy that he immediately
fell into a fever and died。 'Guicciardini; Storia d'Italia; vol。
xiv。' And for a more notable testimony of the imbecility of human
nature; it is recorded by the ancients 'Pliny; 'ut supra'' that
Diodorus the dialectician died upon the spot; out of an extreme passion
of shame; for not having been able in his own school; and in the presence
of a great auditory; to disengage himself from a nice argument that was
propounded to him。  I; for my part; am very little subject to these
violent passions; I am naturally of a stubborn apprehension; which also;
by reasoning; I every day harden and fortify。



Such as accuse mankind of the folly of gaping after future things; and
advise us to make our benefit of those which are present; and to set up
our rest upon them; as having no grasp upon that which is to come; even
less than that which we have upon what is past; have hit upon the most
universal of human errors; if that may be called an error to which nature
herself has disposed us; in order to the continuation of her own work;
prepossessing us; amongst several others; with this deceiving
imagination; as being more jealous of our action than afraid of our

We are never present with; but always beyond ourselves: fear; desire;
hope; still push us on towards the future; depriving us; in the meantime;
of the sense and consideration of that which is to amuse us with the
thought of what shall be; even when we shall be no more。 'Rousseau;
Emile; livre ii。'

          〃Calamitosus est animus futuri auxius。〃

     '〃The mind anxious about the future is unhappy。〃
     Seneca; Epist。; 98。'

We find this great precept often repeated in Plato; 〃Do thine own work;
and know thyself。〃  Of which two parts; both the one and the other
generally; comprehend our whole duty; and do each of them in like manner
involve the other; for who will do his own work aright will find that his
first lesson is to know what he is; and that which is proper to himself;
and who rightly understands himself will never mistake another man's work
for his own; but will love and improve himself above all other things;
will refuse superfluous employments; and reject all unprofitable thoughts
and propositions。  As folly; on the one side; though it should enjoy all
it desire; would notwithstanding never be content; so; on the other;
wisdom; acquiescing in the present; is never dissatisfied with itself。
'Cicero; Tusc。  Quae。; 57; v。 18。' Epicurus dispenses his sages from
all foresight and care of the future。

Amongst those laws that relate to the dead; I look upon that to be very
sound by which the actions of princes are to be examined after their
decease。 'Diodorus Siculus; i。 6。'  They are equals with; if not
masters of the laws; and; therefore; what justice could not inflict upon
their persons; 'tis but reason should be executed upon their reputations
and the estates of their successorsthings that we often value above
life itself。  'Tis a custom of singular advantage to those countries
where it is in use; and by all good princes to be desired; who have
reason to take it ill; that the memories of the wicked should be used
with the same reverence and respect with their own。  We owe subjection
and obedience to all our kings; whether good or bad; alike; for that has
respect unto their office; but as to esteem and affection; these are only
due to their virtue。  Let us grant to political government to endure them
with patience; however unworthy; to conceal their vices; and to assist
them with our recommendation in their indifferent actions; whilst their
authority stands in need of our support。  But; the relation of prince and
subject being once at an end; there is no reason we should deny the
expression of our real opinions to our own liberty and common justice;
and especially to interdict to good subjects the glory of having
reverently and faithfully served a prince; whose imperfections were to
them so well known; this were to deprive posterity of a useful example。
And such as; out of respect to some private obligation; unjustly espouse
and vindicate the memory of a faulty prince; do private right at the
expense of public justice。  Livy does very truly say; 'xxxv。 48。'
〃That the language of men bred up in courts is always full of vain
ostentation and false testimony; every one indifferently magnifying his
own master; and stretching his commendation to the utmost extent of
virtue and sovereign grandeur。〃  Some may condemn the freedom of those
two soldiers who so roundly answered Nero to his beard; the one being
asked by him why he bore him ill…will?  〃I loved thee;〃 answered he;
〃whilst thou wert worthy of it; but since thou art become a parricide; an
incendiary; a player; and a coachman; I hate thee as thou dost deserve。〃
And the other; why he should attempt to kill him?  〃Because;〃 said he;
〃I could think of no other remedy against thy perpetual mischiefs。〃
'Tacitus; Annal。; xv。 67。' But the public and universal testimonies
that were given of him after his death (and so will be to all posterity;
both of him and all other wicked princes like him); of his tyrannies and
abominable deportment; who; of a sound judgment; can reprove them?

I am scandalised; that in so sacred a government as that of the
Lacedaemonians there should be mixed so hypocritical a ceremony at the
interment of their kings; where all their confederates and neighbours;
and all sorts and degrees of men and women; as well as their slaves; cut
and slashed their foreheads in token of sorrow; repeating in their cries
and lamentations that that king (let him have been as wicked as the
devil) was the best that ever they had;'Herodotus; vi。  68。' by this
means attributing to his quality the praise that only belongs to merit;
and that of right is due to supreme desert; though lodged in the lowest
and most inferior subject。

Aristotle; who will still have a hand in everything; makes a 'quaere'
upon the saying of Solon; that none can be said to be happy until he is
dead: 〃whether; then; he who has lived and died according to his heart's
desire; if he have left an ill repute behind him; and that his posterity
be miserable; can be said to be happy?〃  Whilst we have life and motion;
we convey ourselves by fancy and preoccupation; whither and to what we
please; but once out of being; we have no more any manner of
communication with that which is; and it had therefore been better said
by Solon that man is never happy; because never so; till he is no more。

          Vix radicitus e vita se tollit; et eicit;
          Sed facit esse sui quiddam super inscius ipse;
          Nec removet satis a projecto corpore sese; et

     '〃Scarcely one man can; even in dying; wholly detach himself from
     the idea of life; in his ignorance he must needs imagine that there
     is in him something that survives him; and cannot sufficiently
     separate or emancipate himself from his remains〃
     Lucretius; iii。 890。'

Bertrand de Guesclin; dying at the siege of the Castle of Rancon; near
unto Puy; in Auvergne; the besieged were afterwards; upon surrender;
enjoined to lay down the keys of the place upon the corpse of the dead
general。  Bartolommeo d'Alviano; the Venetian General; happening to die
in the service of the Republic in Brescia; and his corpse being to be
carried through the territory of Verona; an enemy's country; most of the
army were inclined t
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