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the essays of montaigne, v2-第6部分

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cunning; where it was reputed a victory of less glory to overcome by
force than by fraud。  Deceit may serve for a need; but he only confesses
himself overcome who knows he is neither subdued by policy nor
misadventure; but by dint of valour; man to man; in a fair and just war。
It very well appears; by the discourse of these good old senators; that
this fine sentence was not yet received amongst them。

               〃Dolus; an virtus; quis in hoste requirat?〃

     '〃What matters whether by valour or by strategem we overcome the
     enemy?〃Aeneid; ii。 390'

The Achaians; says Polybius; abhorred all manner of double…dealing in
war; not reputing it a victory unless where the courage of the enemy was
fairly subdued:

〃Eam vir sanctus et sapiens sciet veram esse victoriam; quae; salva fide
et integra dignitate; parabitur。〃 '〃An honest and prudent man will
acknowledge that only to be a true victory which shall be obtained saving
his own good faith and dignity。〃Florus; i。  12。' Says another:

          〃Vosne velit; an me; regnare hera; quidve ferat;
          fors virtute experiamur。〃

     '〃Whether you or I shall rule; or what shall happen; let us
     determine by valour。〃Cicero; De Offic。; i。 12'

In the kingdom of Ternate; amongst those nations which we so broadly call
barbarians; they have a custom never to commence war; till it be first
proclaimed; adding withal an ample declaration of what means they have to
do it with; with what and how many men; what ammunitions; and what; both
offensive and defensive; arms; but also; that being done; if their
enemies do not yield and come to an agreement; they conceive it lawful to
employ without reproach in their wars any means which may help them to

The ancient Florentines were so far from seeking to obtain any advantage
over their enemies by surprise; that they always gave them a month's
warning before they drew their army into the field; by the continual
tolling of a bell they called Martinella。 'After St。 Martin。'

For what concerns ourselves; who are not so scrupulous in this affair;
and who attribute the honour of the war to him who has the profit of it;
and who after Lysander say; 〃Where the lion's skin is too short; we must
eke it out with a bit from that of a fox〃; the most usual occasions of
surprise are derived from this practice; and we hold that there are no
moments wherein a chief ought to be more circumspect; and to have his eye
so much at watch; as those of parleys and treaties of accommodation; and
it is; therefore; become a general rule amongst the martial men of these
latter times; that a governor of a place never ought; in a time of siege;
to go out to parley。  It was for this that in our fathers' days the
Seigneurs de Montmord and de l'Assigni; defending Mousson against the
Count of Nassau; were so highly censured。  But yet; as to this; it would
be excusable in that governor who; going out; should; notwithstanding;
do it in such manner that the safety and advantage should be on his side;
as Count Guido di Rangone did at Reggio (if we are to believe Du Bellay;
for Guicciardini says it was he himself) when the Seigneur de l'Escut
approached to parley; who stepped so little away from his fort; that a
disorder happening in the interim of parley; not only Monsieur de l'Escut
and his party who were advanced with him; found themselves by much the
weaker; insomuch that Alessandro Trivulcio was there slain; but he
himself follow the Count; and; relying upon his honour; to secure himself
from the danger of the shot within the walls of the town。

Eumenes; being shut up in the city of Nora by Antigonus; and by him
importuned to come out to speak with him; as he sent him word it was fit
he should to a greater man than himself; and one who had now an advantage
over him; returned this noble answer。  〃Tell him;〃 said he; 〃that I shall
never think any man greater than myself whilst I have my sword in my
hand;〃 and would not consent to come out to him till first; according to
his own demand; Antigonus had delivered him his own nephew Ptolomeus in

And yet some have done very well in going out in person to parley; on the
word of the assailant: witness Henry de Vaux; a cavalier of Champagne;
who being besieged by the English in the Castle of Commercy; and
Bartholomew de Brunes; who commanded at the Leaguer; having so sapped the
greatest part of the castle without; that nothing remained but setting
fire to the props to bury the besieged under the ruins; he requested the
said Henry to come out to speak with him for his own good; which he did
with three more in company; and; his ruin being made apparent to him; he
conceived himself singularly obliged to his enemy; to whose discretion he
and his garrison surrendered themselves; and fire being presently applied
to the mine; the props no sooner began to fail; but the castle was
immediately blown up from its foundations; no one stone being left upon

I could; and do; with great facility; rely upon the faith of another; but
I should very unwillingly do it in such a case; as it should thereby be
judged that it was rather an effect of my despair and want of courage
than voluntarily and out of confidence and security in the faith of him
with whom I had to do。



I saw; notwithstanding; lately at Mussidan; a place not far from my
house; that those who were driven out thence by our army; and others of
their party; highly complained of treachery; for that during a treaty of
accommodation; and in the very interim that their deputies were treating;
they were surprised and cut to pieces: a thing that; peradventure; in
another age; might have had some colour of foul play; but; as I have just
said; the practice of arms in these days is quite another thing; and
there is now no confidence in an enemy excusable till the treaty is
finally sealed; and even then the conqueror has enough to do to keep his
word: so hazardous a thing it is to entrust the observation of the faith
a man has engaged to a town that surrenders upon easy and favourable
conditions; to the licence of a victorious army; and to give the soldier
free entrance into it in the heat of blood。

Lucius AEmilius Regillus; the Roman praetor; having lost his time in
attempting to take the city of Phocaea by force; by reason of the
singular valour wherewith the inhabitants defended themselves;
conditioned; at last; to receive them as friends to the people of Rome;
and to enter the town; as into a confederate city; without any manner of
hostility; of which he gave them all assurance; but having; for the
greater pomp; brought his whole army in with him; it was no more in his
power; with all the endeavour he could use; to restrain his people: so
that; avarice and revenge trampling under foot both his authority and all
military discipline; he there saw a considerable part of the city sacked
and ruined before his face。

Cleomenes was wont to say; 〃that what mischief soever a man could do his
enemy in time of war was above justice; and nothing accountable to it in
the sight of gods and men。〃  And so; having concluded a truce with those
of Argos for seven days; the third night after he fell upon them when
they were all buried in sleep; and put them to the sword; alleging that
there had no nights been mentioned in the truce; but the gods punished
this subtle perfidy。

In a time of parley also; and while the citizens were relying upon their
safety warrant; the city of Casilinum was taken by surprise; and that
even in the age of the justest captains and the most perfect Roman
military discipline; for it is not said that it is not lawful for us; in
time and place; to make advantage of our enemies' want of understanding;
as well as their want of courage。

And; doubtless; war has naturally many privileges that appear reasonable
even to the prejudice of reason。  And therefore here the rule fails;
〃Neminem id agere ut ex alte rius praedetur inscitia。〃'〃No one should
preys upon another's folly。〃Cicero; De 0ffic。; iii。  17。' But I am
astonished at the great liberty allowed by Xenophon in such cases; and
that both by precept and by the example of several exploits of his
complete emperor; an author of very great authority; I confess; in those
affairs; as being in his own person both a great captain and a
philosopher of the first form of Socrates' disciples; and yet I cannot
consent to such a measure of licence as he dispenses in all things and

Monsieur d'Aubigny; besieging Capua; and after having directed a furious
battery against it; Signor Fabricio Colonna; governor of the town; having
from a bastion begun to parley; and his soldiers in the meantime being a
little more remiss in their guard; our people entered the place at
unawares; and put them all to the sword。  And of later memory; at Yvoy;
Signor Juliano Romero having played that part of a novice to go out to
parley with the Constable; at his return found his place taken。  But;
that we might not scape scot…free; the Marquess of Pescara having laid
siege to Genoa; where Duke Ottaviano Fregosa commanded under our
protection; and the 
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