the life of flavius josephus-第1部分
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The Life of Flavius Josephus
by Flavius Josephus
Translated by William Whiston
1。 The family from which I am derived is not an ignoble one; but
hath descended all along from the priests; and as nobility among
several people is of a different origin; so with us to be of the
sacerdotal dignity; is an indication of the splendor of a family。
Now; I am not only sprung from a sacerdotal family in general;
but from the first of the twenty…four (1) courses; and as among
us there is not only a considerable difference between one family
of each course and another; I am of the chief family of that
first course also; nay; further; by my mother I am of the royal
blood; for the children of Asamoneus; from whom that family was
derived; had both the office of the high priesthood; and the
dignity of a king; for a long time together。 I will accordingly
set down my progenitors in order。 My grandfather's father was
named Simon; with the addition of Psellus: he lived at the same
time with that son of Simon the high priest; who first of all the
high priests was named Hyrcanus。 This Simon Psellus had nine
sons; one of whom was Matthias; called Ephlias: he married the
daughter of Jonathan the high priest; which Jonathan was the
first of the sons of Asamoneus; who was high priest; and was the
brother of Simon the high priest also。 This Matthias had a son
called Matthias Curtus; and that in the first year of the
government of Hyrcanus: his son's name was Joseph; born in the
ninth year of the reign of Alexandra: his son Matthias was born
in the tenth year of the reign of Archclaus; as was I born to
Matthias in the first year of the reign of Caius Caesar。 I have
three sons: Hyrcanus; the eldest; was born in the fourth year of
the reign of Vespasian; as was Justus born in the seventh; and
Agrippa in the ninth。 Thus have I set down the genealog of my
family as I have found it described (2) in the public records;
and so bid adieu to those who calumniate me 'as of a lower
2。 Now; my father Matthias was not only eminent on account of is
nobility; but had a higher commendation on account of his
righteousness; and was in great reputation in Jerusalem; the
greatest city we have。 I was myself brought up with my brother;
whose name was Matthias; for he was my own brother; by both
father and mother; and I made mighty proficiency in the
improvements of my learning; and appeared to have both a great
memory and understanding。 Moreover; when I was a child; and about
fourteen years of age; I was commended by all for the love I had
to learning; on which account the high priests and principal men
of the city came then frequently to me together; in order to know
my opinion about the accurate understanding of points of the law。
And when I was about sixteen years old; I had a mind to make trim
of the several sects that were among us。 These sects are three: …
The first is that of the Pharisees; the second that Sadducees;
and the third that of the Essens; as we have frequently told you;
for I thought that by this means I might choose the best; if I
were once acquainted with them all; so I contented myself with
hard fare; and underwent great difficulties; and went through
them all。 Nor did I content myself with these trials only; but
when I was informed that one; whose name was Banus; lived in the
desert; and used no other clothing than grew upon trees; and had
no other food than what grew of its own accord; and bathed
himself in cold water frequently; both by night and by day; in
order to preserve his chastity; I imitated him in those things;
and continued with him three years。 (3) So when I had
accomplished my desires; I returned back to the city; being now
nineteen years old; and began to conduct myself according to the
rules of the sect of the Pharisees; which is of kin to the sect
of the Stoics; as the Greeks call them。
3。 But when I was in the twenty…sixth year of my age; it happened
that I took a voyage to Rome; and this on the occasion which I
shall now describe。 At the time when Felix was procurator of
Judea there were certain priests of my acquaintance; and very
excellent persons they were; whom on a small and trifling
occasion he had put into bonds; and sent to Rome to plead their
cause before Caesar。 These I was desirous to procure deliverance
for; and that especially because I was informed that they were
not unmindful of piety towards God; even under their afflictions;
but supported themselves with figs and nuts。 (4) Accordingly I
came to Rome; though it were through a great number of hazards by
sea; for as our ship was drowned in the Adriatic Sea; we that
were in it; being about six hundred in number; (5) swam for our
lives all the night; when; upon the first appearance of the day;
and upon our sight of a ship of Cyrene; I and some others; eighty
in all; by God's providence; prevented the rest; and were taken
up into the other ship。 And when I had thus escaped; and was come
to Dieearchia; which the Italians call Puteoli; I became
acquainted with Aliturius; an actor of plays; and much beloved by
Nero; but a Jew by birth; and through his interest became known
to Poppea; Caesar's wife; and took care; as soon as possible; to
entreat her to procure that the priests might be set at liberty。
And when; besides this favor; I had obtained many presents from
Poppea; I returned home again。
4。 And now I perceived innovations were already begun; and that
there were a great many very much elevated in hopes of a revolt
from the Romans。 I therefore endeavored to put a stop to these
tumultuous persons; and persuaded them to change their minds; and
laid before their eyes against whom it was that they were going
to fight; and told them that they were inferior to the Romans not
only in martial skill; but also in good fortune; and desired them
not rashly; and after the most foolish manner; to bring on the
dangers of the most terrible mischiefs upon their country; upon
their families; and upon themselves。 And this I said with
vehement exhortation; because I foresaw that the end of such a
war would be most unfortunate to us。 But I could not persuade
them; for the madness of desperate men was quite too hard for me。
5。 I was then afraid; lest; by inculcating these things so often;
I should incur their hatred and their suspicions; as if I were of
our enemies' party; and should run into the danger of being
seized by them; and slain; since they were already possessed of
Antonia; which was the citadel; so I retired into the inner court
of the temple。 Yet did I go out of the temple again; after
Manahem and the principal of the band of robbers were put to
death; when I abode among the high priests and the chief of the
Pharisees。 But no small fear seized upon us when we saw the
people in arms; while we ourselves knew not what we should do;
and were not able to restrain the seditious。 However; as the
danger was directly upon us; we pretended that we were of the
same opinion with them; but only advised them to be quiet for the
present; and to let the enemy go away; still hoping that Gessius
'Florus' would not be long ere he came; and that with great
forces; and so put an end to these seditious proceedings。
6。 But; upon his coming and fighting; he was beaten; and a great
many of those that were with him fell。 And this disgrace which
Gessius 'with Cestius' received; became the calamity of our whole
nation; for those that were fond of the war were so far elevated
with this success; that they had hopes of finally conquering the
Romans。 Of which war another occasion was ministered; which was
this: … Those that dwelt in the neighboring cities of Syria
seized upon such Jews as dwelt among them; with their wives and
children; and slew them; when they had not the least occasion of
complaint against them; for they did neither attempt any
innovation or revolt from the Romans; nor had they given any
marks of hatred or treacherous designs towards the Syrians。 But
what was done by the inhabitants of Scythopolis was the most
impious and most highly criminal of all; (6) for when the Jews
their enemies came upon them from without; they forced the Jews
that were among them to bear arms against their own countrymen;
which it is unlawful for us to do; (7) and when; by their
assistance; they had joined battle with those who attacked them;
and had beaten them; after that victory they forgot the
assurances they had given these their fellow citizens and
confederates; and slew them all; being in number many ten
thousands '13;000'。 The like miseries were undergone by those
Jews that were the inhabitants of Damascus。 But we have given a
more accurate account of these things in the books of the Jewish
war。 I only mention them now; because I would demonstrate to my
readers; that the Jews' war with the Romans was not voluntary;
but that; for the main; they were forced by necessity to enter
into it。
7。 So when Gessius had been beaten; as we have said already; the
principal men of Jerusalem; seeing that the robbers and
innovators had arms in great plenty; and fearing lest they; while
they were unprovided of arms; should be in subjection to their
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