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marcus brutus-第6部分

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with grief to part from Brutus; but strove as much as was possible
to conceal it; but; in spite of all her constancy; a picture which she
found there accidentally betrayed it。 It was a Greek subject; Hector
parting from Andromache when he went to engage the Greeks; giving
his young son Astyanax into her arms; and she fixing her eyes upon
him。 When she looked at this piece; the resemblance it bore to her own
condition made her burst into tears; and several times a day she
went to see the picture; and wept before it。 Upon this occasion;
when Acilius; one of Brutus's friends; repeated out of Homer the
verses; where Andromache speaks to Hector:…

                  〃But Hector; you
          To me are father and are mother too;
          My brother; and my loving husband true。〃

Brutus; smiling; replied; 〃But I must not answer Porcia; as Hector did

         〃Mind you your loom; and to your maids give law。〃

〃For though the natural weakness of her body hinders her from doing
what only the strength of men can perform; yet she has a mind as
valiant and as active for the good of her country as the best of
us。〃 This narrative is in the memoirs of Brutus written by Bibulus;
Porcia's son。
  Brutus took ship from hence; and sailed to Athens; where he was
received by the people with great demonstrations of kindness;
expressed in their acclamation and the honours that were decreed
him。 He lived there with a private friend; and was a constant
auditor of Theomnestus; the Academic; and Cratippus; the
Peripatetic; with whom he so engaged in philosophical pursuits that he
seemed to have laid aside all thoughts of public business; and to be
wholly at leisure for study。 But all this while; being unsuspected; he
was secretly making preparations for war; in order to which he sent
Herostratus into Macedonia to secure the commanders there to his side;
and he himself won over and kept at his disposal all the young
Romans that were then students at Athens。 Of this number was
Cicero's son whom he everywhere highly extols; and says that whether
sleeping or waking he could not choose but admire a young man of so
great a spirit and such a hater of tyranny。
  At length he began to act openly; and to appear in public
business; and; being informed that there were several Roman ships full
of treasure that in their course from Asia were to come that way;
and that they were commanded by one of his friends; he went to meet
him about Carystus。 Finding him there; and having persuaded him to
deliver lip the ships; he made a more than usually splendid
entertainment; for it happened also to be his birthday。 Now when
they came to drink; and were filling their cups with hopes for victory
to Brutus and liberty to Rome; Brutus; to animate them the more;
called for a larger bowl; and holding it in his hand; on a sudden;
upon no occasion or forethought; pronounced aloud this verse:…

         〃But fate my death and Leto's son have wrought。〃

And some writers add that in the last battle which he fought at
Philippi; the word that he gave to his soldiers was Apollo; and from
thence conclude that this sudden unaccountable exclamation of his
was a presage of the overthrow that he suffered there。
  Antistius; the commander of these ships; at his parting; gave him
fifty thousand myriads of the money that he was conveying to Italy;
and all the soldiers yet remaining of Pompey's army; who after their
general's defeat wandered about Thessaly; readily and joyfully flocked
together to join him。 Besides this; he took from Cinna five hundred
horse that he was carrying to Dolabella into Asia。 After that; he
sailed to Demetrias; and there seized a great quantity of arms that
had been provided by the command of the deceased Caesar for the
Parthian war; and were now to be sent to Antony。 Then Macedonia was
put into his hands and delivered up by Hortensius the praetor; and all
the kings and potentates round about came and offered their
services。 So when news was brought that Caius; the brother of
Antony; having passed over from Italy; was marching on directly to
join the forces that Vatinius commanded in Dyrrhachium and
Apollonia; Brutus resolved to anticipate him; and to seize them first;
and in all haste moved forwards with those that he had about him。
His march was very difficult; through rugged places and in a great
snow; but so swift that he left those that were to bring his
provisions for the morning meal a great way behind。 And now; being
very near to Dyrrhachium; with fatigue and cold he fell into the
distemper called Bulimia。 This is a disease that seizes both men and
cattle after much labour; and especially in a great snow; whether it
is caused by the natural heat when the body is seized with cold; being
forced all inwards; and consuming at once all the nourishment laid in;
or whether the sharp and subtle vapour which comes from the snow as it
dissolves cuts the body; as it were; and destroys the heat which
issues through the pores; for the sweatings seem to arise from the
heat meeting with the cold; and being quenched by it on the surface of
the body。 But this I have in another place discussed more at large。
  Brutus growing very faint; and there being none in the whole army
that had anything for him to eat; his servants were forced to have
recourse to the enemy; and; going as far as to the gates of the
city; begged bread of the sentinels that were upon duty。 As soon as
they heard of the condition of Brutus; they came themselves; and
brought both meat and drink along with them; in return for which
Brutus; when he took the city; showed the greatest kindness; not to
them only; but to all the inhabitants; for their sakes。 Caius
Antonius; in the meantime; coming to Apollonia; summoned all the
soldiers that were near that city to join him there; but finding
that they nevertheless went all to Brutus; and suspecting that even
those of Apollonia were inclined to the same party; he quitted that
city; and came to Buthrotum; having first lost three cohorts of his
men; that in their march thither were cut to pieces by Brutus。 After
this; attempting to make himself master of some strong places about
Byllis which the enemy had first seized; he was overcome in a set
battle by young Cicero; to whom Brutus gave the command; and whose
conduct he made use of often and with much success。 Caius himself
was surprised in a marshy place; at a distance from his support; and
Brutus having him in his power would not suffer his soldiers to
attack; but maneuvering about the enemy with his horse; gave command
that none of them should be killed; for that in a little time they
would all be of his side; which accordingly came to pass; for they
surrendered both themselves and their general。 So that Brutus had by
this time a very great and considerable army。 He showed all marks of
honour and esteem to Caius for a long time; and left him the use of
the ensigns of his office; though; as some report; he had several
letters from Rome; and particularly from Cicero; advising him to put
him to death。 But at last; perceiving that he began to corrupt his
officers; and was trying to raise a mutiny amongst the soldiers; he
put him aboard a ship and kept him close prisoner。 In the meantime;
the soldiers that had been corrupted by Caius retired to Apollonia;
and sent word to Brutus; desiring him to come to them thither。 He
answered that this was not the custom of the Romans; but that it
became those who had offended to come themselves to their general
and beg forgiveness of their offences; which they did; and accordingly
received their pardon。
  As he was preparing to pass into Asia; tidings reached him of the
alteration that had happened at Rome; where the young Caesar; assisted
by the senate; in opposition to Antony; and having driven his
competitor out of Italy; had begun himself to be very formidable;
suing for the consulship contrary to law; and maintaining large bodies
of troops of which the commonwealth had no manner of need。 And then;
perceiving that the senate; dissatisfied with the proceedings; began
to cast their eyes abroad upon Brutus; and decreed and confirmed the
government of several provinces to him; he had taken the alarm。
Therefore despatching messengers to Antony; he desired that there
might be a reconciliation; and a friendship between them。 Then;
drawing all his forces about the city; he made himself to be chosen
consul; though he was but a boy; being scarce twenty years old; as
he himself writes in his memoirs。 At the first entry upon the
consulship he immediately ordered a judicial process to be issued
out against Brutus and his accomplices for having murdered a principal
man of the city; holding the highest magistracies of Rome; without
being heard or condemned; and appointed Lucius Cornificus to accuse
Brutus; and Marcus Agrippa to accuse Cassius。 None appearing to the
accusation; the judges were forced to pass sentence and condemn them
both。 It is reported that when the crier from the tribunal; as the
custom was; with a loud voice cried Brutus to appear; the people
groaned audibly; and the noble citizens hung down their heads for
grief。 Publicus Silicius was
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