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convinced out of his own experience; especially if he had much

work to carry on in the street or in the fields。 。 。 。 From the

sun we learn to recognize when it is midday; and by knowing this

point of time exactly; we can set our clocks right; on which

account astronomy owes much to the sun。 。 。 。 By help of the sun

one can find the meridian。 。 。 。 But the meridian is the basis

of our sun…dials; and generally speaking; we should have no

sun…dials if we had no sun。〃 Vernunftige Gedanken von den

Absichter der naturlichen Dinge; 1782。 pp。74…84。

Or read the account of God's beneficence in the institution of

〃the great variety throughout the world of men's faces; voices;

and hand…writing;〃 given in Derham's Physico…theology; a book

that had much vogue in the eighteenth century。  〃Had Man's body;〃

says Dr。 Derham; 〃been made according to any of the Atheistical

Schemes; or any other Method than that of the infinite Lord of

the World; this wise Variety would never have been:  but Men's

Faces would have been cast in the same; or not a very different

Mould; their Organs of Speech would have sounded the same or not

so great a Variety of Notes; and the same Structure of Muscles

and Nerves would have given the Hand the same Direction in

Writing。  And in this Case what Confusion; what Disturbance; what

Mischiefs would the world eternally have lain under!  No Security

could have been to our persons; no Certainty; no Enjoyment of our

Possessions; no Justice between Man and Man; no Distinction

between Good and Bad; between Friends and Foes; between Father

and Child; Husband and Wife; Male or Female; but all would have

been turned topsy…turvy; by being exposed to the Malice of the

Envious and ill…Natured; to the Fraud and Violence of Knaves and

Robbers; to the Forgeries of the crafty Cheat; to the Lusts of

the Effeminate and Debauched; and what not!  Our Courts of

Justice can abundantly testify the dire Effects of Mistaking

Men's Faces; of counterfeiting their Hands; and forging Writings。

But now as the infinitely wise Creator and Ruler hath ordered the

Matter; every man's Face can distinguish him in the Light; and

his Voice in the Dark; his Hand…writing can speak for him though

absent; and be his Witness; and secure his Contracts in future

Generations。  A manifest as well as admirable Indication of the

divine Superintendence and Management。〃

A God so careful as to make provision even for the unmistakable

signing of bank checks and deeds was a deity truly after the

heart of eighteenth century Anglicanism。

I subjoin; omitting the capitals; Derham's 〃Vindication of God by

the Institution of Hills and Valleys;〃 and Wolff's altogether

culinary account of the institution of Water:

〃The uses;〃 says Wolff; 〃which water serves in human life are

plain to see and need not be described at length。  Water is a

universal drink of man and beasts。  Even though men have made

themselves drinks that are artificial; they could not do this

without water。  Beer is brewed of water and malt; and it is the

water in it which quenches thirst。  Wine is prepared from grapes;

which could never have grown without the help of water; and the

same is true of those drinks which in England and other places

they produce from fruit。 。 。 。 Therefore since God so planned the

world that men and beasts should live upon it and find there

everything required for their necessity and convenience; he also

made water as one means whereby to make the earth into so

excellent a dwelling。  And this is all the more manifest when we

consider the advantages which we obtain from this same water for

the cleaning of our household utensils; of our clothing; and of

other matters。 。 。 。 When one goes into a grinding…mill one sees

that the grindstone must always be kept wet and then one will get

a still greater idea of the use of water。〃

Of the hills and valleys; Derham; after praising their beauty;

discourses as follows:  〃Some constitutions are indeed of so

happy a strength; and so confirmed an health; as to be

indifferent to almost any place or temperature of the air。  But

then others are so weakly and feeble; as not to be able to bear

one; but can live comfortably in another place。  With some the

more subtle and finer air of the hills doth best agree; who are

languishing and dying in the feculent and grosser air of great

towns; or even the warmer and vaporous air of the valleys and

waters。  But contrariwise; others languish on the hills; and grow

lusty and strong in the warmer air of the valleys。

〃So that this opportunity of shifting our abode from the hills to

the vales; is an admirable easement; refreshment; and great

benefit to the valetudinarian; feeble part of mankind; affording

those an easy and comfortable life; who would otherwise live

miserably; languish; and pine away。

〃To this salutary conformation of the earth we may add another

great convenience of the hills; and that is affording commodious

places for habitation; serving (as an eminent author wordeth it)

as screens to keep off the cold and nipping blasts of the

northern and easterly winds; and reflecting the benign and

cherishing sunbeams and so rendering our habitations both more

comfortable and more cheerly in winter。

〃Lastly; it is to the hills that the fountains owe their rise and

the rivers their conveyance; and consequently those vast masses

and lofty piles are not; as they are charged such rude and

useless excrescences of our ill…formed globe; but the admirable

tools of nature; contrived and ordered by the infinite Creator;

to do one of its most useful works。  For; was the surface of the

earth even and level; and the middle parts of its islands and

continents not mountainous and high as now it is; it is most

certain there could be no descent for the rivers; no conveyance

for the waters; but; instead of gliding along those gentle

declivities which the higher lands now afford them quite down to

the sea; they would stagnate and perhaps stink; and also drown

large tracts of land。

〃'Thus' the hills and vales; though to a peevish and weary

traveler they may seem incommodious and troublesome; yet are a

noble work of the great Creator; and wisely appointed by him for

the good of our sublunary world。〃  

You see how natural it is; from this point of view; to treat

religion as a mere survival; for religion does in fact perpetuate

the traditions of the most primeval thought。  To coerce the

spiritual powers; or to square them and get them on our side;

was; during enormous tracts of time; the one great object in our

dealings with the natural world。  For our ancestors; dreams;

hallucinations; revelations; and cock…and…bull stories were

inextricably mixed with facts。  Up to a comparatively recent date

such distinctions as those between what has been verified and

what is only conjectured; between the impersonal and the personal

aspects of existence; were hardly suspected or conceived。 

Whatever you imagined in a lively manner; whatever you thought

fit to be true; you affirmed confidently; and whatever you

affirmed; your comrades believed。  Truth was what had not yet

been contradicted; most things were taken into the mind from the

point of view of their human suggestiveness; and the attention

confined itself exclusively to the aesthetic and dramatic aspects

of events。'335'

'335' Until the seventeenth century this mode of thought

prevailed。 One need only recall the dramatic treatment even of

mechanical questions by Aristotle; as; for example; his

explanation of the power of the lever to make a small weight

raise a larger one。  This is due; according to Aristotle; to the

generally miraculous character of the circle and of all circular

movement。  The circle is both convex and concave; it is made by a

fixed point and a moving line; which contradict each other; and

whatever moves in a circle moves in opposite directions。 

Nevertheless; movement in a circle is the most 〃natural〃

movement; and the long arm of the lever; moving; as it does; in

the larger circle; has the greater amount of this natural motion;

and consequently requires the lesser force。  Or recall the

explanation by Herodotus of the position of the sun in winter: 

It moves to the south because of the cold which drives it into

the warm parts of the heave
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