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suspected or regarded with jealousy for his popularity or wealth; both
were now in alarm and apprehension; one of them; in all likelihood;
being to undergo this ostracism; as the people abominated the life
of Alcibiades; and stood in fear of his boldness and resolution; as is
shown particularly in the history of him; while as for Nicias; his
riches made him envied; and his habits of living; in particular his
unsociable and exclusive ways; not like those of a fellow…citizen;
or even a fellow…man; went against him; and having many times
opposed their inclinations; forcing them against their feelings to
do what was their interest; he had got himself disliked。
  To speak plainly; it was a contest of the young men who were eager
for war; against the men of years and lovers of peace; they turning
the ostracism upon the one; these upon the other。 But…

         〃In civil strife e'en villains rise to fame。〃

And so now it happened that the city; distracted into two factions;
allowed free course to the most impudent and profligate persons; among
whom was Hyperbolus of the Perithoedae; one who could not; indeed;
be said to be presuming upon any power; but rather by his
presumption rose into power; and by the honour he found in the city;
became the scandal of it。 He; at this time; thought himself far enough
from the ostracism; as more properly deserving; the slave's gallows;
and made account; that one of these men being; despatched out of the
way he might be able to play a part against the other that should be
left; and openly showed his pleasure at the dissension; and his desire
to inflame the people against both of them。 Nicias and Alcibiades;
perceiving his malice; secretly combined together; and setting both
their interests jointly at work; succeeded in fixing the ostracism not
on either of them; but even on Hyperbolus。 This; indeed; at the
first made sport; and raised laughter among the people; but afterwards
it was felt as an affront; that the thing should be dishonoured by
being employed upon so unworthy a subject; punishment; also; having
its proper dignity; and ostracism being one that was appropriate
rather for Thucydides; Aristides; and such like persons; whereas for
Hyperbolus it was a glory; and a fair ground for boasting on his part;
when for his villainy he suffered the same with the best men。 As
Plato; the comic poet; said of him:…

         〃The man deserved the fate; deny who can;
          Yes; but the fate did not deserve the man;
          Not for the like of him and his slave…brands;
          Did Athens put the sherd into our hands。〃

  And; in fact; none ever afterwards suffered this sort of punishment;
but Hyperbolus was the last; as Hipparchus the Cholargian; who was kin
to the tyrant; was the first。
  There is no judgment to be made of fortune; nor can any reasoning
bring us to a certainty about it。 If Nicias had run the risk with
Alcibiades whether of the two should undergo the ostracism; he had
either prevailed; and; his rival being expelled the city; he had
remained secure; or; being overcome; he had avoided the utmost
disasters; and preserved the reputation of a most excellent commander。
Meantime I am not ignorant that Theophrastus says; that when
Hyperbolus was banished; Phaeax; not Nicias; contested it with
Alcibiades; but most authors differ from him。
  It was Alcibiades; at any rate; whom when the Aegestean and Leontine
ambassadors arrived and urged the Athenians to make an expedition
against Sicily; Nicias opposed; and by whose persuasions and
ambition he found himself overborne; who; even before the people could
be assembled; had preoccupied and corrupted their judgment with
hopes and with speeches; insomuch that the young men at their
sports; and the old men in their workshops; and sitting together on
the benches; would be drawing maps of Sicily; and making charts
showing the seas; the harbours; and general character of the coast
of the island opposite Africa。 For they made not Sicily the end of the
war but rather its starting…point and headquarters from whence they
might carry it to the Carthaginians; and possess themselves of Africa;
and of the seas as far as the pillars of Hercules。 The bulk of the
people; therefore; pressing this way; Nicias; who opposed them;
found but few supporters; nor those of much influence; for the men
of substance; fearing lest they should seem to shun the public charges
and ship…money; were quiet against their inclination; nevertheless
he did not tire nor give it up; but even after the Athenians decreed a
war and chose him in the first place general; together with Alcibiades
and Lamachus; when they were again assembled; he stood up; dissuaded
them; and protested against the decision; and laid the blame on
Alcibiades; charging him with going about to involve the city in
foreign dangers and difficulties; merely with a view to his own
private lucre and ambition。 Yet it came to nothing。 Nicias; because of
his experience; was looked upon as the fitter for the employment;
and his wariness with the bravery of Alcibiades; and the easy temper
of Lamachus; all compounded together; promised such security; that
he did but confirm the resolution。 Demostratus; who; of the popular
leaders; was the one who chiefly pressed the Athenians to the
expedition; stood up and said he would stop the mouth of Nicias from
urging any more excuses; and moved that the generals should have
absolute power; both at home and abroad; to order and to act as they
thought best; and this vote the people passed。
  The priests; however; are said to have very earnestly opposed the
enterprise。 But Alcibiades had his diviners of another sort; who
from some old prophecies announced that 〃there shall be great fame
of the Athenians in Sicily;〃 and messengers came back to him from
Jupiter Ammon with oracles importing that 〃the Athenians shall take
all the Syracusans。〃 Those; meanwhile; who knew anything that boded
ill; concealed it lest they might seem to fore…speak ill…luck。 For
even prodigies that were obvious and plain would not deter them; not
the defacing of the Hermae; all maimed in one night except one; called
the Hermes of Andocides; erected by the tribe of Aegeus; placed
directly before the house then occupied by Andocides; or what was
perpetrated on the altar of the twelve gods; upon which a certain
man leaped suddenly up; and then turning round mutilated himself
with a stone。 Likewise at Delphi there stood a golden image of
Minerva; set on a palm…tree of brass; erected by the city of Athens
from the spoils they won from the Medes; this was pecked at several
days together by crows flying upon it; who also plucked off and
knocked down the fruit; made of gold; upon the palm…tree。 But the
Athenians said these were all but inventions of the Delphians;
corrupted by the men of Syracuse。 A certain oracle bade them bring
from Clazomenae the priestess of Minerva there; they sent for the
woman and found her named Hesychia; Quietness; this being; it would
seem; what the divine powers advised the city at this time; to be
quiet。 Whether; therefore; the astrologer Meton feared these presages;
or that from human reason he doubted its success (for he was appointed
to a command in it); feigning himself mad; he set his house on fire。
Others say he did not counterfeit madness; but set his house on fire
in the night; and the next morning came before the assembly in great
distress; and besought the people; in consideration of the sad
disaster; to release his son from the service; who was about to go
captain of a galley for Sicily。 The genius; also; of the philosopher
Socrates; on this occasion; too; gave him intimation by the usual
tokens; that the expedition would prove the ruin of the
commonwealth; this he imparted to his friends and familiars; and by
them it was mentioned to a number of people。 Not a few were troubled
because the days on which the fleet set sail happened to be the time
when the women celebrated the death of Adonis; there being
everywhere then exposed to view images of dead men; carried about with
mourning and lamentation; and women beating their breasts。 So that
such as laid any stress on these matters were extremely troubled;
and feared lest that all this warlike preparation; so splendid and
so glorious; should suddenly; in a little time; be blasted in its very
prime of magnificence; and come to nothing。
  Nicias; in opposing the voting of this expedition; and neither being
puffed up with hopes; nor transported with the honour of his high
command so as to modify his judgment; showed himself a man of virtue
and constancy。 But when his endeavours could not diverge the people
from the war; nor get leave for himself to be discharged of the
command; but the people; as it were; violently him took up and carried
him; and against his will put him in the office of general; this was
no longer now a time for his excessive caution and his delays; nor was
it for him; like a child; to look back from the ship; often
repeating and reconsidering over and over again how that his advice
had not been over…ruled by fair arguments; thus blunting the courage
of his fellow…commanders and spoiling the sea
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